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who is adam and eve in the muslim religion??

and someone in another thread said that the devil got them kicked out of heaven.. can someone please explain this?

2007-10-27 19:48:55 · 6 answers · asked by ZmognessPwnage! 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

6 answers

Adam and Eve were the father and mother from whom all of Mankind has come into this current life of ours.

God placed them in Paradise and told them not to eat of that one "Tree" but Satan (A being of fire) convinced them that God had only told them not to eat of that tree because it would make them into Angels or beings that live forever, and Satan promised them that he was sincere ...... and they took of the tree and thus they were and we are all being tested in this current life of ours, and we will be judged for our beliefs and actions by GOD on Judgment DAY.

2007-10-29 05:09:47 · answer #1 · answered by Asad 3 · 0 0

From what I heard and I've learned.
That Adam is the first man in the world & Eve is the first woman in the world that Allah saw created. They got kicked out from heaven because they eat the forbidden fruit, well in my languange it's called Buah khuldi, buah is fruit. Allah saw said you can eat anything except that fruit and they did, so they 've been putted in earth for the rest of their life and they led a life in earth.

I'm sorry if there's something wrong, coz I kinda forgot, I need to read again

2007-10-28 03:32:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

they are the same figures as in Christianity. And about the second part of the question, according to most Muslim sources yes the devil got them out but watch this video, it's very interesting :


If you're interested in learning more you can get a free copy from the Quran here or use the other website :




2007-10-28 02:54:04 · answer #3 · answered by B 3 · 0 0

Adam was first man and Even was taken out of his left rib while sleeping. He was made by God himself. They were living in the heaven. Satan misquided them to eat the fruit of the tree which was forbidden by God just for test. As a punishement they were thrown on the earth. Adam fell in some valley of India or Sri Lanka as that is also part of Indian sub-continent. Even fell down in Aden Yemen. They searched each other for a long time. And the met in the plain of Arafat near Makkah in Saudi Arabia, Arafa in Arabic means to know. This is the place where people gather for Hajj. Here Adam begged forgiveness of God and he forgave him and he was shown souls of all men there. God asked all souls about him. All souls replied that you (GOD) are our king. God told them okay I will send you to witness this on earth later and you should say that God is the only King. All prophets preached this. Even Jesus has major preaching about Kingdom of God, which is same witnessing and believing. All muslim on the day of Hajj gahther in Arafa'at and bear witness about the Kingdom belonging to God.

Adam then requested God about praying place for him then angels show him the place of Ka'aba and he was worshipping his God there. He was living in Makkah and Jeddah area. Jeddah in Arabic is for grandfather. Muslim face to Kaba just with the belief that "we worship the Lord of this house, which is first house for the worship of God.

Adam lived on earth for 940 year and died and buried in Makkah and Jeddah area. His grave is not known now.

2007-10-28 03:08:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The devil did not get them kicked out of heaven. he tempted then to disobey God (by eating the forbidden fruit).
God kicked then out of the garden of eden (paradise on earth).

2007-10-28 02:54:51 · answer #5 · answered by Change... 1 · 1 0

God created first man Adam's statue from mud made by mixing earth dust with water. Then God breathed life into the the statue and Adam came into life as a full grown up man. God commanded all Angels to prostrate Adam. All Angels obeyed God and prostrated in front of Adam except Satan named Ibleen in Quran the Divine Book God gave to His Prophet Mohammad. Iblees got proud that he was made from fire and Adam was made of dust so he disobeyed god and refused to prostrate Adam. God became very mad at Satan and commanded him to the leave the Heaven. Satan asked God to give him life until the end of this World so he can show God that many men and women will follow him and not you O God. God gave him life till the end of the world. God told Adam and Eve that they both can eat fruit of all trees in heaven except one tree that God pointed out to both of them. Satan tricked Adm and Eve saying God has given him eternal eternal but he does not want to give you both eternal life that is why God doesn't want you to eat from this tree. If you eat this fruit you also will also have eternal life like me. Adam and Eve belived Satan and ate from the forbidden tree and soon after they both felt they are naked which they didn't feel before. We can assume that may be the forbidden tree had some thing that triggered their sex hormons and suddently they felt shame being naked and started covering their bodies with the leaves of fig leaves. . Then God ordered Adam and Eve both to leave heaven and transfered them on earth. Adam and Eve realized their mistake. They repented for their obedience and begged God to forgive them and God did forgave them. But from then on God transfered them to live on earth which we believe God did create for their descendents in the first place.
Satan is permanent enemy of descendents of Adam and Eve known as Humans. Satan will always decieve mankind to derail them from the right path of life that God teaches humans through His divine Books and Prophets God chooses to guide mankind.. But being the enemy of Humans will always make them commit sins. Satan has as many followers as God has His human follower to obey and worship God. Satan's followers always try to make humans do bad things and commit all kinds of horrible acts known as sins.

God creates human being to be tested in the earthly life to see how many of them will obey God and how many of them will obey Satans. At the end of world, God will bring back all dead humans back to life to judge whether they lived as God and his Messengers guide them or they followed the bad way of life on earth. . There are always two angles with evey human being one recording his good deeds and the other recording his bad deeds. God will reward on the Day of Judgment to those who will have more good than bad deeds. Those who will have more bad deeds than good deed, they may have to face punishment in hell. How long or how severe punsihment will depend on the extent of their wrong doings. The very good humans in earthly life will be rewarded with enternal life.in heaven where they will live for ever a very comfortable life with every thing they will wish to have.

2007-10-28 03:43:43 · answer #6 · answered by majeed3245 7 · 0 0

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