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Family & Relationships - 31 August 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Who comes first - kids or your spouse? Most people say kids should always come first. But I read this article about this issue and the author says that you should put your spouse first because that way your kids come first automatically, since by putting your spouse first you protect your kids from painful divorce. Meaning if you have a very strong marriage and you deeply in love and you do not neglect your spouse's needs there is a low possibility that you'll divorce. Being married is a lot of work and you have to work on your marriage every single day and pay a lot of attention to your spouse, but some people neglect their spouses for the sake of the kids. The divorce rate in the USA is 50% and 70% for second marriages. What do you think about this idea? Honestly, I do not have children yet, so I do not know what happens when I do.

2007-08-31 04:21:05 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My cousin (and practically sister) just found out that her husband (they got married Nov 06) is going to be deployed to Afghanastan for 4 months in Jan. I want to do something that says: I support you and am here for you but how do I do that with out being akward? I was def. going to send her a card. Any other suggestions?

2007-08-31 04:18:03 · 1 answers · asked by njskiier33 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

did you meet somebody in the internet,i need to know your experiance either god or bad

2007-08-31 04:16:25 · 16 answers · asked by usher 305 1 in Singles & Dating

My daughter has wanted to live with me(because her dad and I have been split up since she was 6 and she once lived with me last year for 5 months but moved back home because we got into a spat and she wanted to move back home where she has been forever except last year, I still have a two bedroom place but after she left and went home, now the father is saying she cannot live with me even if she wants to, not even when she is 18 because she will still be in school, and he said that if she is going to school and under his roof that she can't move in with me, I am not a bad mother, I go to college, I have a job and her father and I get along just fine, but he said that if she drops out of school even if she is 18 and put her in jail for a charge of some kind....is he pulling my leg or what kind of oppinions do you all have, any?
What about imancupation or divorcing a parent or something?

2007-08-31 04:15:09 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I'm asking this for a friend who asked me for advice but I don't know how to answer her, any advice? Thanks :)

2007-08-31 04:08:29 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I was just wondering, i am still in love with my ex wife we have been divorced about 6 months. I have found several books or programs that say you can get your spouse back! Stop the Divorce! Have them crawl back to you! Are they for real or are they like the "take this pill and your penis will be bigger" type products? Playing to our hopes and dreams?

2007-08-31 04:06:04 · 10 answers · asked by Johnboy 3 in Marriage & Divorce

school started. my best friend's on maternity leave. i miss her so muc I thought the whole 3 month summer was ba without seing her now i have to be at school where there are memories of things we did around every corner and with her gone for a whole another month. school isn't the same without my best friend. what can I do to make this month go quickly and to not think of my BFF when I am in school and I miss her?

2007-08-31 03:55:37 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

My partner, who is in all practical matters my husband, has just been informed that the birth control pills is around 99% effective once again. I explained to him that means that anywhere from 1 in every 100 to 200 women get pregnant while using 'the pill' perfectly, taking it at the exact same time everyday.

I have been urging him to get a vasectomy or at the very least use condoms less grudgingly. I know, condoms sucks. I hate them too and find reduced pleasure, but what is with men and not understanding that pregnancy is worse than reduced sexual pleasure?? I mean, he was there when we went through that unwanted pregnancy! He didn't like it either, but his sex drive leads to illogical decisions that I only made while experience a 'manic' reaction to antidepressants. Men are so easy!!

Are my assumptions correct?

2007-08-31 03:46:48 · 48 answers · asked by skunk pie 5 in Marriage & Divorce

the local bartender asked or my number a year ago and never used it.he is a myspace friend of mine,he had a girlfriend for the past year so i kept my distance and knowing that he probably had a lot of girls on the side,but i have always still had a 'thing'for him.he is recently single so i shot him a myspace message asking him to get together he replied with okay and his number to call,i called and left a message and he replied with a myspace message apologizing for missing my call.that was that.so recently i went in there with a couple of my male friends,and i could see him stare at me for a while.why?why he never call.?

2007-08-31 03:41:50 · 6 answers · asked by kelly k 1 in Singles & Dating

i someone who likes sex, so now i left the father of my child who is a real sex man, because he does not want to pay my bride price, now i can cope with my sex life, and i don't want ot flirt, should i go to him or else what

2007-08-31 03:41:48 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Would you like to have a picky spouse who seeks improvements by pointing out even those things which in your view might be your minor unharmful bad habbits, but he sincerely doesn't want to see them in you, because of his intense love for you.


