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Family - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

lost a very special person in my life recently. she was my very best friend, my confident, my inspiration, my teacher, mentor, someone i could call in the middle of the night just to sit on the phone and not say a word. she knew i was troubled before i said or did anything. she always had the right words for any problems or worries i had.
she loved me for me and i loved her more then life itself. i wish she
hadn't died so i could hug her neck and tell her how much i love her.
She is my grandma. My special Lady and I miss her very much!

2006-11-17 02:47:45 · 19 answers · asked by mgcsrep112706 1

I am a single mother of five children, their father was recently sentenced to prison for 25+ years for child porn and abuse. He was our main source of income. We are about to lose our home, I make very little money, as I was a stay at home mother, and my youngest has autism. I am at my wits end. Someone told me I may be able to quality for a grant to supplement the income we lost, and that eventually it would come from his social security funds. Any information will be helpful.

2006-11-17 02:37:27 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My gandfather is 50. For the past five months he has repeatedly abused me. I have told my grandmother but she has done nothing about it. Now it's stepping up to sexual harrasment. I am a 16 year old guy, and I've been in a little trouble before, nothing major, but the police aren't going to believe me. I just want it to stop... should I kill myself? Would that be the easy way out?

2006-11-17 02:16:01 · 23 answers · asked by He See My Tears, He Saw Me Cry 1

I don't know what to. I work a typical 9-5 job and I have a young daughter while she sell drugs, go to school, and have two kids. I rarely next to never ask her do to anything for me; when I do, I cringe because I know it would come back to bite me in the ***. Like the first time I ask her to watch my daughter while her daycare teacher was at a siminar, a couple of days later she asked me to use my car and I said no (for a VERY good reason, she drives like maniac and my car is 11 years old). She gets pissed and starts talking bad behind my back. This time I asked her if I could borrow some money and I would pay her back. She calls me Monday, ask me when would I bring the money and why didn't I get a birthday gift for my niece. I'm hurt by the question but of course I pay back the money and then I have to explain, like thousands of Americans, I live in a state where the cost of living is at a records high and can't really afford things like that right now. She says okay and then with...

2006-11-17 02:02:49 · 9 answers · asked by Yondie 3


2006-11-17 02:02:00 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 13 yo daughter is lovely, respectful, get good grades, a sweetheart and a bit crazy. She gave in to peer pressure and went to a mall with some friends in the car of a 19 yo boy we havent heard of. She knew she couldnt do that, but..I got to know cause she called me and asked me to get her at the mall. She told the truth, apologized, said she acted without thinking and promised not to do that again, But as a mom I have to correct her, which is hard after her sincere sorry mom, didnt mean to hurt you. But for a week she'll do some chores in the kitchen, thing she hates. She'll exchange swimming and hanging out with friends for a sweet kitchen pinafore, lol, 2hours a day. Of course I heard that Oh mom, please, but I just said, sorry hun, I love ya, youre a wonderful girl but needs a lesson. Thats how its gonna be. I wont forbid email, TV, etc, just want to give her a motherly lesson. She agreed she needed a lesson and isn't resentful, though a bit embarrassed with her sweet pinafore

2006-11-17 01:49:47 · 15 answers · asked by Anabela 1

If you were a teenagfer and the abuse was by your uncle

2006-11-17 01:17:57 · 27 answers · asked by JASNJ 2

2006-11-17 01:04:25 · 11 answers · asked by Fun and Games 4

2006-11-17 01:00:45 · 13 answers · asked by mhed 1

2006-11-17 00:50:44 · 10 answers · asked by L.A. Scene 3

We are trying to save money, so flying somewhere is not an option.

2006-11-17 00:15:08 · 6 answers · asked by Crzy Virgo 2

I have been spending time with my dad for the first time in about 16 years, I just met him recently and I keep getting in awkward positions where I have to call him something. I still haven't called him Dad...so when is the best time to? Keep in mind that he hasn't called me by my name just yet either.

2006-11-17 00:04:50 · 15 answers · asked by blinkcharlotte 2

When my car broke down my cat Muffin offered to fix it for me free of charge. He went out and purchased all the parts himself and even did all of the labor. I have to admit it was quite amusing watching him walk under the car to do the work. After he was done and he told me to crank it up it sounded like a brand new car. Although I completely trust Muffins mechanical skills I have to admit that I am a little nervous about driving the car. Should I be, or should I just go ahead and drive it?? Help please!!

