My 13 yo daughter is lovely, respectful, get good grades, a sweetheart and a bit crazy. She gave in to peer pressure and went to a mall with some friends in the car of a 19 yo boy we havent heard of. She knew she couldnt do that, but..I got to know cause she called me and asked me to get her at the mall. She told the truth, apologized, said she acted without thinking and promised not to do that again, But as a mom I have to correct her, which is hard after her sincere sorry mom, didnt mean to hurt you. But for a week she'll do some chores in the kitchen, thing she hates. She'll exchange swimming and hanging out with friends for a sweet kitchen pinafore, lol, 2hours a day. Of course I heard that Oh mom, please, but I just said, sorry hun, I love ya, youre a wonderful girl but needs a lesson. Thats how its gonna be. I wont forbid email, TV, etc, just want to give her a motherly lesson. She agreed she needed a lesson and isn't resentful, though a bit embarrassed with her sweet pinafore
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