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Family - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

We have 2 children both are boys. Since they were young we have been trying to be fair with no bias when it comes to loving and caring. Both are now working but they still have jealousy if one does better than the other. The elder must always give way to the younger one. We don't like to see this happenings. We try to tell the younger one to change this attitude towards his brother. We have been telling them they are brothers and they must love and take care one another. This is what we would like to see from them. So far there are signs of loving between them. We still wonder how some parents can raise their children to respect one another, especially the younger one will respect and obey the elder one simultaneously. We don't know how they could do it.

2006-08-24 19:34:02 · 9 answers · asked by Rod 2

Just curious.My dads name.

2006-08-24 19:32:32 · 10 answers · asked by jenn 3

It runs in my family...wondering if it runs in yours

2006-08-24 19:27:06 · 35 answers · asked by Chad 7

i am a good student (3.8) responsible and other parents say that they wish i was their kid, im 17 about to be 18 in 3 months and my curfew is like 9 30pm i am well aware of possible dangers but i woulden't expose myself to them i just want to go out with my friends and be trusted.

2006-08-24 19:15:58 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

why am i not good enough for my parents?
i am a good student with a high gpa (3.8) i run two clubs of which i am president and i dont ever give my parents problems but they dont seem to notice.

2006-08-24 19:13:06 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-24 19:10:37 · 6 answers · asked by Letisia08 2

i am a good student with a high gpa (3.8) i run two clubs of which i am president and i dont ever give my parents problems but they dont seem to notice.

2006-08-24 19:09:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

your self-esteem? what techniques, methods, skills do you use (please be specific)? is it really possible to improve years of bad habits (looking down) and beliefs (i'm no good) with self-esteem work?

2006-08-24 18:57:04 · 2 answers · asked by jimrich 7

i am an excellent student
well educated and with goals that i reach

2006-08-24 18:55:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

dont any direct me to another web site there not free me and my friend have looked for hours nothing frr any ideas

2006-08-24 18:46:56 · 5 answers · asked by Stephen A 2

How do you track down your ancestors without paying for every bit of information you find?

2006-08-24 18:46:21 · 5 answers · asked by Bluegirl285 1

sometimes i feel like to kill myself or runaway wat do i do to avoid it i tryed almost everything i wiould avoid her then she would get mad i would joke around with then she would be rude she was always selfish but when she got a cellphone she's even more selfish do u have any other ideas?

2006-08-24 18:41:20 · 11 answers · asked by jaz 3

he was acting sick, he wouldnt eat or drink and he died. I explained to her that he was very sick and might not make it and she started crying, I feel so terrible for her. She fell asleep and he was still alive... How do I explain this to her? She's only four and doesnt understand about death. I dont wanna break her heart and tell her that he died. How can I help her cope and what can I do to ease her mind?

2006-08-24 18:21:46 · 24 answers · asked by hearts_bleed_dark 3

2006-08-24 17:55:35 · 13 answers · asked by sweet southern charm 3

I am 18 years old, I live with 3 siblings and my birth parents. I have an 25 year old brother, and a 19 and 16 year old sister. The problem is my father. As long as i can remember he has without reason excluded me in activities that he would do with my sisters. Or if i asked for something or to do something he would say no but say yes to any of my siblings not a few minutes later. He would do this to me so much that when i was about 10 i kept asking my mother if i was adopted. When i was 17 we had a huge fight. When he got too physical i called 911 and the police came. Ever since that night we have stopped talking to each other. I cannot stand to look at him, or hear him without feeling hate and anger. i feel so much negative emotion everyday that once a week i feel like smoking, talking a bunch of pills (what ever is in my reach in the medicine cabinet from asprin to ipecac, killing myself, or running away. I cannot stand living like this and i want to be able to talk to my father again. Allthough he was unfair to me a lot we did have some good memories together. i just always wished that he could love me like he loved everyone else in my family. According to my mother he has recently realized what he had been doing to me, he didn't notice before, however he doesn't do anything to make up for it and that shows me that he doesn't care. The unfairness tortures me countless times a day. It has been this way for years. Recently it has gotten worse, i am afraid that I will commit suicide or do something else just as bad. Plese give me some advie besides family counseling because he would refuse, and please don't say that i must forgive because i can't. What my father has been doing to me since i was born is wrong.

2006-08-24 17:48:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

my oldest son came out a few weeks ago. i have no problem with this, and neither does my husband. but he doesnt want anyone else in the family to know. hes constantly offended when his younger brother constantly calls things and people 'gay'. how do i talk to my younger son about the way he states things? ive tried, but he picked up this habit at school and he wont shake it.

2006-08-24 17:46:22 · 16 answers · asked by SoccorMom01 1

Also, more importantly.. I'm concerned with what would my grandmother's sister's children and their children be to me? I'm actually looking for the correct terminology.

2006-08-24 17:45:07 · 17 answers · asked by Lament 2

my step daughter is 9 and she is w/ r family on wed. and thurs. also evey other weekend (fri sat sun till 9 pm )my husband works nights and i stay home w/ r other kids 7 and 1/2 a year old
her mom leaves her w/ us for days on end i dont have a problem but she always wants to call her mom. but her mom will never answer her phone or the cell or the work place so she cries to me and says y wont she call me back? it happens all the time i just say i dont know? or she is to busy 4 you i tell her i would never do that to my little girl
but her mom is kinda odd or bitchy to me.but when she pickes her up she can never talk cus she is to much in a hurry
then she told my hubby to tell me not to talk bad about her
(the mom) in front of the little girl who is my step daughter
some 1 help me.