A one who lets you live your life in your own way, by only focusing on the good aspects of your personality and ignoring anything about you that might make him uncomfortable (or make him judge your personality), because he loves you so much that he doesn't want to let anything enter his mind that might cause a bad impression of you (even though such life might have some minor flaws regarding which you don't really care to give a thought to) ?

2007-08-31 03:40:42 · 4 answers · asked by Isra 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My ex-gilrfriend and I kept in touch on and off after 3 weeks of breaking up. This last time I spoke with her..she asked me if I was dating?

I told her no, but I met a couple of people but nothing serious. So I asked her the same question, and she told me she was dating. I was hurt.

Later on in the day, I text her and told her it was good speaking with her, but the truth is that I'm talking to a couple of girls, and I am trying to get to know them. And I want to see were it goes. I also told her that I thought it was too soon for us to be sharing our dating agendas...and that I would rather not know that part of her life..I told her I'm glad to know she's doing fine...and good luck with the person she's dating.

I also said even though we are moving on ....that I loved her. Was it right to tell her all this? She hasn't even responded. I feel no response means she doesn't care, and I should have kept this to myself.

2007-08-31 03:39:06 · 25 answers · asked by SunnySideUp 1 in Marriage & Divorce

yesterday, my fiance and I was stopped at a redlight. I was discussing my day at work, and I talk while using my hands alot. I was actually discussing 3 reasons for something at work, and I was kinda like counting off each one on my hand. well, the light turned green, and when we turned "he said why you wave at him?" I said "huh" well the man next to us thought I had waved and he waved back. My fiance got very angry and accused me of cheating and called me names. even told me to move out the next day. He even slept on the couch. this morning, he called and said he was just saying that it looked like I waved; which i didnt. He finally apoligized after having a night of world war 3. does anyone else experience this? why can't he just understand I didnt wave? its so frustrating!

2007-08-31 03:33:31 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

It wasnt anything major, he called me this morning and asked me if I took it, I denied it and acted upset with him for asking. Should I come clean? If so, how?

2007-08-31 03:33:01 · 19 answers · asked by Megan R 1 in Singles & Dating

I am so confused. I was just married, but haven't filed any name cange paperwork yet. So which name am I supposed to be using? Do I wait until I have completed the name change on my social and my driver's license before using the married name?

2007-08-31 03:27:37 · 16 answers · asked by Proud Momma 6 in Weddings

How would you feel if your significant other cheated on you, as well?

Do you see this as karma or payback, sortive?

Does this make you think about your actions or do you feel ok with it?

2007-08-31 03:25:44 · 20 answers · asked by darkening_hope 4 in Marriage & Divorce

my g.f. broke my heart, and i'm unable to patch-up my broken heart, can ANYONE HELP ME PLS!!

2007-08-31 03:24:08 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

he has been doing very well for his first job. Showing up on time, working over when the boss needs extra help, saying "ok" when he is called in on his day off. Now that school has been going on for a week, there has been a problem. He doesn't get off until 10:00 in the night and by the time he comes home, eats, showers and talkes to his gf on the phone it is right at midnight by the time he is going to bed. He is miserable now. He has been late to school twice this week, and this is the first week. Also, he gets out of school at 3:00 and has to be to work by 4:00. He is asking my permission to quit. I believe in working. I believe in kids making their own money and saving for the things they want. He had been taking half his paychecks and putting them in a savings account. I just don't want his last 2 years of school to be miserable because of work, but I also don't want him to think you just quit when things are tough. Adivce please...??

2007-08-31 03:23:09 · 12 answers · asked by Corona 5 in Family

I want her back but she is telling me that she still loves me and I was her first and only true love but she dont want to be with me we have kids together and I feel like we are setting a bad example to them. She is telling me she cares and dont want to hurt me and is sorry for hurting me but she dont want to do anything to stop it she wont try counseling or anything. she feels like I wasnt there for her I admit I wasnt there for her as much as I should have been but I cant change that now. Is it possible to change her mind about me or is it to late? I am wanting to try whatever it takes to get her back but I am just making things worse she says. so what am I to do I am so lost and scared I dont know what to do I truly still love her but she says she dont love me like that but she does love me she says. Why somany mixed signals? please someone help me I am scvared I will never find happiness without her. I am scared my kids wont have a happy life without me and her together?

