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Religion & Spirituality - 20 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I have a friend that told me that they sleep with Missionary on his mission.
I don't if this true. But want to believe my friend. Is this correct..

2007-06-20 06:27:03 · 12 answers · asked by Tinkerbelle2007 3

~In the beginning there was nothing. And then suddenly for no reason nothing eexploded and created everything. YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE THAT??

~At some point, by chance the right chemicals happened to float together at just the right moment to be struck by an electrial charge and become life. YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE THAT??

~Somewhere two non-human mothers each gave birth to a human child. They were born at the same time and in the same place, one was male and one was female. These two new "humans" gave birth to the human race. YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE THAT??

~One of the descendants of these first humans was born with a knowledge of right and wrong. No longer driven by instinct, this person suddenly was making decisions based on a morality for which there is no real explanation. YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE THAT??

2007-06-20 06:26:49 · 26 answers · asked by lccscmaarschalk 2

"The man is the head of the woman, as Christ is the head of the man." - The Bible
"Allah has made one of them [men] to excel the other [women]."

Not all Christians or Muslims believe the above. To those that do:

How do you reconcile following that with being a traitor to your gender's cause?

Especially in the US of A, which is backward enough not to have an Equal Pay law.
Or in Muslim communities, where beatings and coercion of women is common (and don't tell me it isn't).

All opinions welcome.

2007-06-20 06:25:21 · 17 answers · asked by Citizen Justin 7

State your case clearly and respectfully and you will get points.

2007-06-20 06:23:51 · 29 answers · asked by illbegone_likeabatouttahell 3

2007-06-20 06:21:30 · 14 answers · asked by namdev 2

That seems to be the only logical explaination to me. This "God" being must twist or manipulate your mind, so that you can be happy while people who used to love are blazing in hellfire forever. How twisted and manipulative is that?

2007-06-20 06:20:18 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

If morality is merely something that is decided by society, then how can you claim we have a right to anything? Now I know the Founding Fathers were not devout Christians by any means, but they strongly believed in inalienable rights, which are imparted in us by a Supreme Being. Doesn't mean they are right of course, but if you argue that a woman has a right to chose, who says she has a right to chose? Herself? But I thought society was supposed to decide? Where does a homosexual's right to marry the same sex come from?

There are four ways to govern a society: 1) Representative government (i.e. states will disagree and there will be no uniformity) 2) Mob rule (51% of the people oppress 49%) 3) A leader rules (Supreme Court, President, dictator, etc) 4) Anarchy, no one tells us what to do...

Which one is more in tune with what you believe? Or did I miss one? And just if you think "no one can tell us what to do" then how can there even be a co-existant, governed society?

2007-06-20 06:20:03 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Don't say "God", i mean about who goes to hell or not, the bible doesn't say "You must all ACCEPT jesus as your saviour", it says about belief in him, God didn't give us an interpretation, we should all do it for ourselves.

2007-06-20 06:19:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

God sent the only son because man can't save him self from lieing, stealing, hating, envy, blood thirsty, killers, death, lust, pleasure of them own self, not mercful to others, proud, boasting, and many more sins. Jesus took it up with strippes and beating for are stupid sins. A man can't make one hair turn white.

2007-06-20 06:18:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Two guys go into a Pentecostal church and someone starts speaking in toungs. One guy, who is hard of hearing asks, what are they saying? The other guy said God knows what they are saying.

2007-06-20 06:18:39 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would you still consider it loving to see your spouse or children tossed into the lake of fire? Or are you so cold-hearted that you think they deserve it for what ever it was that they did or didn't do? Can you really be eternally separated from the ones you love the most?

2007-06-20 06:15:13 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mostly people see them are either relatives and close friends...
Some able to see them is because they offended the ghosts...
some just born to see them......

2007-06-20 06:13:59 · 12 answers · asked by harijanti 4

This lady said I quote " The reason extremist Muslims are violent is because they are insecure in there religion and they can't take criticism so they hurt people to feel better about them self"....

She does not have a psychology degree then why is she assuming?

2007-06-20 06:13:50 · 30 answers · asked by Love Exists? 6

and to make this about religion to avoid a violation:

is it god's will or free will that lead to blocking?

2007-06-20 06:11:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

...you have already decided the end is coming anyway?

2007-06-20 06:07:40 · 8 answers · asked by NONAME 5

At a number of occasions in the New Testament, we clearly see/hear the Father and Son in different places. How can this be, if you believe in the Trinity? Can God temporarily divide himself?

Take the story of Jesus's baptism. Jesus was in the water. A voice from Heaven declares that he is pleased with his only Son. The Holy Ghost descends upon Jesus like a dove. All three members of the Trinity are present here, each in a different place.

How can we understand the idea of Trinity in light of this type of event and other similar ones (Transfiguration, Crucifixion, Stephen's martyrdom)? Please explain in a way that a normal human being can understand.

2007-06-20 06:07:35 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

He spoke with his voice, through burning bushes and through Jesus. Does he do that now?

2007-06-20 06:06:07 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

As far as Jews are concerned the Messaiah have not come yet... otherwise they would have been Christians today... Is that true?

2007-06-20 06:05:27 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am not baptized and I believe every religion has the same god. i know i always thank god for everything i have, but want to know which religion should i get baptized in and why.

2007-06-20 06:04:37 · 11 answers · asked by angelgirl 2

2007-06-20 06:03:34 · 26 answers · asked by reverendrichie 4

... that the "Religion & Spirituality" section applies to EVERY religion (and not just theirs) aznd that Atheism is a religion like any other (just without a God) and therefore has every right to be here?

And that Spirituality also applies to people who believe in the "occult"?

2007-06-20 06:03:24 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

You have to have just as much faith in that to be true as you would a religion.

Science: systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.

Faith: confidence or trust in a person or thing. Belief that is not based on proof.

No one has observed something evolve firsthand. As an example, no one has observed a monkey turn into a human. No one can cause a monkey to turn into a human by experimentation. They have FAITH that the monkey turned into a human.

It's not science, it is a belief based on faith, not on observable facts or experimentation....therefore it is not science. It is a religion.

2007-06-20 06:02:20 · 28 answers · asked by Me 4

Christians I know make the following claims:

God is selfless

God is all knowing

God created everything

God created man so he would have someone to be with {I guess even God can get lonely}

So God knowing that people would cause each other so much pain and agony, choose to create them anyway so he could have someone to be with.

That strikes me as more selfish then selfless. or am I missing some point here.

2007-06-20 05:57:34 · 19 answers · asked by Inez K 2

I would prefer Christians only on this please....

Here is the verse:

Ecclesiastes 12:6
6 Remember your Creator before the silver cord is loosed, or the golden bowl is broken, or the pitcher shattered at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the well.

Obviously this is a metaphor for the importance knowing God before you die. But do you think the "silver cord" mentioned has more significance?

Is this "silver cord" maybe what keeps us attached to this life....and then gets severed when we give up the ghost and go home to be with the Lord?

Just curious........

2007-06-20 05:55:07 · 18 answers · asked by primoa1970 7

It's my underestanding that dog owners, when they die, will spend eternity following each other around and smelling their rectums, in a state of total bliss. Also, they will deposit turds wherever they please.

The only beings happier than they will be the flies. Huge hordes of plump flies will hover in the fetid air, and congregate upon all fresh turds...

What? Yes, a truly blissful place for all dog owners...

2007-06-20 05:54:25 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

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