I was dumped last wednesday by the girl of my dreams. We had been 2gether 4 nearly 8 months, but I know she is "the one". It is all my fault as I have been buleamic 4 nearly 12 months. It all started after a difficult split with 1 of my ex's, it did stop when I first met "the one" but started up again abt 1 month ago. I was doing my best 2 understand my problem & read up a lot. Buleamia & Anorexia r closely related & once I had my new found knowledge I started 2 see that she was anorexic. I consulted her family & they all agreed, & pushed me 2 talk 2 her about it, which was met with a lot of aggression. In my quest to understand why she was so down all the time I began 2 suspect something had happened in her childhood that could b 2 blame. I was correct & she did tell me what had happened, but made me promise 2 keep it a secret as her family did not know. During my "quest" 2 help her I let her secret slip 2 her family, her sister told her weeks later, & I was dumped on the same day....
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