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Family & Relationships - 26 December 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

My long-term boyfriend admits he has put up an emotional wall against me for the past 6 months because my 3 grown kids don't like him and don't invite him to anything. He has also told all of his men friends. We're still together but the romance is gone on his part, and I don't want to leave him.

2007-12-26 15:34:33 · 2 answers · asked by itsme 6 in Singles & Dating


Listen to your heartbeat, a sound no one really knows,
laying with you under midnight moon, soft skin now exposed.
Do you feel the whispering wind, blowing through your hair,
holding this woman, an Angel of the night, showing her I care.

Adonis body, a soul of love, do you feel the heat,
Silky smooth your hair aglow, a love we can repeat.
Hold me now for a little while, slumber in my arms,
comforting you in all we do, never meaning you no harm.
sleep, now, baby, feel the morning dew, as I hold you close...

tommy_caswell2000@yahoo.com :) pic in reply :)

2007-12-26 15:34:29 · 6 answers · asked by tommy C 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My twins were in foster care when i found out i was the father. When i found out i was the father i took it to court and got physical coustody of them. The mother has not tried to see them in 5 years until now what can i do so she wont get coustody?

2007-12-26 15:34:22 · 3 answers · asked by ernest 1 in Family

Tell the truth please

2007-12-26 15:33:17 · 10 answers · asked by JustMe♥. 3 in Singles & Dating

I have been Married 2 times and I am married now but 4weeks ago my ex wife found me after10 years of being apart.
we have a 11 year old together .
now here is the problem we are both remarried we love & care about our spouses but we are still in love with each other
we started having afair and I split up with my wife are marriage was end it any way but do you think we should folow our hearts.
what do yall think the resion me and my ex divorsed was we were to young and did not know what we had

2007-12-26 15:33:12 · 9 answers · asked by Bobby T 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I just became engaged and have started thinking about how I would like our wedding to play out. What we'd really like to do is have a small wedding ceremony and then a large reception. We would like them on the same day but have about 30 more people at the reception because our church can only accommodate so many. How could we make this work? Would we have a few hours between the ceremony and the reception so that there's no overlapping or right after another. The reception would be at a different location than the wedding.

2007-12-26 15:31:05 · 7 answers · asked by Johanna E 1 in Weddings

QUESTIONS:: My friend Stacy told me that she starts to think "What if" her mom meant "Oh I think you would pick out things that look like crap." even though Stacy knows that isn't what her mother meant. So what do you think? (1) So do you think Stacy overreacted and (2) do you think Stacy read into what her mother meant

STORY: Two days ago Stacy and her mom stopped at the 99 cent store at her mothers suggestion. Stacy grabbed a beautiful dark green cardigan and two other items (which her mother did not like). Those two items Stacy looked over and decided she didn’t like either. Well actually one her mother did not like the other one her mother said was too short (and Stacy hates short items) Then Stacy also saw a royal blue turtleneck to wear under a sweater. When Stacy was on the line to pay her mother noticed the royal blue turtleneck wasn’t in great shape so her mom pointed that out. Stacy got upset and in her mind she thought that her mother was saying that Stacy would only buy ugly things. Stacy said “I just wanted to wear that under a sweater - this one I just needed the collar” Her mother said “Maybe so but you would be able to see that it wasn’t in such great shape” As they were walking to the car her mother said “The dark green sweater you brought is gorgeous” Stacy said “But it sounds like you are saying that I would have brought crap as well”. Her mom “Well you were going to buy that turtleneck. I even told you to get rid of things like that” Stacy “I was just going to wear this under something.” Then about two hours after they got home her mother came into Stacy’s bedroom to ask her something. Stacy said “The dark green sweater I brought is gorgeous” Her mother said “Every thing you brought in the past at the 99 cent store is gorgeous - I even told you that, you just have to stop being so insecure.” (Keep in mind Stacy brought many sweaters in the 99 cent store and each item would have sold in Bloomingdales, etc for $100 a piece. These were closeouts. I saw the sweaters: Ralph Lauren, Talbots, etc. NO THEY ARE NOT JUNK. AND her mom loved every sweater Stacy brought at the 99 cent store. Stacy even wore one of the sweater two weeks ago when her family had a fancy dinner party to go and every one wanted her sweater)

