One day a station manager on a rather large outback property needed a fence repaired on one of the farm boundaries, so he called on one of his stockmen to do the repairs.
"I want you to go out to the northen boundary and fix the fence", he instructed. "Take the four wheel drive, and if you have any troubles, call me on the two-way."
"Ok", said the stockman, and he set off. Four hours later the station manager got a call...
"What is it?", asked the station manager.
"Well, I was driving back in the four wheel drive and I ran into a pig!", says the stockman.
"Yeah, so what's the problem?", asks the station manager.
"Well, he's stuck in the bullbar! And he's still alive and kicking so much that I can't get him free!!!", says the stockman.
"All right mate! I'll tell you what to do!", says the station manager. "Behind the front seat, you'll find a .303. Take it out, load it, and put the barrel against the pig's head and fire! It'll go all limp and you can pull it out from the bullbar! Then, drag it into the bushes and dump it there!"
"Beauty! No worries mate!", replied the stockman.
About 15 minutes later there was another call.
"Boss?", says the stockman.
"What is it now?", replies the station manager.
"I done exactly as you said, but I still can't move the truck," says the stockman.
"Why not?", asks the station manager.
"Well, it's his motorbike, It's jammed underneath the damn car!"
11 answers
asked by
chris b