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What if you are dumb, blind, deaf, etc(I know about this girl who was blind AND deaf) and there was no way for you to learn about God. And what about cavemen, they were humans but they couldn't speak, only grunt. And does god know all languages?(Sorry I never read the bible) So what if you teach your baby a language you made up and lived on a island forever. That means you're child is going to hell?

I also believe that the reason people believe in such things strongly are that:
1. Their parents or their background(People around you) based on religion and devoted their life to it. Ex: If my parents hate something, I come to hate it as well.
2. The way the bible was written, in circular thinking AND the fact that the bible keeps you believing with hopes and fears. Like it would say that if you didn't believe in God, you will go to hell.
3. People believe because they fear otherwise, like imagination vs reality. I believe imagination are there to soften reality.

I am only 15yo..

2007-10-27 20:01:03 · 8 answers · asked by TheUnknownKind 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Sorry but I did not have enough to add more stuff.

2007-10-27 20:06:36 · update #1

I heard this guy say that if people before Jesus died, they will be judged when the time comes. Well, people on the other side of the wall did not have the chance to know about it much until lots of years. Also, I consider Jesus slightly racist,(No offense, just a thought, also because
racist is a term that humans created) if he only came the Europe and chose Europe to have holy sights, when there are other parts of the world that is too far. I guess God isn't so fair... Also, yea I'm only 15 years old so I kinda think without much info. I'm not trying to demote Christianity, but just to fill in the gaps within my knowledge of Christianity and maybe, who knows, I might be a stronger believer...

2007-10-27 20:11:48 · update #2

Ok I kinda see the point that some people drew with that it is not accounted for those who does not have the knowledge, but that gives a disadvantaged to people with knowledge, because people are persuaded to believe. If one lived under such Athiestic society, it's their bad luck that they were born there. You do not believe in god when you were first born, only after you are taught about it. And like I said with Asia, (and natives too) they believed in a different god even after Jesus' death and I bet some did know something about Christianity, just not enough to persuade them. So it's not really right unless he was reborn in some other places like islands and things.

-I want to know lol, is it that you go to hell if you don't believe the Christian god, or does it only applies to Athiests(non-god believer)?

2007-10-27 20:20:21 · update #3

Thank you 'nobody important and miu!' Also, I am glad I can finally ask some of these questions! I like this site! lol xD

2007-10-27 20:24:43 · update #4

SORRY FOR WRITING TOO MUCH! reply to one of the answers:

If I was born as thinking of the creator as God, technically my parents are my god. So that means God's only creation is the humankind, not me. It just led to the creation of me. And if everyone is loved by God, it just means God loves humankind in general... doesn't it?

2007-10-27 20:30:10 · update #5

BTW I still studied quite amount of Christianity.

2007-10-27 20:39:24 · update #6

8 answers

Good for you for asking those questions! Don't EVER let anybody convince you to stop asking them. It's good to see some people around here are still able to think for themselves.

2007-10-27 20:19:43 · answer #1 · answered by nobody important 5 · 2 1

You are a smart lad, good questions. the answer takes longer to write out than you wrote. i will answer as many as I can if you want to email me. But to just hit on your first one. ( I believe) that God will resurrect all the people that never heard His message. that way they get a chance to hear it and then choose. Because there is not way a LOVING God whole sentence someone to hell because they grew up in the jungles of south America 800 years ago, long before missionaries. I also encourage you t read the Bible your self. you can get them for free.

2007-10-28 03:39:53 · answer #2 · answered by Zdaddysdinosaurs 5 · 1 1

Okay ...two points here 1) God has a love for every human being. 2) God created a way for every human being to be with Him.
The Christ Jesus is the answer. Too many people misread the Bible and have come to think that you " have to know Jesus to be saved ". What the Bible says is that Jesus told us that He is the only way to the Holy Father.
The Christ Jesus knows our hearts. He told us to whom much is given much is required. So in that statement we men and women who know of Jesus have been given much, so we are expected to do much more than a pagan that has never heard of God or the Christ.
The key here in God's plan is that you can only get to Him through Jesus. As the Christ can read our hearts better than we can ourselves then He is the superior judge in all matters of faith and the heart.
On the day of our judgement there are going to be literally millions of 'so called Christians' crying and weeping because they have been judged and found unfit. Unfit to the point where Jesus the Christ doesn't even know them and will tell them to go away; because He does not know them.
On the other hand there will be pagans from distant lands from times thousand of years before even Abraham that will be dancing at God's Holy feet in utter ecstasy because Jesus has prepared a place for them in God's kingdom.
The Lord Jesus knows every heart and He knows that these men and women did the best they could with what they had!!!
They had nothing in comparison to what you and I have and yet they did the best they could with what they had. This Jesus knows. There are parts of the world now where men and women have never heard of Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit but the ones who rise above evil as best they can? There is a place for them in God's kingdom. The Christ knows them. He is the only way to the Holy Father wether you've heard of Him or not. He is the final judge.
There are evil men and women who have never heard of God, the Christ but they knew they were doing wrong and did not care, they're hearts tell that. They too will share the same fate as the 'so called Christians', that is rejection.
As a Christian myself I am answerable for all my wrongs because I know better. But my faith is in the Christ and God's grace to me. It is His mercies that will be my salvation should I prove to be faithful in action as well as in belief.
There is no circular thinking in the Bible. If you haven't read the Bible and made a study of God's inspired word then you cannot claim it to be a circular arguement. You are just repeating what some other man said and he could be a fool for all you know. I have read the books four times and I can say that even in the terrible history tales of the old testament there are lessons of what not to do and forgiveness by God. Repeatedly He forgives. Never breaking a promise, and never condemning a just man or woman.
All I've seen is Love and grace, forgiveness and mercy from God. All I've seen from even the most faithful in the bible is error and mistakes in worship and in life. But still He forgives.
I've read of great sacrifices and an enduring love that nothing can destroy. I've read of men and women who were the least of the tribes doing magnificent work for God. Men like you and I, just common people. Women that live like your mother does and they have accomplished great things for God. None of them were 'Winston Churchills' or 'John Kennedy's', they were men and women of the earth.
The Apostles were labourers, and tough men from the towns and seashores. But they were not high and mighty popes or biships.
The Bible says the only unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Not believing in Him can be turned around while you still live and if you don't believe at your death? What would you expect from something you never believed in?
So ....what happened before Jesus? God was taking care of it all. He still is.
God bless and take care son.

2007-10-28 03:33:07 · answer #3 · answered by the old dog 7 · 0 1

When Jesus assended into heaven he said that he was going to make things right for all the people who died before his life. this includes cavemen.
he also says that you are only accountable for what you know.
If you don't know about Jesus, or can't learn about him, this includes Blind/Deaf people, and people in remote tribes in the wilderness, then Jesus will treat you fairly when you die.
He loves everyone, even those who hate him.

2007-10-28 03:09:00 · answer #4 · answered by Change... 1 · 1 1

Congratulations !
You might want to read authors like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, or read the Pharyngula / Panda`s thumb websites.

2007-10-28 03:11:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

belief in God is innate. Its not a learned behavior. Even if you are not taugt about God, you will still have the feeling that there is a force... something that created you, even though you dont have a word or name for it. Because almost everyone in the world believes in God, we know that we innately believe in God.

2007-10-28 03:09:18 · answer #6 · answered by 412envy 7 · 1 2

good independent thinking!

2007-10-28 03:14:08 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I'm not worried about those people. I'm concerned about you. Are you saved?

2007-10-28 03:12:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

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