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Family - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

My Adoption Story: I want to be closer to my birth mom....?
I am 13 years old,almost 14.I was adopted young is all I know.
Supposedly,when my birth mother was pregnant with me,my birth father died,which is true he really did.I didn't know all my life I was adopted in fact I haven't known that long at all!Well my real mom,I have known her as my cousin in the family.She's like a second cousin to my adoptive-dad.So I really am related to them.Nobody,has yet told me what age I was adopted at,but I can remember many things.I love my adoptive parents.But the problem is I haven't always been so close to my "was cousin..now mom".I mean I see her every now and then.Well just last week I saw her again,at my aunt's funeral.And the whole time her and I talked trying to get to remember each other better.I really want to be closer to her so bad! I miss her everday,do you think if my adoptive parents say it's ok it's a good idea to spend the summer with her? Any ideas on things to do,stuff like tha

2006-09-14 11:06:03 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

He is embarrased by it, and wants rid. I have warned him once you start it's an on-going thing and have offered to Jolen it for him or wax it, but hes having none of that. Any hints or tips would be grateful

2006-09-14 10:50:26 · 26 answers · asked by micknmim 3

Can someone help me plz? My mother has been in my life ever since I was 10, I'm 13 and just got my peroid. I didnt want to tell her because she bugged me and tried to scare me by sayin that once you get your period you are more likley to get raped and that its crap and she hates it and she says that I "dont want to get PMS like me" she does. My other mom says its wonder full but shes only my Step mom and I dont know who to belive or who to tell first. My step mom was the one to tell me about the facts of life and my mother didnt. she wanted me to learn in school like everyother kid. My mother wants me to get on birth control so I have fewer periods. My step mom says that its a wonderfull day to celebrate and my mother says its a day to mourn on your lost childhood.

2006-09-14 10:47:01 · 21 answers · asked by Grateful Girl 1

ok for the past 18 months or so i have been either really really down or really really happy i cant just be normal i dont no whether its this but recently ive started to get jelous of my step dad but i dont know why because hes been with my mum for like 10 years! but ive noticed my mum doesnt tend to listen to me and he wants to live in france with my mum.also she says that she loves me as much as my stepsisters. shouldnt she love me more? or am i being stupid?

2006-09-14 10:42:21 · 46 answers · asked by JAZ 1

I have three kids by three different mothers, and all of the biotches are asking for child support. One of them is threatening to sue me. The ho I'm with right now is a hooker who wants to get off drugs and out of the "biz," and I'd like to help her, but how can I do it if I have to give all my cash to women for a bunch of kids I've never even seen? WTF????????

2006-09-14 10:39:56 · 12 answers · asked by cdrfish7 1

He loves meat and eats it really well, but won't touch anything green. I am beginning to worry, I really want him to eat a balanced diet. I feel like he is on the low-carb diet sometimes according to what he eats. I have tried to sneak veggies in things or put ketchup on them since he loves ketchup. It didn't work. HELP!

2006-09-14 10:35:59 · 18 answers · asked by parkerpiggott 1

we live in georgia and he goes to school in chicago

2006-09-14 10:32:27 · 7 answers · asked by Miss. Marley 3

i just moved to where i am about 6 weeks ago and i hate it and i wanna move bak to my hometown and i cry and stuff i just wanna back please help!!!

2006-09-14 10:28:47 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daughter is turning 6 and I want to give her a great party - any suggestions? I'm in the Phoenix area and am not very excited about one of those "kid" pizza places.

2006-09-14 10:19:49 · 3 answers · asked by peachiegirl 2

My daughters in 6th grade, she is a very popular girl but now she is just hanging around her room, reading books, I made dinner last night and she can downstairs to get a can of Cheif Boyarde to bring up to her room. She usaly sings as she works but now she just sulks. She is a poet and while cleaning the room her older sister (16) Found a poem called My Day and it was a little sad. I dont know what to do! nothing is wrong with her life, she just turend 12 and she was happy at her party a week ago, but now it is scary.

2006-09-14 10:17:28 · 11 answers · asked by Mixed bag 2

Has anyone had a child who refused to do "big jobs on the loo?" We have tried treats if the child did a "big job" on the loo but this is no help does nayone have any answers help!

2006-09-14 10:13:52 · 14 answers · asked by Wim 2

I am 13 years old,almost 14.I was adopted young is all I know.
Supposedly,when my birth mother was pregnant with me,my birth father died,which is true he really did.I didn't know all my life I was adopted in fact I haven't known that long at all!Well my real mom,I have known her as my cousin in the family.She's like a second cousin to my adoptive-dad.So I really am related to them.Nobody,has yet told me what age I was adopted at,but I can remember many things.I love my adoptive parents.But the problem is I haven't always been so close to my "was cousin..now mom".I mean I see her every now and then.Well just last week I saw her again,at my aunt's funeral.And the whole time her and I talked trying to get to remember each other better.I really want to be closer to her so bad! I miss her everday,do you think if my adoptive parents say it's ok it's a good idea to spend the summer with her? Any ideas on things to do,stuff like that?

