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Family - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

12 years ago my aunt and uncle went behind my families back and ordered the doctors to cut off my dads life support. Even tho they were not the next of Kin the doctors listened and did it. I dont know if there was money involved or not. They didnt go to his funeral and I've only talked them once or twice since. That was 8 years ago. Should i talk to them? should i even go see them? or should i just forget them? I know its a question for me to answer but im stuck so WHAT WOULD U DO?

2006-11-16 11:34:45 · 21 answers · asked by Lil Kaluha5555555 2

My childs father doesnt want to sign the birth certificate eventhough he know he is the father. He afraid of child support.
He dosent have a job and dosent plan on getting on ang he might have another child on the way which means he cheated.
Why should I let him keep my child?

2006-11-16 11:32:32 · 15 answers · asked by traci 1

The reason i ask this question is because my brother began dating this disgusting girl who brought many troubles to our family and to my brother. She sleeps over the house without permission and has sex with my brother ( i kwn this they got caught) and my parents are still in the house plus my little brother! My parents got tired of all this and my mom yelled at my brother and she told him to chose between his gf or his mother! my brother chose.............his girlfriend! who would you guys choose?!

more info they've only been in a relationship for 8 months!

2006-11-16 11:16:04 · 24 answers · asked by Khristine 1

How many of your husbands would let you take your son and go visit YOUR parents in another country alone, WITHOUT him? If not, why wouldn't he let you take your son alone on a trip with you?

2006-11-16 11:03:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Your child/children or your husband? Don't say all but in different ways. If you had to choose who would you choose.

2006-11-16 10:49:28 · 19 answers · asked by deedee 2

i want to get my brother a couple gift cards for christmas. i always get him one from gamestop.

2006-11-16 10:44:09 · 7 answers · asked by babythugga281 4

her grandma, when she is with her dad (whose mom is dying) she spends most of her time with her. How do I help he deal with losing someone so close to her, should she go to school tomorrow or is that just being mean making her go, I really don't know, she has never lost a close family member before and she doesn't have many friends her age. Help me help her through this,

2006-11-16 10:43:46 · 25 answers · asked by ladylunamina 3

Should stepparents be a prime reinforcer of punishement?

2006-11-16 10:41:28 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

cuz mine looks weird...

2006-11-16 10:36:35 · 8 answers · asked by Missmymama 1

she knows that santa isnt real so shes asking me for it......

2006-11-16 10:33:41 · 15 answers · asked by Missmymama 1

i have 1 sister and a dad left in my family ..

2006-11-16 10:10:40 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok this might be kinda long, but here it goes. my boyfriend and i have been together for about 5 years and we each had a daughter going into our relationship and then we ended up having a daughter together. unfortunatly she passed away from sids when she was 4 months 12 days old on 5-7-5. (she was born on christmas) well we have always had our ups and downs, but mostly ups. we have been really rocky latley. he lost his job cuz its slow and it has been really hard, i've had to drop out of college and work full time to try to support us and i can't do it anymore. we are about to lose our place like tomorrow. lastnight he got drunk and disrespected me with nasty lauguage and basically talking s**t to me all night. thank god our kids were not there. but i feel like i'm doing all i can and not feeling appreciated. im not sure if he remembers it or not, but if i leave him it will be just like losing my baby all over agian and i can't bear that pain, but at this point i'm not sure what to do

2006-11-16 10:09:29 · 13 answers · asked by Stacey 3

too much, two bottles a night. She is in her late 50's, and gets mean, and argumentative, and vicious. She can go the next day to work without a hangover or feeling any ill effects.

I have offered advice for counseling or AAA, or saying she could get diabetes. Now, It's been 15 years she's like this, so I see no hope.

What can I do to avoid her, or stay away from her. She always calls me to get her more alcohol, or if I don't is she angryyyyy.

2006-11-16 09:54:08 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Holiday mishap!
My mother in law was in town for the weekend with her husband and new granddaughter. Now, My mother in law doesnt see her son for about 2 to 3 years at a time. So when she came she took over the reigns, okay I thought, fine. Then she began cooking, and cleaning her mess. I asked to help and a few times she told me no. I thought it was because she wanted to do the " mother" thing. Then one day in Spanish the mother tells my fiance to " tell your lazy girlfriend to get up and do something". Now I was shocked... before this incident we were the best of friends. I asked her what she ment by that and she said " I have been here for three days and you have done nothing for my son and I call it how I see it". I was so mad. And to not be disrespectful, I got a few of my things and left... MY HOUSE! THE NIGHT BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY. Okay, so now, I am this rude and unstable girlfriend for her son, and I was wrong to leave? Why didnt he stick up for me?
What did I do wrong?

2006-11-16 09:37:57 · 23 answers · asked by PrettyGurl Lindsey 2

Ok,My sister gets all the attention.And like 2 years ago,i got a dog,it was me and my brothers.But it pooped on the carpet an didnt know what to use to clean it up.Because my mom uses my special stuff.So i went to the bathroom to tell my brother and he was in the tub and i got yelled at cuz i went to tell my brother.And my mom said he didnt have to pick it up because he had a weak stomach.And i dont?I get sick to my stomach even talking about it.(poop)And then i had to give it back to my aunts who gave it to me.And ine time when my mom was pregnat with my sister,,I wasnt feeling good and i puked on the bathroom floor and I had to pick it up because my mom said she would have puked.And please,my dad would NEVER do that.And then one time my grandma came over and i started talking to her and all she did was play with angela.And when angela went down for a nap,I wanted to play the violin for my grandma bacause i just started playing it,and she left before i got done!!!Do you know how that

2006-11-16 09:21:54 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need to stop smoking but its hard. How is the best way to stop?

