In the US, we have a right to participate (or not) in whatever religious tradition we choose. This freedom of religion means allowing others to have their own moral code; people might have their store open for business on Sunday, or attend a mosque for worship, or drink/smoke/gamble, or write books/make movies about offensive topics, or have sexual relations outside a committed relationship, or even form a household with someone of the same-sex.
Laws should forbid things that are intrinsically, verifiably, and significantly harmful to people and/or society. Same-sex marriage, IMO, doesn't fit those criteria. Therefore, a law against it would be based primarily on religious opinion. BTW, giving rights to only traditional marriages IS THE SAME AS outlawing SSM.
Either you believe in the Freedom of Religion and therefore legally allow people to hold and practice either Christian or non-Christian values AND ALSO not legally endorse one value system over another OR YOU DON’T.
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