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Family - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

Tree days ago a girl kicked me in the balls for fun in school; she and her girlfriends laughed at me for a long time, filmed me with the phones, then walked away and just left me there on the floor like a dog. I felt so violated and humiliated! It was very embarrassing for me to tell my Mother, but I did, and she said I should get used to it because probably it will not be the last time!!! She was actually smiling!!! I was going to tell her it still hurts, but after that I just lost my words. What do you think about this? Why are girls like that???

2006-11-17 14:11:39 · 8 answers · asked by ytrewq7m 1

My best friend's 23 yr old brother drove drunk with her little sister, and one of my good friends. He drank 13 shots of vodka in less than 2 hrs. He could have killed them!!!!

My best friends other brothers (19 & 20) and her cousin (17) had to go get him and make him give them the keys!

He almost flipped the car on the freeway

How can we all show him he's out of control!?!?

2006-11-17 14:05:23 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am maarried with 2 kids an I am 21 I want to go to school My husband does not htink that we should take out loans to do this I am telling him that we will have to. He thinks it will affect us buying a house in a couple of years. I am going to school to be in Healthcare management I have done my reshearch and saw they make 65k or more is it worth it or should we wait.

2006-11-17 14:02:17 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have seen 2 of my aunts stay in 25 yrs of abuse.And I wonder all my life why do they stay.I asked them, all they say is "I love him,or it's not his fault,he was rasied that way". Now my sister who has been married 15 yrs,is staying with her abusive husband.I helped her once to get away from him(3 yrs ago),She went back.Now for 3 yrs she hasn't been allowed to contact any of her family. She sneaks and calls my grandmother sometimes. And I asked her once after she went back why?And she said "Duh I love him".,,,Her and her children were safe with us. It broke me down mentally and physically when she went back. It hurt me more for the children,I have 2 girls they got very close to her girls,and now they keep wanting to know why she did this to her kids?WE were not raised to let a man beat us,but our father did mentally abuse our mom.Is it from being raised in abuse or what?

2006-11-17 13:59:10 · 29 answers · asked by Mother of 2 girls 3

Or can the absent parent make payments just by handing over some cash?

2006-11-17 13:53:47 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a straight A student, I have a awesome attitude, and I am very trustworthy, but my mom still won't let me go anywhere or do anything. For example tonight I wanted to go to my friend Kimberly's but she said no and she said she don't have to have a reason...What should I do??? I really need to have a social life opther thans school!

2006-11-17 13:42:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i hate my dad he's always trying to put me on the spot in fronht of my mom's family since espeecially he knows i don't like talking to thim and i'll try not to answer making me look like the asshole. and not just tht even when i do answer him w/o problem he tries to put me on the spot. and i swear i'm ot a stupid 9 yr old acting immature i'm perfectly serious. this guy has been an asshole all his life (but then when he's nice we have to be and he acts and says wyut's wrong w/ u). it is uz his mom's crzy but still he needs to back off FOREVER. (to prove to u again he's got anger managemtn problesm and just pretty much yelled and scared the **** out of us our whole lives and slpaed me when i was 6 mnths). it;s better niow since my mom has seperated but as immature as he is he's also a control freak and always calling at my mom's house and asking who'se in OUR house. and wut i hate even more is every1 falls for it! even my mom! i'm the bad one when he;s the adult and moreshit butno space

2006-11-17 13:26:58 · 5 answers · asked by mamama 2

I did around 8 and i got really upset and i was wondering if anyone else did.

2006-11-17 12:58:36 · 33 answers · asked by Janie 3

As a kid, I had hearing problems, and didn't learn to talk rite, right away; therefore had social problems, then I moved when I was about 9 across the country (still shy then), and on top of that I have the quietest, shyest, most family oriented parents ever. I'm 15 now, and have tried to move on past that, but there still seems to be that past that holds me back. I have lots of friends, I chat with most people in every single class, muscular body, get comments on my blue eyes all the time,and I'm a standout at most sports, yet everytime I'm around my parents, I revert back to my old self, and they just seem to remind me of what I use to be (the quiet nerd who kept to himself). I know I have potential as a "highschool jock" or w/e you want to call it, but it just seems my past and parents being the way they are (very overprotective as well, they were the nerds in their highschool days), holds me back from reaching that potential.
Any suggestions?

