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Family & Relationships - 23 December 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

My good friend for years asked me to come help her clean her house and I told her I would try to come over and I didn't because I to was busy shopping for gifted and I had to help my mom as well she called me really upset telling me she needs help. I told her I'd call her when I get home and I never did because when I think of it she has never come over to my house to help me clean and the 3 years I have lived in my house she has only visited once. I haven't called her back and I don't think I will, does that make me a bad friend??

2007-12-23 16:50:30 · 20 answers · asked by riggie 3 in Marriage & Divorce

ok my moms side and my dads side are both having big parties for christmas
problem:which one do i go to
this thanksgiving was the same problem so me and my cousin came up with a plan i go thanksgiving with my mom and christmas with my dad only my cousin from my moms side just came from the navy boot camp and it would mean alot to her if i went but everybody at my dads side already expects me to go and to make things worse none of my brothers and sister can go!so they will know i had a choice and didnt choose them plus my dads side always gives a lot of presents but this year my parents couldnt buy anything and i dont want to show up without presents and then leave with presents for myself!help!please!

2007-12-23 16:38:01 · 3 answers · asked by ........ 1 in Family

2007-12-23 16:31:11 · 19 answers · asked by I like to drink 1 in Marriage & Divorce

here is the issue, My girlfriend never seen her dad even in a picture. Her mam told her that he lives in a different state.but I got to know who is her real father and he lives in the same town. She always tells me that she wants to see and know her father. I want to tell her who is her father but in the same time I don't think I'm the right person to tell her that. I'm afried she whould hate me if she found out that I knew and i did not tell her. she is now 20 years old

please tell me what to do

2007-12-23 16:29:03 · 15 answers · asked by The King's Accord 2 in Family

well me and my girl have been going out for a yr and i luv her 2 death and she knows that.. but latetly the past week or so shes been acting strange lately.. well heres the story we both work together but go to different high schools.. ok.. she told me theres this girl at her school that likes her and wants 2 go out with her (my gf friend) ok, my girl told me straight up she wasnt Bi.. ok.. well y is that lately on the day i dont c her i call her and she doesnt answer and when she does we talk for 20-30 mins and then she tells me she'll call me back and she never does.. or y is it that when we work when we get a brake together she calls her friend instead of us talking.. or lately she text so much (and yea with her friend) and also i bought her two necklaces and she dont wear them but she wears a necklace that her friend gave her... and she says she aint Bi?? so basically in a way she dedicates more time 2 her friend that likes her.. so is this a good reason to brake up with her??

2007-12-23 16:28:01 · 5 answers · asked by Eduardo 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My husband thinks that I spend way too much time on Yahoo and he feels cheated on.
Is that ridiculos or what?

2007-12-23 16:26:20 · 12 answers · asked by nomorecapri 5 in Friends

Well I think it's really awesome and I don't understand why it feels so good! Any explinations?? BTW for some reason i get an erection everytime we do, is that normal?? (I'm 13)

2007-12-23 16:25:35 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

when you are doing it thinking of someone you love, who doesn't really love you in return?

2007-12-23 16:17:43 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

So, I'm 18 and have been with a guy for awhile now. I believe with all my heart that he is the guy for me. He loves me and I love him. He's asked me to marry him and I told him I would after I finish college because I believe it's wise to get an education.

My parents don't know the extent of our relationship, but they have a hunch.I haven't told my parents about it all because he's much older than I am. Like, he's 39. Many people will assume that because he's so much older that his intentions are not honorable. That is totally untrue.

My problem is that my parents now want me to cut off all communcation with him because they don't approve of the idea of me being with him (they know and like him, but don't like the idea of me being with a guy that much older than myself). I want to obey my parents, but I love my boyfriend. I don't know what to do now. I understand it from my parent's point of view, but they don't see mine. What should I do? I

2007-12-23 16:17:43 · 7 answers · asked by Dancing Stars 1 in Family

im a virgin, that is stuck inbetween a boy & manhood. the problem is that girls that appeal to me whom ive found an interest in and tried to get to know better either ended up in rejection or had my game-plan sabotaged by third-party cockblockers.

now there were multiple occasions in my past where i couldve lost my virginity to escorts & hookers, some of the escorts were extremely hot like playboy hot. but realized that id rather die a virgin than have to pay for it to lose it so i passed them up. not that there is anything wrong with paying for sex, just that the first time should be.. wholesome.

then there are those girls that dont appeal to me what so ever in which i have no interest in and have never or would ever ask out. i again would rather die a virgin than have that as an option.

im fairly sure its only a matter of time before i meet a girl where theres a mutual attraction.. so is this normal? where do i go from here? so whats the consensus?

2007-12-23 16:17:40 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

When I was younger my concern was that I am not beautiful enough, but now that I feel beautiful, I feel old. I was married once and I think that makes my feeling even worse! I'm always thinking about it. please help me! Girls my age are having babies and I'm still here without any everlasting relation :( I am muslim and I can't be with anyone I want.

2007-12-23 16:16:24 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

So my husband told me he wants to have a threesome but with another man... what do you think that means?

2007-12-23 16:13:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2007-12-23 16:13:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Like, seriously.

Brother 1: He is the hugest wannabe gangster who does drugs/swears/no job etc.

Brother 2: Fails almost every subject in school/tries to mold himself into someone that others will like more/in a way perverted

Mom: Always sticks up for my youngest brother (2) because he's the 'baby' and I'm normally forgot about because I really don't need any help (both of my brothers have disorders-OCD, ADD, bipolar, one has seizures)...so i always have to fend for myself.