2006-11-16 09:19:34 · 25 answers · asked by steohanie17 1

A " friend" of mine has a monster-in-law and she can make or break the relationship. What is it with mothers and their sons?

2006-11-16 09:19:12 · 3 answers · asked by PrettyGurl Lindsey 2

Why, why, why don't mothers (or fathers) who stay at home caring for their children and cleaning the house get paid for what they do? It is probably the most difficult job out there and they get nothing for it. They are raising the people who will eventually enter the work world and ultimately run the country. Can't something be done about this?

2006-11-16 09:13:49 · 22 answers · asked by kid_at_heart 3

2006-11-16 09:10:16 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I feel like im a horrible son.At school im kinda good like i get decent grades.but when i get home im just really bad. like the other day my dad was yelling at me to do the laundry and tht made me mad so i did the whites and then i snuk n2 his room and put bleach in his fish tank. all the fish died and he was mad bc the fish were like 500-700$ each so he kicked me out of the house. i stayed @ a friends house. the next day i came bac home and my mom wanted me to apologize but i didnt and i ended up calling her a stupid bitc*.
I do stuff like tht all the time now and they usually kick me out for like a day or 2.but i do feel really bad that it happens so ive been thinking about runnin away 2 another city w/my friend. (he has relatives tht stay there)

Do u think this would b a good idea?

2006-11-16 08:56:57 · 19 answers · asked by Simply Me 5

Ive lived with my mom and step dad for about 11 years now, and for a very long time had many problems with my step-dad. A couple years ago there was a big fight between us and since then he dosnt really step up in parenting me anymore, its just my mom. I do love my mom very much but just being the way i am is against what she thinks, and i understand it. She knows i smoke pot, and do other things she dosnt aprove of, but niether of them ever say anything about it because they are scared im goin to have some big break down from some stress's im having in life. I found out not to long ago they were going to see a marraige councelor which im not sure what it is, but it dosnt sound all to great. As much as my mom may think i just dont care, i really do respect her and the room she has given me to figure things out. But my step dad isnt the same way, he wants to stop me from doin things and use punishments in ways and that causes them to fight all the time, im just looking for some advice.

2006-11-16 08:50:41 · 7 answers · asked by tourniquet 1

I am a sibling of three. My mother is such a pathological liar, it is so not even funny. She recently made the decision to move, and is dependant of me helping with expenses. I called a family meeting, and we came up with figures. I agreed to $200. Well the figure has now changed according to her to $500 for various reasons. I have always helped her monaterily and am ready to cut her off. I have came to the conclusion that I will give her the $200 and then change my number and cut all ties. I am that fustrated already. Any suggestions?? Not to mention she talks about me to my other siblings saying I go overboard when it comes to personal expenses for me and my daughter. What gives..

2006-11-16 08:43:20 · 16 answers · asked by Curious Person 2

Is that not f*cked up?!?! I had certain msg on there frm my boyfriend that i really wish she hadnt seen.

I have a right to be pissed off.....right?!?!

2006-11-16 08:22:16 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

Here's my story.
Is my fault that my parents fight all the time and they never talk to each other, cuz i always feel that its my fault. PLZ HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-16 08:20:20 · 11 answers · asked by XxNeaNeaxX 2

My boyfriend has a son from a previous relationship who is going to be three in January. They were never married and never went through court to determine child support payments. His ex-girlfriend has general custody of the child, so my boyfriend pays her a significant amount of money every single week. I think it's a ridiculous amount for a toddler, and I was wondering if there are people on here paying or receiving child support, and what you think a fair amount is for a child of his age. My boyfriend works hard but he is not filthy rich and this amount is equaling more than half of his paychecks at times. Please let me know your opinions and experience on this topic!

2006-11-16 08:14:30 · 14 answers · asked by lizwatson109 4

My father became involved with a woman years after the death of my mother, kept it a secret from me, and then got engaged to her three months after my brother broke the news to me despite my father's best efforts; I haven't been happy.
Sixth months after I first met her, they were married. I met her parents for the first time the night before the wedding. The next time I went home from school (boarding) we had moved out of my childhood home and into a new house "better suited" for the eight of us. (Yes, I have a brother and a sister and my step-mom came with some baggage. Three to be exact.) By the time we moved in together, I had probably spent less than 24 hours with any member of my "new" family. Two years later, I am stilling uncomfortable in my "home." My dad shows me less attention than ever. My step-mom spends my dad's money like it's nothing: accupunture, massages, junk for her kids. Not to mention the fact that she's alread "inherited" our nicest vehicle. I feel pushed away.

2006-11-16 08:11:58 · 18 answers · asked by Richard S 1

I cannot get over the fact that I have made mistakes. I have always been the one to succeed. The role model for others. Now, I am a single mom who had a child out of wedlock. I love my child with all my heart, but I feel shame. This leads to so much anger for his father. He choose to move to another country and calls himself the "bio" father. Aghhh... I want to move forward with my life, but I am finding it so hard to let go. Any advise is welcomed?

2006-11-16 08:03:50 · 11 answers · asked by kittycat 1

He likes book stores, thank heaven, but is there anything else an aging aunty can do to make his visit enjoyable?

2006-11-16 07:59:41 · 14 answers · asked by Lleh 6

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