2007-08-31 03:18:28 · 8 answers · asked by mising her 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Do you think that you have ONE specific "type" of person to whom you are attracted? Or, would you say that you have multiple unique "types" that EQUALLY attract you?

If you have multiple--think you could be with only one of those types "forever" without ever being with another "type?"

2007-08-31 03:17:07 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

my ex comes to see his baby and he always sleep over is this a good idea and if not how do i tell him

2007-08-31 03:16:12 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

There is this bartender at the local bar that asked for my number a year ago.that same night i gave it to him and left to go to a friends house,he is also friends with that persona nd found out i was there and came over.I crashed on the couch him on the floor,the next morning he took me to my car.I go in there about once a month and he always flirts with me,gives me free shots,gives me a hug.we are myspace friends and i sent him a message a while ago asking him to get together sometime,he replied with yes and gave me his number to call,i called him and left a message,two days later he replied with a myspace message apologizing for missing my call and said we would plan something for later in the week.i replied with'your crazy'.few weeks later i was in there and he was still flirty,should i try again with him or stay away?

2007-08-31 03:13:08 · 1 answers · asked by kelly k 1 in Singles & Dating

My daughter is now living with me. She is 15 and lived with her Dad from the age of 10 until now. I live with my parents currently.

I tried to enroll her in the school that has bus transport from my parent's house. They redirected her to a school farther away which has no bus transport.

Now, my parents or myself have to pick up her up and drop her off to school each day.

My father was rushed to the hospital yesterday with a stroke. He may not be able to drive immediately and will probably need to take it easy.

My daughter says that this is a sign that she was not supposed to stay here and instead we both should move back in with my e-husband in another state.

She does not like living with my parents and is unhappy about starting at a new school . She also wants an intact family.

I feel bad because now my parents will have to help me out with my daughter and if I was with my ex-husband, she could take the bus. He can be verbally mean and conrolling though.

2007-08-31 03:12:52 · 28 answers · asked by Stareyes 5 in Marriage & Divorce


I was 19 when I got married but then was 20 when I got divorced. We tried to work it out but I couldn't I could see that things weren't gonna change. He started dating my roommate that he had just met. Now they have a child and are getting married in a month. Am I weird for being jealous?

2007-08-31 03:12:02 · 17 answers · asked by lilperchal 1 in Marriage & Divorce


do u like keltie coleen...ryans girlfriend???...i hate her and i'd like to KILL HER WITH BIG NIFES!!!...how about u???

2007-08-31 03:07:42 · 13 answers · asked by KiLlEr_kItTy 4 in Singles & Dating


My husband and i had a 3 month "separation" in which he was seeing another girl and still seeing me as well. He kept telling me that he was going to break it off with her but didn't do so until about a month ago now. I know that they are over (trust me i know that!) But i am having a hard time trusting him. I question everything he does even though he tells me constantly he is glad that i am home and that he only wants me and he is sorry ect...Any advice on how to help myself trust him? We both really want to make this work and i am driving myself (and probably him too) nuts. Even though he has changed his attitude i still dwell on what he has done in the past. Any advice? And if you don't have something helpful to say---don't respond!!!!!!!

2007-08-31 03:06:56 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I have a wonderful husband, and he tells me I don't have to work if I don't want to (we are financially stable enough that I don't need to work). I would love to be a housewife, or 'lady of leisure.' Do the house work, and cook for him, do my craft and look after our dogs. But I feel a lot of pressure from his family to get out into the workforce, so much so that I am going to college and getting a degree. It's fun, and I love learning, but, it's just not what I really want to do. Has anyone else been in this situation? What are your thoughts on the subject?

2007-08-31 03:01:48 · 13 answers · asked by A derka der 7 in Other - Family & Relationships

When I don't feel like having sex my husband gets sad and thinks I'm not attracted to him anymore, but it couldn't be further from the truth. Do you men feel like that when your wife doesn't want ot have sex?

2007-08-31 02:56:40 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I wanted to get married to be at home and start a familiy.We have been married fo a year. My husband is out during the week 4 times, with his friens or at work parties. I have trying to explain that I feel lonely with his actitud, but he just answer "He is never going to change".He think is my responsability to make my own social life.
He wants to have a baby now or he is going to leave me. Is this the only probleme that we have. I m not been happy. Should I change? I m very confuse!!

2007-08-31 02:54:55 · 46 answers · asked by silvia c 1 in Marriage & Divorce

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