2006-11-16 23:44:07 · 15 answers · asked by mamabag06 1

You know we all go through things in life, some of us have more rainy days than others, but i like to think that in those times that seem hard to cope, or get through...that i have a guardian Angel i believe they come in all forms...human, spirit, the person who believes you are worth saving....i call my beau my guardian angel at times, he's so strong mentally physically, and spiritually, he helps me get through a lot....my mother was also my Angel, could talk to her about anything, and she seemed to have all the right answers....sadly she's gone now.......so who do you call your guardian Angel past or present...who are they?......

2006-11-16 23:16:41 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

what can i by my mum (73 year old) for xmas
she can not have purfume or gold
help me please

2006-11-16 23:00:53 · 13 answers · asked by jones11chef 3

Well I have been best friends with my best friend for Over 4 years we get on really well and speak a on the phone a few times a day.
Anyway she was there in the delivery room when I have my second son along side my husband, she know my deepest secerts and all that.
Anyway today i told her that i was thinking about having another baby as my youngest starts school soon and always said i would have another when he went to school.
Anyway this morning i told her i was going to try to get pregnant this month and that i was really excited, and she told me not to complain to her when i fell like Crap cause she couldnt deal with listening to me winge again.
I than in turn said well your my friend and should be happy for me and if i winge you should be there to listen casue if you cant winge at your friends who can you winge at??Anyway i told her she was being rude and hung up on her.I now feel bad about hanging up on her but was so upset i need to end the call.
Advice would be good???

2006-11-16 22:33:38 · 29 answers · asked by La diva R 2

We're a very close family, me my husband, son & daughter. My 11 yr old son started high school in September, it took a while for him to settle down. He's a good kid, lots of friends, very likeable, just a little gobby & loud, but a typical lad.

He's got himself into trouble at school, truanting from class & hanging with the wrong crowd. We had a talk last night as his Head rang me to say he had been caught out of school. My son said he is selling cigarettes, but he is not smoking.

This has really upset me & my husband as he's the most anti-smoking kid I know, he even makes comments to pregnant women that they are killing their unborn babies. He got beat up a bit the other day by the same kid he's still hanging about with.

He told me everything, but he's off school today, scared of being bullied if he tells the lads he no longer wants to sell them. He looks so scared and this is so unlike him. I'm seeing the Head today. Has anyone else had a similar problem??

2006-11-16 21:26:28 · 22 answers · asked by janey190369 2

I am not that happy right now and i was just wondering if wouldnt be more happy there

2006-11-16 20:41:58 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I will admit I can be overly touchy about my personal space and events I am planning. And bc I am such a planner, I am also controlling. But, when we invited my in-laws over for Thanksgiving this year, why did they put up a fight when we declined their offer to bring something? "But that's the way you're supposed to do it." Look; I put a lot of thought into entertaining, and I'd rather not have all the dishes I prepared undermined bc they'd rather eat their own cooking! Never once have we been asked to bring a dish to a dinner at any one of their family's homes, but now we are hosting and they act like we're still kids and can't make our own traditions. My MIL presumed she was going to do a bunch of cooking (we are paying to fly her in from out of town). Her words were, "I will, of course, want to cook a few things." And then went on to tell us what we'd be eating! Huh? I don't resent the offer; I resent the presumptuousness and pushiness! Am I wrong? We're only feeding 5...

2006-11-16 20:15:04 · 12 answers · asked by chelleedub 4

My sister's daughter is currently dating my girlfriend's uncle's daughter's daughter and they are going fine. The problem is my Friend's Friend's Friend's Brother's mate is trying hook up with my sister's daughter and my girlfirend's uncle's daughter is getting really jealous about this which caused my girlfriends uncle to take action. My girlfirend's uncle went to my friend's friend's friend's brothers mate's dad and told him about this and got into a fight, now one of thems dead and the other in jail. What can I do ?

2006-11-16 20:11:26 · 20 answers · asked by Balaclava Man 2

2006-11-16 20:07:51 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm having a problem with my family. they are against my boyfriend, they said i don't have a future with him. you see, he has a daughter from a previous relationship. my parents said that i would only have a hard time because my boyfriend's attention would always be divided, that i would always be second priority to her daughter. my parents wouldn't allow me to see him.. i really love this guy.. we've been trying to tell my parents that his intentions are good. but they are still adamant about it. i'm already 24 yrs. old, i have a job but i'm still living with my parents. i want my parents to accept us.. what should i do?..

