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Family & Relationships - 26 December 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

So I've sort of been seeing a guy lately, but i use the term 'seeing' loosely because nothing had been made official. I told him that I liked him, which lead to a make-out session last week, and tonight we had another hardcore, hour-long make-out session. From that, I can tell that he's probably into me too (at least I'd hope). We've been hanging out for about a month now, and the topic of a relationship hasn't even come up. Do you think he just wants to be 'friends with benefits' or is he just taking me for a test drive? If so, what can I do to speed up the process of making this exclusive? Men, your opinions are welcomed if not favored.

2007-12-26 14:11:05 · 7 answers · asked by tb19891989 3 in Singles & Dating

cuz if i can atleast get on the dads good side i think im good so i can date his daughter right? HELP!!!

2007-12-26 14:08:33 · 10 answers · asked by bigdog 2 in Singles & Dating

or does it make you feel like she thinks you don't know what you're doing?

2007-12-26 14:08:26 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-12-26 14:07:32 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i know there are some who will think this is a no brainer, however there is a girl who i have had a love affair with for 2 years. it has put my life on hold and left me so depressed at times. i am so tired of it cause she is married and she has not left cause of finances on their part. i am sick to death of it all cause i am tired of missing her! i met her and fell head over heels with her in the beginning when she had separated from her husband. now time has passed. it is sad, so sad. i am tired big time! i want to be strong and pull away for myself and for her. she always comes back. i am ready to start a life, but its like i am waiting for her to say lets go! and it sadly never happens. i am tired of the situation. not her. i know like i said most will think it is cut and dry, however my mind and my heart believes my life was to play out with her. can someone refer me to a site that can build me up and help get through this. i am single

2007-12-26 14:07:29 · 14 answers · asked by wiskers43302 1 in Marriage & Divorce

i'am getting a divorce and my wife says i can be arrested. i live in florida i have never heard of this

2007-12-26 14:06:09 · 13 answers · asked by scott g 1 in Marriage & Divorce

ladies enter in "ANOTHER WORLD" where you do not notice anyone except for the stock person to ask about a product that he has no idea about. Even if a hot guy just happened to walk by you, you ladies would never notice if you were grocery shopping. I work at the Grocery Store and I see this all the time. IS THERE A REASON FOR THIS.

2007-12-26 14:04:46 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My twins were in foster care when i found out i was the father. When i found out i was the father i took it to court and got physical coustody of them. The mother has not tried to see them in 5 years until now what can i do so she wont get coustody?

2007-12-26 14:03:16 · 7 answers · asked by ernest 1 in Family

I am married for 11 years, i have 2 kids. For 10 years i can say im am emotionally battered since my husband is not me well. all i can remember is there in no day i am not crying because of insults and harsh words from him. And besides, he is doesnt turn over financial matter to me. In short he rules everything at home. Though i can say we are financially well off because we run a family business still i am not happy with all this material things in life. Its my kids made me stayed our family whole till this time.
One year ago, i met this man from internet, he became my outlet from all my hurts nad pains, and i admit ive fallin for him and we love each other much, he is senior of me 8 years. We bein we for one year already, we underwent many preassures, cool off many times but still we are again and cant let go again. We do not meet yet in person but were trying to synchronize our
plan so we can be together right time.
My problem is how can i separate my husband?Help me. I needs help.

2007-12-26 14:02:53 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My son, who is 12, does not want to go to his dad's anymore. The man is so mean, controlling,obscene and smokes pot in the house. My son is terrified to tell him that he does not want to be there because his dad is emotionally abusive and scary! He already kicked his own daughter out of the house and she moved in with me. This is HIS daughter!!!!

Are there any legal ramifications? My son is of age...I think. Can he just say he doesn't want to go or will his dad have the right to force the court order on him? I can't see law enforcement making a 12 year old boy go to his dad. But I want the facts before we go forth. Thank you in advance.

2007-12-26 14:02:49 · 14 answers · asked by clj02 4 in Family

I want to send my g/f some dirty pictures of me (both partially and fully naked). Problem is, I don't know what poses women like to see. I know she likes my shoulders and arms, but I'm not sure how to show them off besides flexing them. Should I pose on the bed, and how? Should I take pictures of me working out? What kinds of dirty pictures would you like?

2007-12-26 14:01:25 · 4 answers · asked by Zhuo Zi 3 in Singles & Dating

Well, I am not the super pretty type and I'm more of the geek.... So I'm not very popular or the real pretty kind of person.
But on to the real question.
Theres this kid that I really like, his name is Ben.... It would look like were both real good friends but were not. We're both in band and jazz band, and in jazz band we both play the saxophone, so I get to sit next to him. Sometimes when were not playing he'll talk to me, but it's usually only then, or in my S.S. class because he sits behind me. But I want to be really good friends with him. And I want to get to know him more as a friend.
And then also, there's this girl named Megan, and he's her friend. And my friend Danica talks about how their so cute and all, and I'm almost jealous, or actually sad.
I would go up and talk to him more...but I'm not that type of person. I'm real shy, so it's hard for me to do that....
Could you guys give me some advice on what to talk about to him some how without it feeling weird?

2007-12-26 14:01:17 · 2 answers · asked by bandgeekx13 1 in Friends

do u think someone from bangladesh (who was born there but moved to america when he was young) would marry someone who lives in america who is native american/west indian? even if the bangladesh guy did want to--would his family hold him back?