Step-dad-dropped out of school in the fourth grade/only talks about what he likes(which I hate)...but I try to listen

Dad-I only see him once a week...lives 100 miles away

I mean, why must I be put in a family like this...I love most of them (except for brother #1 and maybe 2)...like I'm third in my class/no disorders/no drugs etc.)

You think I could mold them into people I would actually feel comfortable talking to (I got many friends but I want a family too)...so could I?

2007-12-23 16:13:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

can.t sleep ;so i thought i would help you out .

2007-12-23 16:11:57 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I love him & i trust him & i feel lucky to be his gf. but i am so scared that if we get married he will cheat & we will get divorced. what if its later on in life like 25 yrs later & he leaves me for someone younger? i dont like kids & i think thats part of the reason. i keep thinking 'shes cute now but 20 years from now the little slut will be trying to steal ur husband.' i know it stems from my insecurities & i need to fix that quick before it starts having an impact on my relationship. but this is a deep set fear (divorce/infidelity) & i dont know how to handle it. every time one thing gets proved wrong i think of something else. i dont want to attract this from focusing on it so much but i cant seem to stop. my parents are divorced b/c my dad left my mom 4 someone else & hes now married to her. i love both my parents but i still resent him 4 that & i am scared b/c i dont want to end up like my mom even tho i look up to her.

plz help what should i do?

2007-12-23 16:10:28 · 7 answers · asked by Angelisurifrie 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Gir'l's actions?
Why would this girl do these things?
She (she is iranian)came with her friend)(or boyfriend)(iranian culture)?and her brother at to the gym, they went to workoout in a different section,when she saw me walking in her area,she primped and looked in the mirror.Also,when i went back to my machine,i saw her sneak a peak in my direction. I know her by the way.

2007-12-23 16:09:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

im shy 18 years old and never even kissed a girl. im outgoing after u get to know me, just hard for me to break the ice...any advice will be helpful, thanks

2007-12-23 16:07:05 · 10 answers · asked by csd 3 in Singles & Dating

We all work together at the same place. She just got transferred back to my location and i was wondering what r some signs he still has some interest in her, for anyone who has been in this situation.

They dont talk. She broke up with him and he hates her. She transferred bc he was going crazy and then after she got transferred, me and him got involved.

2007-12-23 16:07:00 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

recently asked if there were any non possesive hon,fun loving women out there ? terry cardiff x

2007-12-23 16:06:29 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Holy craptola. I laughed and explained it was for "old" married people who loved each other, and she responds "I'm old, and I love you!!" ugh.

2007-12-23 16:06:28 · 19 answers · asked by Guinness 5 in Other - Family & Relationships

if your son was in his third year of college, started to do a lot of drugs and got so messed up that he didnt want to go back to school the next semester to try and figure things out and sort out his life? i think i need to do this bc this past semester i got into a lot of drugs...coke x...etc...
i go to school in miami and i dont think i can handle going back in jan bc i think ill just keep doing wat i was doing and mess up in school.
im scared to have this talk with my parents bc i dont think they will understand and will just go nuts on me and tell me im wasting there money and stop paying for my school.
i know i messed up and thats why i want to stop but i just think they will not understand and will just flip out on me......

2007-12-23 16:06:26 · 5 answers · asked by CollegeKid 1 in Family

Guys: Which girl:?
If they were both attractive in the same way

A:) Blonde, athletic, talkative, bouncie

B:) dark hair, mysterious, deep


2007-12-23 16:04:06 · 24 answers · asked by Baby Jack born 4/5/09 4 in Singles & Dating

I have a friend whom I have communicated with since middle school and we get together a few times during the year. A few years ago she was getting married and asked me to be in her wedding. The wedding never took place though. Now I am getting married and do not want to ask her to be a bridesmaid, but I know she assumes she is going to be one. I want her to be part of the wedding but I think asking her to do something else will only be an insult. My fiance and I have dated five years and he barely knows her and I don't feel like the friendship is much more than very casual. Any help at all is welcomed.

2007-12-23 16:01:13 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

Ok have a friend that is 44 and she never dates, never wants to marry. She likes to be alone period. Now, is this a bad thing for when she gets older and has health problems and needs assistance or a husband?

2007-12-23 16:00:46 · 35 answers · asked by DREENA 2 in Marriage & Divorce

We were planning on everything...marriage..kids. Our first step which was getting an apt together was about to happen. We had found the apt was about to move in in a couple of weeks and then BAM! He broke everything of..didn't wan't to be with me anymore...claiming we 'faught' to much. Anyways he's been wanting to see me and hang out, and I think he may want me back...but I'm so scared to take him back if he does..because I'm scared he might hurt me again. But I do love him so much...I've been taking since out breakup and no other guy compares.

2007-12-23 15:59:58 · 11 answers · asked by Helen 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Normally, every Christmas we go to my cousins (which is 1 1/2 hrs away), and the WHOLE family is there.

I have 2 sons and this year I'm not going for these reasons:

There are guns in that house (locked up ... but still).
They (my uncles, aunts) smoke pot in the basement.
And .... my 6 year old son LOVES playing with his 8 y/o cousin, BUT, this kid has the worst grammar in the world: "I ain't got no toys like that" ... "She don't got no boyfriend." .... that kind of talk. In fact, they ALL talk like that!

My mom doesn't know this is why we're not going anymore. She keeps offering to take my kids, because she thinks I'm not going because it's far and a hassle to take them.

It would hurt her feelings if I told her the truth, this is her family.

What would you do? Just keep making up dumb reasons why you're not going?

2007-12-23 15:58:24 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family