2006-09-14 10:12:36 · 1 answers · asked by PolishChikka 1

This happened 3 wks ago, my sister (27 yrs old) mouthed off at our mother and my mom did the 4 finger slap across the cheek...my sister balled up a fist pounded her in the head and grabbed her head and banged it into the refrigerator 6-7 times or so...kicked her, had her knee in her back, aggravating a previous injury and her two children (9 and 6) were helping her beat her. It got broken up and the 9-yr old called the police. Neither pressed charges...my mom doesn't want anything to do with her or her two kids and I don't either, but my mom is still in pretty bad shape. We think she had a stroke and that she has broken ribs, which may be pressing on her lungs...we think she may be getting pnuemonia. My mother doesn't believe in drs, never has and refuses to go. My sister feels as though it doesn't concern me, and I am at witts end on what to do...Should I forgive my sister and have a relationship or just write her off? I don't even know what to say to her.

2006-09-14 10:12:01 · 12 answers · asked by Peachz 2

she's only four so no real wooden stakes lol

2006-09-14 09:54:54 · 3 answers · asked by beautifullybroken 2

After being strung out from one extreme to the other...how do you learn to stand up for yourself again the right way...My daughters fathers gf has a big trap and every once in awhile i open my mouth...alittle to much...how can i learn to stand up to her while getting my point across but not foolishly

2006-09-14 09:52:39 · 13 answers · asked by Jennifer P 1

My Biological Mother! Wanting to become closer?
I want to become closer to my real mom?
I was adopted as a baby.my real mom is actually a cousin of my adoptive family.So my whole life ive know her as a cousin,and looked at her as that.Well now she and i want to become closer and im not getting any younger im 13 almost 14! How can i ?? She lives 2 hrs away from my city,and just got married will she still love me the same?? HELP!! Please and Thank you!! :)

I was adopted b/c she was young when i was born and my father died before i was born.

e-mail is Hayley1125@yahoo.com

2006-09-14 09:51:45 · 12 answers · asked by PolishChikka 1

I am a 44 year old mum, who had too much to drink on Monday evening. 2 of my sons came round for a drink too. I was a complete frigging IDIOT (before you people tell me) & got my tittys out. My 24 year old thought it would be a good idea to video me on his phone.He promised me he'd deleted it. I have found out today, from inlaws, that they had a good laugh, at my expense. I'm not bothered that my sister inlaw & niece saw it, but my nephew saw it too. I've told him that I don't want anything to do with him anymore,beause if he had any respect for me, then he wouldn't of shown other people. If he thought anything of me, he would of had a chuckle on his own, about his mad Mum, & not shown the family. I swore I'd never speak to him again! AM I WRONG

2006-09-14 09:43:26 · 42 answers · asked by tildypops 3

2006-09-14 09:38:54 · 20 answers · asked by ? 3

it seems that after 3 years of riding the bus my son is suddenly a trouble maker, He told me the driver was rude and yells alot and she was a bit rude to me when she was talking. SO how do I make him behave anyhow I do not have the resources to drive him to and from school everyday.

2006-09-14 09:32:07 · 16 answers · asked by Shadow Kat 6

he won't buy me a airline ticket. We both work but he makes twice as much as I do. The ticket cost about $500. bucks. He said I should buy my own. His family expects me to be there as well, but they don't know that I can't afford the ticket. I told him I wouldn't be able to go then and he said "OK" Does it sound as if he really cares whether I go or not?? I didn't think so, but the rest of his family won't understand. We keep separate accounts for now. What do you think, should I try to save up the money? Or not go?

2006-09-14 09:32:02 · 16 answers · asked by Ellyn 5

Ive looked high and low what does the name Shaleen Mean? Help!!!!!!!!

2006-09-14 09:30:44 · 3 answers · asked by HolyDovePraise 2

my dad has been diagnosed with alzhiemzers. this has been has been so hard for me as im only 15. but ive been strong for it as im so very close to my dad. sometimes he looks at me as if weve never met. and he forgets who i am. now he's getting put on the DLA as he's really bad now. he's noty allowed to drive anymore or work < he used to be a mobile hairdresser you see> it hurts to see my dad sit there and look so sad and confused. i also have a big family but most are grown up now and have there own lives.
but my two younger brothers live at home. my dad is still with my brother and my 2nd youngest brother has autism.

will my family be ok?

2006-09-14 09:28:19 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-14 09:13:40 · 4 answers · asked by Susan L 1

He´s english and I brazilian, we´ve married and brazil and our baby got his name. he went to england to sale a flat he got in there cos we bought a house in here(Brazil). So my question is can I go meet him there without a problem?? I´ve been living in england for nearly four years but we just got married in Brazil. can I just take my weeding certificate and babys birth certificate? is that enough?

2006-09-14 08:56:46 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have gone to court to answer a motion of my ex husbands cause he wanted more time and what he did was to ask for 50% of the time and for five years he has only been with our son for 2 days a week now he has a new baby i would think right now is the hardest time. I want to be closer to my sons grandma and his cousins and live in oregon and he did this motion right as soon as i told him i have plans to go to oregon to live and i will stop child support and pay for his visitations every year he just wants to fight with me and he's married and lives in a new home with his mother in law also

2006-09-14 08:52:54 · 7 answers · asked by heigerandmyra 1

I'm a realtor, and I had an appointment with this family. The parents atleast knew I would be making a walk through, but did their 15 year old daughter? I would think she did because her room was clean, but a bra handing on her door knob. Now I don't know about your parents, but mine would come check on mine before company came. I ask my question is, what was up with that???

2006-09-14 08:49:55 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

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