2006-11-16 20:05:42 · 22 answers · asked by zzzzzzzzz 1

2006-11-16 19:40:31 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Here's the deal. I'm 23 and don't have period.Last time i had, was before 2 years.
Frst time-when i was 12/13 years old;
Then sveral times.When I went to high school , I had not have period for 4 years.Then my doctor gave me a therapy, (to use contraceptives).It lasted for 6 months, and the only thinnk i got was that I became fat. my hormones are ok, maybe the testosterone is a little high.Now I want to get pregnant, and because of the fat around my ovary , i don't have period and because of that, I might have problem with getting pregnant. Finally my doctor said , if I can't get pregnant, then it will be neccessary to drill my fat, and in that way the sperm would reach my uterus.
Is this very risky? Does the chances of me not getting pregnant ever? This have bugged me for 3 years now. WIll I be ever able to naturally to have children?Thanks.
P.S. Sorry if the written above it's not very comprehensible

2006-11-16 19:20:24 · 2 answers · asked by bilezlatko 3

him and i were really close do you think im just supressing my emotions too much? should i just let it out?

2006-11-16 18:29:15 · 32 answers · asked by ♥ Sunshine ♥ 3

Now I'm in a nursing school - hopefully would finisch in May. My father was verbally abusive to my mother as long as I can remember, and long time ago did beat her up pretty bad never happen since, just some minor pushes.
I had no place to go since I've lost my job - missed to many days due to pregnancy complications. When my kids were 6 mo old my would-have-been father in law and my mother encouraged me to apply to nursing school, even though I had no income...
My father was pretty good, considering his character and even helped with twins sometimes...However, it is not easy to share home with toddlers, especially twins, and gradually he become more irritable and finally exploded beating me up - no serious injuries or bruises on the face, though.
My ex-fiancee does not earn much money and is basically waiting until he can get either his inheritance or retirement money. What are my options? I still depend on my parents for financial support...Would I be able to survive on my own?

2006-11-16 17:36:52 · 8 answers · asked by PAgirl 1

You have an older brother that you're very close to. You're his little sister that he adores. One time you both watched a movie with your mom and you decided to take a pillow and rest it against the side of his stomach and rest your head on that pillow while he rested his arm around your arm or shoulder gently stroking. And he would let you rest your feet on his thighs while he rubbed your feet.

Ok or wrong? Or does it remind you of Angelina Jolie?

2006-11-16 17:16:51 · 18 answers · asked by Queen of Dumb Questions 1

ok my baby daddy broke my sons leg and shook him till he almost died
we went to court he lost custody and cannot lay eyes on my son till hes 18 hes 4 now and was 1 when this happend we havent seen the jerk for 3 yrs am i wrong to not let my son know who his dad is even through pics
the dad doesnt even seem to care he hasnt tried to keep in touch but the grandparents have
so i guess im asking am i wrong to not let my son even see pics of his biological dad
i was with another guy for the past 3 yrs and my son thinks he is his real dad

2006-11-16 17:00:56 · 47 answers · asked by lv23smurf 3

Today, my neighbor's son came over to play with my little brother. Our little puppy, bit the neighbor's finger because he was bothering it (poking it, putting mud on it) When the little boy started crying because my puppy bit him, my neighbor got angry at me, saying that I wasnt "supervising" him well. The next day, he came again to play with my little brother. I put the puppy in the house. But today, the neighbor's son destroyed all of our plants and broke one of our brooms and threw our balls into the other neighbor's house. Therefore, I told him to leave and go home. He glared at me and raced to his house. A few minutes later, the father of the little boy comes and gets angry at me for telling his son to leave.

Did i really do something bad?

2006-11-16 16:41:15 · 19 answers · asked by WsUpiTzM3 2

My family is getting larger by the second. There are babies everywhere. With 4 generations of family members celebrating Christmas together we are pushing 50 people at my Grandmother's house on Christmas morning. Over the past 15 or so years we have resorted to passing parties to relieve the costly occasion. My grandmother still feels as though she needs to buy for everyone regardless, including girlfriends and boyfriends of her family. Last year we did away with the passing party for the adults and left it in place for the children to enjoy. It didn't feel like Christmas though. Don't get me wrong, this is why I am asking this question. What suggestions do you have for Christmas to help bring the "spirit" back home without purchased gifts. (Except for the kids) I need ideas that cost little or no money at all.

2006-11-16 16:33:23 · 10 answers · asked by ? 2

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