2007-12-26 15:30:54 · 2 answers · asked by lover454 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

for a long time I went through life feeling hopeless but thanks to God my life and thoughts has change. so now I desire to help other men who went through similar struggles or worse

2007-12-26 15:29:38 · 4 answers · asked by d3rd 1 in Marriage & Divorce

On Christmas, some distant relatives invited us over for a little bit, but they're my grandmas moms sisters kids. But they're the only family besides my Grandma from my Moms side of the family in town. But I was with with my dads side of the family on Christmas. I felt like we should of stopped over, but my dad said It would be akward, since everyone else in their family is like first relatives. My dad asked if I felt akward being around them, and I admitted no, and he said that I should have felt akward. I've known this side of my family since I was 11, and I am 19.

2007-12-26 15:26:35 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Ok this is lenthley.
My Aunt has offered to help us buy a house and rent to owne with us.
Well we found a house and my Aunt put a bib on it.
And then she sent us a contract to look over and sighn an my wife miss red parts of the contract and is now mad as hell with my Aunt and has also goten my son just as mad over one part the part about his dogs.
My wife is tretining to devorse me over this stupid disagreement .
Tonight my Aunt sead that she was going to back out of this contract with the owners.
And not to help us find a house agen.
I don't want to hurt my Aunt, or loose my wife.
What am I to do.
Please help this is killing me.

2007-12-26 15:26:33 · 11 answers · asked by jeffkuehn15057 4 in Marriage & Divorce

I just feel so lonely. Ive been single for 4months goin on 5. I like this guy who works at cuircut city and I can tell he likes me but what do I say? I just felt so lonely, and so empty. And Im a good christian person why hasnt mr. right came along?

2007-12-26 15:23:46 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My name is Kyle and i'm getting married for the first time to my girlfriend of 5 years. I am 24 years old and Anna is 22. I want a small wedding, just close friends and family, but Anna has dreamed about a big wedding since she was a little girl. I dont want to deny her anything in life, but I'm not sure if we can afford the wedding of her dreams. We're still paying off college loans. Is there a way to convince her that her wedding is just too much, or should I suck it up and foot the bill?

My parents and hers both say that they'll chip in, but even with help, Anna's perfect wedding will cost at least $50,000 from my own pocket.

2007-12-26 15:23:17 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

I dont know if honored was the right word, but you get the point.

1.If you have another girl ask you where you had your hair done...
The next day she comes to work or school with the same color and style...............2. Maybe she likes your new outfit, the goes out and buys the same....
Do you get offended, mad.....or take it as sort of a complement

i have seen girls get upset because of this.....but never understood why ?

2007-12-26 15:22:17 · 16 answers · asked by Speedstar 5 in Singles & Dating

I was divorced three years ago after fourteen years of what I thought was a happy marriage. My ex-wife had numerous extramarital affairs that I was not aware of until the very end of the marriage. As a result of the marriage, I have a 13 year old daughter and a 10 year old son. My daughter is my biological daughter, however, I found out at the end of my marriage that my son is not my biological son. I thought he was my biological son for the first 7 years of his life. I love him more than anything in this world. My two kids live with me and their mother lives across the country.

Do I ever tell my son that he is not my biological son? If so, when? What impact will telling him have on my son and daughter?

Do I tell my son's biological dad about my son? I am not sure if the biological father knows or not.

I lose many nights of sleep feeling guilty about this secret. any advice would be much appreciated.

2007-12-26 15:20:25 · 20 answers · asked by Dad888 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Consider this scenario:
A man is crazily in love with his girlfriend. He proposes as soon as they are done with medical college. Her only condition at the time of proposal was: Children will not be involved. Although he would have liked a few, he loved her too much to let her go. Three years down the road: Both are full-time doctors and make plenty of money, take vacations often, go on dates all the time, are very engaged in volunteer work and have the perfect life. But family, friends, collegues are now asking THE question. Husband's feelings of being a dad are reignited. Everyone is pestering the wife about her "selfishness", about how she is depriving everyone of the joy of children, about how she should take time off her career and start trying for a family, and how she'll regret it later. But the wife had made this decision when she was a teen. Her reasons are:
1. Severe tokophobia. She has terrible fear of pregnancy and childbirth. She cannot stand the idea of pregnancy and the

2007-12-26 15:20:08 · 21 answers · asked by La Bella Vixen 4 in Marriage & Divorce

So I am a white 18 female seeing a 19 black male- and we have been dating for almost 4 months. I love our relationship and I am so happy with him. Well one thing that is really bringing me down is how much criticism i seem to get. people always ask me- so are you like into black guys? or do you only date black guys? it bugs me why should they have to even ask this? why is this strange to them so they have to question it?