2006-11-17 12:51:39 · 4 answers · asked by high heat 2

I am 14 and gonna get my license in March so i have to decide if i should become an organ donor. My mom said absolutely not b/c she was a nuro-nurse in the 90's and said that she saw some things dealing with organ donation that she wish she wouldent had. She said she dosent want a heart on my license. My dad and my older sisters said that i should become one. What do you think???

2006-11-17 12:48:08 · 8 answers · asked by farmer 2

2006-11-17 12:40:26 · 13 answers · asked by diaper guy 1

My sister is 20 years old and we I am 23 we look alike very much. She wants to go to the casino and party with my I.D I told her I would not let her borrow my I.D because she can get me in some trouble if she acts up. She went all psycho yelling that I was so unfair.

Am I wrong for not letting her borrow my drivers license / state ID

2006-11-17 12:33:23 · 9 answers · asked by Karina 2

2006-11-17 12:09:28 · 18 answers · asked by **POPULAR!** 2

He's a lawyer, not married.

2006-11-17 12:08:53 · 31 answers · asked by pinkdiver 1

My borther-in-law & his wife are gettign a divorce cuz he cheated & is not willing to kive this other girl he met.. anyways he has custody of his big girl but his wife eversince they got married she took care of the gir (who was 1 yr old) this was 4 yrs ago .
NOW his wife is moving to an apartment but my nice is staying with him at my in-laws home, she wants to take her because she considers her a dagther, legally she can't and besides my in-laws will not allowed that.. But I told them they need to explain my nice what is going on if not she wil be in shock & asking for mom every day!!! How can a little girl of 5 understand that mommy is coming for visit on week ends !!! I'm her GOD mother & she spend time with us that's why I'm concerned because her parents rigth now are forgeting about her feeling and how she migth react to this situation & I would like to help !!! any advices on what to do ?? Or should I just stay away from this!!!

2006-11-17 12:03:12 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

She had sex with three different black men while separated from my son (who is white) and I am having a hard time accepting this child. I know it isnt the babys fault, its just the fact that she is gloating about it. HELP

2006-11-17 11:59:03 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi, my name is Yen, and I recently promise my younger brother if he did good in school I will buy a PS3 for him. He showed me improvement on his grade, so as promised and I closed my store down and went to wait in line with my girlfriend at the Wal-mart Super Center located in Garland, TX. I arrived 48 hours ahead of PS3 launch date so I was first in line.
I camped overnight and at 8AM, 40 hours before release, the co-manager, night time manager, and electronic department manager came to talk to my girlfriend and I to ask us to leave because their boss (general manager) said they will not start the line until 3:30pm. Eight and half hours before the PS3 release. I double-checked and asked, “Are you sure?” Then they went to call the one they claimed to be the BOSS again and came back to tell me that he said, “This is his Wal-mart and this is how he is going to do it.” Since he was the boss, I guess I had to trust him. On my way back, I stopped by few other Wal-marts and there was lines already forming. So I got worried but I still follow what the BOSS told me at that Garland Wal-mart.
I went home but didn’t sleep at all. I was so worried about breaking my promise to my little brother that I went back to that Garland Wal-mart at 4AM (20hrs before release). And what did I find? I find a line already forming for the PS3. Whatever that boss said to me at 8:00 AM was a lie. I got very upset and went to talk to the night-time manager because the general manager won’t come in until 8 AM. He told me he was sorry, but nothing he could do and he don’t know why either. So, I went to wait in the cold until 8AM then went in to the store to argue with the general manager and of course he did not care what I had to say him. First, he had the audacity to assume I wanted it so bad because I wanted to sell it on e-Bay. And after I explain to him this is for my younger brother, he looked at me in the eye and told me, “You can hate me, but there is nothing I can do.” Please people out there; I’m reporting this store and management. But I need support. Please help me and tell me what I can do.

2006-11-17 11:52:07 · 3 answers · asked by Yen C 1

Hi, my name is Yen, and I recently promise my younger brother if he did good in school I will buy a PS3 for him. He showed me improvement on his grade, so as promised and I closed my store down and went to wait in line with my girlfriend at the Wal-mart Super Center located in Garland, TX. I arrived 48 hours ahead of PS3 launch date so I was first in line.
I camped overnight and at 8AM, 40 hours before release, the co-manager, night time manager, and electronic department manager came to talk to my girlfriend and I to ask us to leave because their boss (general manager) said they will not start the line until 3:30pm. Eight and half hours before the PS3 release. I double-checked and asked, “Are you sure?” Then they went to call the one they claimed to be the BOSS again and came back to tell me that he said, “This is his Wal-mart and this is how he is going to do it.” Since he was the boss, I guess I had to trust him. On my way back, I stopped by few other Wal-marts and there was lines already forming. So I got worried but I still follow what the BOSS told me at that Garland Wal-mart.
I went home but didn’t sleep at all. I was so worried about breaking my promise to my little brother that I went back to that Garland Wal-mart at 4AM (20hrs before release). And what did I find? I find a line already forming for the PS3. Whatever that boss said to me at 8:00 AM was a lie. I got very upset and went to talk to the night-time manager because the general manager won’t come in until 8 AM. He told me he was sorry, but nothing he could do and he don’t know why either. So, I went to wait in the cold until 8AM then went in to the store to argue with the general manager and of course he did not care what I had to say him. First, he had the audacity to assume I wanted it so bad because I wanted to sell it on e-Bay. And after I explain to him this is for my younger brother, he looked at me in the eye and told me, “You can hate me, but there is nothing I can do.” Please people out there; I’m reporting this store and management. But I need support. Please help me and tell me what I can do.

2006-11-17 11:48:40 · 4 answers · asked by Yen C 1

2006-11-17 11:27:54 · 24 answers · asked by Blackie66 2

Would you rather:
Being in a big family with confusion, but still love and support at the end of the day.
A small nestle one with all the love and understanding it can posibly be....

*i would rather be in the big family*
To me once the family is there for you when the going gets rough,
the fight and head ackes are worth it.

2006-11-17 11:24:10 · 10 answers · asked by annie 5

How much would you give?We would send a new one every week for you to try on your own.

2006-11-17 11:23:53 · 2 answers · asked by don_steele54 6

If not, do you you want some? I have excessive hormone levels in the household. It is causing my computer to bog down, could be all the music and games they have downloaded, but I really think it's the hormone level around here.

2006-11-17 11:06:08 · 7 answers · asked by Brenda M 2

Hi I am Marhiya I am a 14 year old and I need help with my christmas list....I have no clue what I want. Can any one help? I am in to music and my computer.........If you have any ideas please tell me! Thanks!

2006-11-17 11:03:32 · 8 answers · asked by rhy_rhy_92 1

connection with him if he never returns my calls, or emails?

I understand she is important and the girls are too, but is there anyway to retain our relationship, or should I just give up and live with seeing him at Christmas only?

2006-11-17 10:46:30 · 11 answers · asked by anjel 2

And then act all smug about it. I can feel myself on the verge of exploding . I have been letting it slide for a while. Would you say anything, because I live in her house. I think she does it because she knows I am in a bind.

2006-11-17 10:46:02 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

i got in a fight becouse she never comes to see me, and only ever dose what her husband wants and goes see his family all the time. so today she called and asked if she could come over for thanksgiving, she also said she wants to becouse its on the way to her husbans familys house so they would come to my house them have a party or whatever are his parents house! should i invite her over or tell her i have plans?

2006-11-17 10:42:31 · 6 answers · asked by electra 1

My half-sister and I are the same age and in the same grade. I feel like we are constantly compared, like we're one instead of two. We should "get along" because we're the same age. Is it normal I would want to not have the same friends as her, not, well, to have anything to do with her...?

2006-11-17 10:35:40 · 5 answers · asked by _Viv_ 2

Did you make any lifestyle changes? How has life changed for you since? How do you see life differently?

2006-11-17 10:31:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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