2006-08-24 17:41:53 · 15 answers · asked by ez-goin 4

My step daughter is homeless right now. She is in the middle of a divorce from her abusive husband and we didn't want the babies on the street. My 16 year old just doesn't understand. We just moved into a new house less than a month ago.

2006-08-24 17:34:24 · 51 answers · asked by Rennie 2

Were you taught to fix your mistakes even if you have a punishment first and were you disiplined when you did something wrong? Did you parent's back down from disipling you or "forgetting" that you were grounded? Or did you parents leave it to someone else to disipline you like the school and you didn't have anyother repercutions at home? In your case, which parent did most of the disiplining and did your parents work together afterwards or one was more the "fun parent". What have you become because of disipline?

2006-08-24 17:34:03 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son has been unemployed this past year and I have helped him out financially. he recently got a job but says it is not working out because he is not getting as many hours as he thought and that he has no money. Should I bail him out again and put myself in a financial bind?

2006-08-24 17:31:40 · 31 answers · asked by jedimom 1

about three years i decided to leave my parents place...even though they've been threating to kick me out before....my father ended up physically abusing me before i left while my step mom and sister listened(i didn't call the police (too nice))...i was homeless for three days...had no family contact me even though they had phone numbers to get through to me....now i live far away from all of them and am happy with my husband they wanna call me..i don't talk to my parents no more just my sister..(i kind of forgave her i guess she was shocked about what happened)...my sister is now pregnant and her man is a jackass..she's carrying a baby with no confidence hes gonna be there...she wishes that i can come live with her..i feel bad..i already gave her a long speech that am there for her and her kid..but why am i so nice??..i went through lots noboby helped me..i hate this way about me i need to toughen up..should i let her go through her problems by herself? (my husband thinks i should)

2006-08-24 17:25:43 · 9 answers · asked by **sweetbabe** 3

I just answered this question....http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AnM.ZJlYZJSnf1X9XB9z437sy6IX?qid=20060824203055AAA8E0O and I want to know why hardly anyone is doing anything to find a solution to this big problem...it's affecting us so much but it seems like everyone is overlooking it. Does anyone else think the same?

2006-08-24 17:18:34 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have gotten my daughter every other weekend since she was 6, now she is 16.We got along real well. The last time she was with me(bout 6 weeks ago)I thought I was going 2 have 2 move about 80 miles from here. She told me 2 call her when I got moved and tell her how to get there & she would come and visit me when it was her visiting time(She has a car)I ended up not having 2 move,so I didn't call her til it was near visiting time 2 let her know that I was still there.I also didn't call because she had told me when she left that she was going on a week long trip with a friend and her family, and said week after that she had band camp.So when I did call her, she acted like that was the reason she was mad,because I didn't call her and let her know.(I found out she already knew anyway)I don't really think that's a good reason for stayin mad so long, and think it's somethin else.If I could make her come legally,I could talk to her long enuff 2 find out the real problem.(won't answer phone)

2006-08-24 17:13:41 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 16 years old. I was living with my grandma since I was a little girl ( my parents died when I was young). My grandma died a couple of monthes ago and I went to live with my uncle who is a high school teacher, lately he has been acting very strange. He will randomly fly into rages over nothing. He has lashed out at me a couple times, pulled my arm really hard, and struck at me, other times he is very depressed and dosn't talk to me for days and dosn't even go to work.He will not allow me to have a boyfriend, and actually screamed and thretened one of my male friends that was hanging out with me. He sometimes will ask me to kiss him, and what I think of him, and will barge in on me right when he knows that I am changing to ask me a question. I don't know what to do, he teaches at the school I go to, but I have heard from some of my friends that he has hit on some of the female students. What should I do?

2006-08-24 17:07:49 · 35 answers · asked by mcdholiday 1

My father and i DO NOT get along we have not spoken for a very, very long time. he has lied about so many things, spread rumors about me, he cheats, he gambles, he has done very bad drugs. he is not a part of my life. i cant say the same for my sister though! she loves him very much and does not see what i see. but recently, i have found out he has cancer....i dont know how i feel, should i call him? should i try and make amends? i dont even know if he loves me, is it even worth it? what would you do?

2006-08-24 17:04:54 · 26 answers · asked by J Q 1

2006-08-24 17:04:52 · 13 answers · asked by Zandor 3

My granddaughter makes me laugh on a daily basis. She has to come to mimi's home everyday. Yesterday, she says, "can i sing u a song?" I tell, her yes. This is her song. "I luv u, I luv u, I luv u, la la la la, AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!, My mimi." I laughed so much. She is only two. What more can u ask for with that much laughter.

2006-08-24 16:57:59 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous

My Nephew was born at 745pm Gavin weighed in at 8lbs 10oz 21 inches long. :)

2006-08-24 16:44:42 · 18 answers · asked by UTGirl34 3

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