SO I am wondering- can anyone out there relate to my situation? It can get really upsetting I just want people to accept the fact that I date who I please no matter their race.

2007-12-26 15:20:05 · 21 answers · asked by katiemcmahon07 1 in Singles & Dating

A few nights in a row I've had a dream that I was having sex with a girl that I've known since I was 8 and she was 6. She is about to get married to another guy. Our parents are best friends (have all family dinners together- Thanksgiving, Xmas, b-days, etc.). She works with both of our mothers. My mother considers her the daughter she never had. She and I are extremely close too though we've never dated or kissed or anything like that. So my question is, does this dream mean I want her for myself, or simply that I'm having anxiety about her getting married?

2007-12-26 15:19:45 · 7 answers · asked by susquehenna 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I really want to move out. My Mom however won't let me. 2 months ago she got into this accident that could have killed her. She never listens to a word I say, I'm hurt and annoyed!! I feel like I can only count on my Aunt and Uncle for advise and help. Should I move in with them instead??

2007-12-26 15:18:59 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

it was a pen stan on the wall that my 2 years old nephew put on there,and my dad is goin 2 get angry if he finds out plaese help

2007-12-26 15:15:38 · 4 answers · asked by lilparis_12 2 in Family

are any of u the type that accually go for the womens personality rather then looks??

& what all do you first notice the first time your talking to a woman?

2007-12-26 15:11:29 · 11 answers · asked by mmmmmhmmm 1 in Singles & Dating

So the past few years we have hosted a new year's eve party at our house. This year, 2 friends of ours who just bought a brand new house offered to have the party at their house, and I didn't mind because things have been a little tight financially with us this year. Anyway, when I talked to my friend, she said she was inviting one couple that came to our party before, but not another. I don't think she is purposely excluding them and she probably just forgot. I don't think this other couple has any plans for New Year's, so would it be rude of me to ask my friend to invite this other couple to her party?

2007-12-26 15:09:20 · 10 answers · asked by Hello Friend 7 in Friends

Which I'm pretty sure is a bad thing, she has a lot of friends on myspace, most of them she never met. She is very famous at the local shopping center and is always surrounded by people. She goes out partying a lot too, and I can't even keep up with her friends. She is barely 16 and she hangs out with college students. I know she drinks, and I'm pretty sure she's having sex, and this is not the lifestyle I really want her to have. She's never home and half the time I don't know she's alive. She never answers her phone when I call her, and when I punish her she just sneaks out and ignores me. I don't know if she's going to school, or just ditching, and it's really bothering me. Her father won't even do anything about it, because "he trust her" but I don't. I want her to act like a respectful young lady. How can I get her to stop Myspace-ing, stop partying, stop drinking, and get her to listen to me? I'm quite worry about her because I over heard her talking about a stalker.

2007-12-26 15:03:34 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

i like this guy but he has a girlfriend and i just can't stop liking him i know i can't like him beccause he does have a girlfriend but the more i try not to like him, i like him more what should i do

2007-12-26 15:02:57 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

and shes crying because she knows and you say nothing is happening. How does it feel having her work her *** off at work, happy to come home to see someone to comfort her and cuddle with but you leave at odd hours of the night with your phone off. You crawl into bed the same night...with this woman and she just wants to hold you and love you but he feel too odd to touch her anymore. I hope you feel awsome.

2007-12-26 15:02:34 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

yes just a torso, and that person was a super model before they lost their arms and legs

2007-12-26 14:57:07 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

There fine features, dark eyes, long black hair and pleasant demeaner are very attractive.

2007-12-26 14:55:27 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I just saw another nature program video about animals and it had these baby tigers nursing on their mommy and now I want one soo bad!!! My husband says they are dangerous but I just want a little baby one, not the big tigers, you know? What can I do or say to make him change his mind?? I want to hold one and pet one soo bad and I think it would be so neat to bottle feed him!!!

2007-12-26 14:54:01 · 26 answers · asked by Little Angel 1 in Marriage & Divorce

? do NOT say nothing

2007-12-26 14:52:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating