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Family & Relationships - 18 September 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I am 18 years of age and have been dating my girlfriend for one year. She is almost 17. We are in love for sure and have agreed that we want to spend the rest of our lives together. She just moved away to live with her real mom in a different state. We keep in touch everyday and have set up guidelines and rules. We both follow them perfectly. A few guys have "Hit" on her down there and she just blows them off and tells them she already is with the man of her dreams. I believe that she really wants to be my wife. Why? Because she said so and I want her to be. So my question is, Should I ask her to marry me? Or should I wait until she is 18? I don't want to wait because I know for a fact our love will not dwindle over time, it will just grow. So why not now?

Advice Please

2007-09-18 09:42:42 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

In order to be with you, what do you prefer? There's a lot of single men in the world. Majority of these men are nice guys. However, every woman should have a man in her life. Now, with this said, obviously majority of women prefer bad boys. What does your heart tell you honestly? It tells you to look for a bad boy or a nice guy? Should nice guys be by themselves or should they develop into bad boy types just so that they don't end up alone for the rest of their life? The reality is there, but how it's perceived is another thing. Gay men are nice guys, There are nice guys that are not gay however, do women see being a nice guy as a sign of being weak? Nice guys will never get what they want if they don't change. Change is good. However, change can be bad. If it's not really in you, I think you shouldn't change, but only if you want something in life. If it's that girl you always wanted, then so be it. I guess it's nature of the beasts, same with humans. Mark your territory male guys!

2007-09-18 09:41:48 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i have a crush on this guy and he asked me to draw him a cow but i said no but now i regret it so i am going to draw the cow and put aheart beside it with my enitials and put it in hi locker is this weird or okay to do he also shows signs of liking me (look in my previous questions ?????)

2007-09-18 09:39:55 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

if anyone does a long distance relationship, and the girl has to finish school there, cuz her family says so. but she can do visits here. and once she is done with her school ( college ). then she is all his. is that alright. is it worth the wait, or should he just find someone closer? the boy and girl are madly inlove. and are engaged. what should the boy and girl do?

2007-09-18 09:38:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

it it just me or is having a lot of kids payed out like the 70's ..I don't want to go to the play ground every day nor do i want to spend the rest of my life raising kids then when they are grown they forget about you..I want to go to work come home and enjoy my self and my wife not worry about who's going kill rape your daughther when she's left alone after school ..do you understand what I'm saying ..one kid is enought for us and i can't sleep at night with one kid ..so why have three and four??

2007-09-18 09:36:50 · 3 answers · asked by justflex 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

If ur guy friend broke up with his gf and it lasted about 3 or 4 months when can another guy (who friends with this guy) ask this girl out or take her somewhere like a dance?

2007-09-18 09:36:16 · 29 answers · asked by Scarlette 3 in Singles & Dating

I went out with someone for 3 years, from when I was 17 till when i was 20. Now im 22, and i saw him again for the first time in 1 and a half years. he wants to give things aother go but im not sure.

See, it was him who dumped me, and I was a total mess for a year, and i never really got over him. But maybe thats because it really was true love.

I never really understood the reasons he dumped me, we had been arguing a lot, and we were both going through our own problems, I was mildly depressed for reasons unrelated to him, and he was messed up, stressed and had money problems. We dont have those problems anymore, but my friends keep saying that really we should have been able to lean on each other during our hard times.

2007-09-18 09:34:29 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Is this the amount of money that it costs per person who are attending the wedding? How do guest find out this number? Why is everyone basing how much they give as a gift based on this number?

Please educated me.

2007-09-18 09:33:17 · 12 answers · asked by loki_only1 6 in Weddings

When a women tells a guy to call her, but does'nt usually make the effort to give him a call, does it mean she does'nt care enough to keep in touch with him. I'm the one who always calls to keep in touch and she barely returns my calls or e-mails. A lot of times when I do call, she tells me she'll call, but never does. Should I leave her alone or not? Only respectful answers pleas.

2007-09-18 09:31:21 · 13 answers · asked by Go Broncos! 1 in Singles & Dating

My parents got divorced recently. My mom moved out of state. but now my dad and his girlfriend are sleeping in the same bed that my parents used. Am i the only one that thinks this is totally f***ed up???

2007-09-18 09:30:59 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My father passed away – 9/15/07, he lived in Arkansas, my parents are divorced, my paternal grandfather lives in Texas, and he had to identify him. We live in California. My grandfather stated that he won’t bring his ashes to CA until June 2008, during his vacation. We want his ashes, now; so that we can have closure and a memorial service for him, we know we don’t need the ashes for that but would like to have. No there was no will.

What are our rights? We are his heirs. There are 3 siblings and the oldest is 17.

2007-09-18 09:28:56 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I feel like I'm the only one interested in our love life. She gets mad if I ask about it.

2007-09-18 09:28:14 · 16 answers · asked by Kimora 1 in Marriage & Divorce

when it comes to girls and you're actually looking for a relationship, do you notice the one whose throwing ur cleavage at u(EASY) or the one who passes by and gives u asexy smile nd says hi nd pretends she has no time 4 u (HARD-TO-GET)

2007-09-18 09:27:32 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

he is always staying home we dont live together saying he is sick and stuff sometimes not working for weeks and when it comes to looking for a job he just does not find one ever !!!
he is always broke and never really has any money and i hate this because we cant do fun things he is always driveing his car with out gas or asking me if i have twenty bucks when we go out and he never pays me back i love him i am making an effort to getting used to his ugly car and the fact that he cant take me out but this sucks am suffering!!!!!!
we been together for 1 1/2 years

2007-09-18 09:22:45 · 53 answers · asked by *********** 4 in Singles & Dating

Is it because of comfort or are they just sluts. aren't they afraid of people noticing they are not wearing underwear? have you ever gone any where without wearing any. I understand why girls dont wear panties with pants because of pantylines but why short skirts?

2007-09-18 09:22:30 · 48 answers · asked by Yahoo! User 4 in Singles & Dating

i'm just curious as to what it is about married men that makes them so interesting or attractive to you...

you know ..considering that..they're taken and all..

2007-09-18 09:21:27 · 19 answers · asked by juanes addicion 6 in Marriage & Divorce

My husband told me if I get him a wedding ring he will take it off at work and keep it in his pocket why would he not wear it ?I need you guy's to tell me.

2007-09-18 09:20:26 · 21 answers · asked by carolina y 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Is it unattractive or a turn off if a girl cusses (a good bit)?

2007-09-18 09:18:57 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

What does a women look for in a guy in bed doing you know what? I don't know!

2007-09-18 09:14:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

or do you have to get another one for the wedding?

2007-09-18 09:13:19 · 26 answers · asked by devildog 1 in Weddings

ok so ive posted questions in the past stating "my boyfriend". if any of it involved sex, i always get these answers stating

"you must be young since you're not married. dont have sex"

how can anyone ASSUME something like that? no, my boyfriend and i are not officially married. legally, we are. according to the government of canada, he is my husband. we have a child together and have been together for years. he was my first and only, and we're planning on spending the rest of our lives together. you want to know WHY we havent actually gone through with it? because we have aspirations as to what our wedding day will be like and unfortunately, those aspirations may be costly. my father passed away yrs ago and my mom cant afford to pay for our wedding. his parents cant afford it either. why would we put ourselves into a $10000 debt just to have a TITLE, rather than taking that money to further our lives together? we've got a house, 2 cars, and our only debt is our car.


2007-09-18 09:10:16 · 28 answers · asked by raspberry 3 in Marriage & Divorce

what do u think theyll do? divorce or seperate

2007-09-18 09:08:22 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I recently broke up with my boyfriend and have never really "dated" and I was wondering where people meet potential dates. Bar is not an option, town is too small and I'm not interested in a one night stand.

2007-09-18 09:07:34 · 22 answers · asked by Samantha M 1 in Singles & Dating

Lately, more often every time my husband walks by me he is either slapping my butt, squeezing my boobs, kissing my neck, or whatever it may be. We have two children together so I am in no way a skinny model, but I am not fat either.

Is this normal? Should I feel good that he is doing this a lot, as in, he likes my body, or that he is just horny? What goes through your minds when you do this to your women?

Don't get me wrong, it feels great, I am just wondering if that is all he wants.

2007-09-18 09:05:59 · 62 answers · asked by mom2abigsis 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I have been seeing this guy in the hallway for a year now. All last year, and he would always stare at me, I guess he told his friends about me cause they would stand outside the classroom and stare at me. I'm not being paranoid.....they were staring. lol

Now this year he comes down a stair case just because he knows I go up them. I'm almost positive. He stares at me again... but hello we are in 11th grade.

I want to say something to him sooooo bad. but i dont know what to say. i make eye contact, i should try smilling.

but what other signs are there really?? he stares constantly...but that could mean nothing.

any ideas of what i could say?? ha

2007-09-18 09:05:36 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I work as a Truck Driver and there's a girl of about 25 who works in the admin dept giving out routes, collection and delivery notes etc, Who every time I go in the office and were alone she's grabbing hold of me and making suggestions like "I'm cold give me a cuddle to get me warm" or "Would you like to see all my piercings?" even when were not within talking distance and she sees me she makes suggestive mouth "actions"

I know all the men on here are going to say I'm daft but how do I let her down gently she recently divorced and I don't want to hurt her feelings. She's a nice girl but I'm not atractted to her sexually, I'm married to a woman I work with and fear if I turn her down and upset her she's going to make things difficult for me and the wife (I haven't told the wife what she's been doing yet)

Anyone help? Thanks,


2007-09-18 09:04:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I say certain because I realize not all are like this.

You get angry at men that judge women based on looks rather than conduct of your character, you get angry at men for thinking about and wanting sex from you, you refer too men as stupid because not all of our decisions result in success.

So here are my questions. When was the last time you were out some were and saw an unattractive or fat man and said "He seems like a nice guy,he must love his mother and respect women, I must be with him?"
Out of all the choices you had too make this past year.(that you can recall) How many were the perfect choice with no mistakes therefore making everyone happy?
How many of you really hate sex? ( Women think of sex just as often as guys)
Why do you treat men just as bad as you say we treat you then claim were unfair in our treatment of women?

For the record,I also believe this behavior in men is wrong and have acted this way myself on occasion. Can you admit the same?

2007-09-18 09:04:02 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Explanations found for what was once thought to be abuse.


2007-09-18 09:03:20 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I have 2 daughters from previous marriage that my husband just cannot seem to accept. We have only been together for 2 years but how long should it take for him to step in and become part of the family? He used to play with them all the time in the beginning but now all of a sudden he doesn't even spend any time with them. He says he is still trying to adjust but how long should it take? He wants to have a child of his own but I think he needs to bond with the ones I have before I bring another one into the family. Since he is now the man of the house should he step in and be dad (they do have their dad involved but not always) or stand back? Am I wrong for thinking he should discipline them with me or should I just accept the fact that they are not his and deal with it?

2007-09-18 09:03:15 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

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