2007-12-26 14:01:11 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

i have been with my husband for 3 years we have 2 kids together and i have a daughter who is 4 and only knows him as daddy. he has started being abusive 2 years ago. (verbal and physical)it's not often and he hasn't beaten me it's more like man handling..i'm starting to resent him and he is blaming me for all our probs..tells me i'm crazy and that's what causes him to slap me or yell at me...he always talks down to me we never have good healthy conversations...I'm not even interested in being intimate anymore which is sssooo not like me..I'm starting to become depressed .and i want to leave but i don't want to dissappoint my family or children..my family doesnt know about this..my mom knows that i am getting fed up with him but not really why.....how do i handle this i am desperate for advice!!! if you have been through this it would help more.feel free to email me

2007-12-26 13:58:44 · 52 answers · asked by heather w 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I am curious....is there anyone out there that gets in HUGE screaming matches with a sibling? NO bs answers of wtf is my problem or can't we all just get along!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-12-26 13:57:27 · 10 answers · asked by Halo 5 in Family

okay so im 16, and sadly never dated :/ ive been asked to a couple dances....but i dont really count that.
once people get to know me, i am a really funny and nice person, but its the getting to know me part i need help with.
i get nervous around guys whether i like them or not. idk why, but i m not completely myself and dont say much, like i would with my close friends, is there anything that you think could help me become more outgoing or less nervous around them?
thanks. i know its kinda weird....but im ready for a pretty serious relationship and need to get myself out there!

2007-12-26 13:57:10 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

so i finally worked up the nerve and told this guy i liked him. we didnt really know each other before and we dont talk too much now but we are friendly with each other. so the other day i asked him if he liked me back. he said that he liked me as a "person" but that maybe in the "near" future he could like me? what the hell does that mean? i dont like you now but maybe in the near future? i'm just very confussed on what he meant.

2007-12-26 13:55:22 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My husband has an unusual sexual fantasy. He likes to imagine that I'm a giantess, as he calls it. Like the 50 foot woman. Only lots bigger. He likes to call me the 50 mile woman. Or 500 mile woman. And I'm always wearing 4 or 5 inch heeled sandals with my toes painted. This never happens in real life.

He'd like me to pretend, or role-play, I'm a giantess going on a rampage. Destroying cities, armies, etc. Pretending to crush him like a bug. While I'm telling him what I'm doing, he's 'satisfying' himself.

I don't share this fantasy, and in fact, I find it a bit silly. I'm not that violent, or mean. But he really seems to find in enjoyable. It seems harmless, but it isn't my thing. He's offerered to reciprocate, but I my fantasies don't involve him. I think my biggest problem, is I honestly have no idea what to say!

Am I being selfish? Or should I grit my teeth and try?

Check out my other questions, if you can.

2007-12-26 13:54:41 · 10 answers · asked by KarlaKayC 2 in Marriage & Divorce

here it is...

so my dads in the hospital cause he had a stroke. hes getting better and hes in rehab now. i have a 10 year oldyounger brother , im 13. my moms obviously stressed out about everything. and we are going down heavily mentally, physically, and financially. i try to please my mom every way that i can. but everything that comes out of my mouth seems to blow her off. literally. she throws things and rants about how im such a bad sister, and a bad person. like if i say 'frigen' to my brother she throws a tantrum. i know its hard on her so im trying to be understanding. i barely told any of my friends cause they dont really have the experience. i just thought to put it up on here , where i dont even know you ppl would help lift me up. right now im bawling my eyes out cause my mom gave me an 'emotional' lecture on EVERYTHING. when i went into my room and locked the door, she said dont lock your door, i said why, and she said so i can come (extended)

2007-12-26 13:54:37 · 11 answers · asked by QTPIE. 3 in Family

ok.im 24 years old and ive only had sex once. my first time wasnt A very good expirience, but someone is offering sex. its my bestfriend chris, hes very expirienced on this subject(since he knew wat the penis was for, he started using it) well we know each other since we were in high school but im in LOVE with him, he knows that i like him and i think he just wants to have sex w/ me.But i love him.how about if hurts my feelings? i dont want to end a beautiful friendship just cause of that but every time i think of him i just want to say yes but ,,how about him?maybe he'll fall in love with me............

plz i need advice!!!! should i say yes?? or no?? why ???
thanx for time and advice....

2007-12-26 13:50:05 · 5 answers · asked by ★♥Jocy♥★ 5 in Singles & Dating

Now out of curiosity, how many guys actually believe that it is better to show someone that you love them then say it all the time? My boyfriend who is wonderful doesn't like to say I love you because he thinks it is an overused phrase, he said that I should know how he feels about me by the way he acts towards me and what he does. Is this true? Also, if a guy wants to take you across the country to meet his family is that a sign that you are moving toward the next level of the relationship?

2007-12-26 13:45:06 · 8 answers · asked by Nicole 2 in Singles & Dating

2007-12-26 13:44:24 · 46 answers · asked by XSPEED10000 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-12-26 13:43:49 · 6 answers · asked by Do You Trust Me? 2 in Singles & Dating

What's the most you've dated at the same time...?

Just curious...

girls and guys both answer!


2007-12-26 13:43:27 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I found a video online where my sister appears showing-off her ***....... Any advice? What should I do about this? Tell my parents or confront her? (this is the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulisx1X4-Yw )

2007-12-26 13:43:16 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Everytime we meet my bro-in-law, I feel so uncomfortable. I cant avoid meeting him because we all have to meet at my parents-in-law house for celebration. Sigh.... I just wonder how n when will be reunited n be at peace with one another?

2007-12-26 13:41:22 · 5 answers · asked by candie 4 in Family