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Religion & Spirituality - 31 May 2007

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its really annoying and i am sick of it!

2007-05-31 04:42:09 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

" According to secularism and the humanistic belief system, I deserve more than I have. According to God, I have everything that I deserve." ????

2007-05-31 04:40:46 · 9 answers · asked by amecake83 3

the Antis justify/condone/support the Extermination Proclamation, Haun's Mill and the Missouri era but abhore the Mountain Meadows Massacre?


Apparently it was also okay to feed Joseph Smith human flesh while he was incarcerated in Liberty Jail, meanwhile raping and murdering other Mormons.


And the mob murdering Joseph and Hyrum Smith at Carthage...well, that wasn't actually illegal, you know. It was also justifiable. (Forget that there was no trial, no due process of law, just a crazed mob.)

What wonderful, exemplary Christians, wouldn't you say?

2007-05-31 04:39:32 · 15 answers · asked by Fotomama 5

2007-05-31 04:39:28 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

For example - it is known FOR A FACT that the israelites NEVER came to america in the time of jesus.

That right there shatters the core beliefes of your religeon.

And golden plates in upstate new york????? And only John Smith could read them???


2007-05-31 04:37:49 · 11 answers · asked by oneakmusic 2

"My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me" is not only a declaration of steadfast faith in ultimate deliverance, but also a foretelling of the events that occurred during the Crucifixion.

Or am I just the last lamb to realize the obvious? It's just that I don't remember any sermons making that observation, which seems to make those words maybe the most profound that Christ uttered in his extremity.

2007-05-31 04:36:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

While changing tv channels,I heard one televangelist saying that a group of Christian were challenged by a group of Muslims to prove that the Christian faith was the true religion. The Christian accepted the challenge and requested that a very sick man (one that the doctors have given no hope of recovery ,basically a dying man) be brought to their presence`
Somehow they were able to bring this sick man... now the Christian minister said to the Muslims I am going to pray in the name of ALLAH ... he pray and pray and nothing happened... Then he said I am going to pray in the name of JESUS to bring his health back to normal. The moment he mentioned JESUS the man stood up and was completely cured... Well I am not a Muslim... but I think this televangelist exagerated to the extreme, to be honest I do not believe this cure ever happened. This televangelist reminded me of PINOCCHIO

2007-05-31 04:34:19 · 18 answers · asked by Agnost 1

All non-christians. I must first thank you for not asking snobby questions to on these forums about how why I don't follow your religion.
I ask the question: How hard is it to resist ask questions like:
You all are full of sin, why don't you become (insert your religion here) because that is the only way you can be saved. And similar questions such as this.
I ask because I am not of one religion so I cannot answer this myself and also because I like to know others opinions.

2007-05-31 04:31:37 · 17 answers · asked by heraldofthetwilight 1

I ask them questions and they get all bent out of shape and start threatening me with the wrath of their savior. Why can't they just peacefully disagree? I've been promised bad things will happen to me several times today by the followers of Jesus, wasn't he supposed to be part of an all-knowing, all-loving god or something like that? Is this what christian love is all about?

2007-05-31 04:30:06 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

the fact that there are so many different religions with so many different beliefs as far as the afterlife, seems to tell me that people will believe whatever they want to believe regardless of whether or not it's true. isn't this proof that they're all made up then? please spare me the, "it's true for me" lines. 1+1=3 may be true for you too. that doesn't mean it's a universal truth.

2007-05-31 04:26:15 · 21 answers · asked by just curious (A.A.A.A.) 5

although i get the impression that they're not really a christian group, what do you think?

2007-05-31 04:25:17 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it not ironic that the Jehovah's Witnesses condemn the Roman Catholics for applying Greek philosophy to invent terms such as hypostasis and consubstantiality to support the Trinity, yet they are just as foolish in their ignorance of the Gospel? How is it possible to read the Gospel of John or Genesis or Revelation and not think that Christ is the Almighty God of Abram and Moses? How is it possible for the Vatican to deny a hierarchy between Father and Son while they enforce the strictest institutional hierarchy (Pope, bishops, Papal See) the world has ever known? Which philosphy is more troubling? One that ignores Scripture and chooses obsession or one that ignores Scripture and chooses fascism?

2007-05-31 04:25:08 · 20 answers · asked by mouthbreather77 1

For all that think humans and animals are one in the same. Are you all vegetarians? I believe in treating all living things with respect. . .heck, I get my pets from the shelter, but I do eat meat. . .have you seen the chicken farms?

2007-05-31 04:24:51 · 11 answers · asked by sparkles9 6

my pastor and i were having this discussion.....i say internet and he says t.v....please back up your answers...thanks and praise jesus

2007-05-31 04:23:12 · 12 answers · asked by Landon C 1

2007-05-31 04:22:21 · 19 answers · asked by oneakmusic 2

This is all very confusing.

2007-05-31 04:21:53 · 8 answers · asked by (notso)Gloriouspipecleaner 3

Why should people join Hinduism??

the religion itself says there are multiple ways to God...
It says Islam is true,Christianity is true and so do all other religions

Which itself means... what religion u are already following itself is enough to reach God...

So why do people join Hinduism??

2007-05-31 04:21:41 · 20 answers · asked by sita 3

I've heard 10%, but I find it hard to believe a family surviving on $40000/year can afford to spend an extra $330/month. I've also heard "whatever you can afford".

2007-05-31 04:18:48 · 23 answers · asked by krodaddy8 1

It's silly. When you think of our creator giving us life in the form of HIMSELF, and these tree lovers will instead say we are larger apes. It's blasphamous!

There are obvious things that we have in common with the animal kingdom. It's because all life on this earth is breathed from God.

When a woman actually acts feminine, eats right and does the right thing by her family, it is divinely inspired. Gluttony plays towards the other side of god's creation.

It's all CREATION. How hard is that for you to figure? Did you think we evolved from a stick and a rabbit. Damn it's hard to figure out what you are trying to do to this country with your rhetoric.

Let's take control of our world again, spread the word of Jesus and watch all wars come to an end. Then Jesus will come down and bless us with his love and presence.

I remember a time when men and women made up families. Now it's two guys, some adopted kid and a ceremony. Ugh.

2007-05-31 04:18:47 · 26 answers · asked by Creepy 3

2007-05-31 04:17:39 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

The first commandment.
You shall have no other gods before me.
This shows he believed in the existance of other gods but wanted to be considered number 1.
Can anybody tell me which gods they were?

2007-05-31 04:16:10 · 5 answers · asked by rosbif 6

The green fairies? I mean the evidence for their existence is everywhere. They make the trees and plants grow and flower.
Need proof? There ARE trees and flowers and plants and they grow, green and flower. Ergo, the green fairies MUST be real!

(psst christians, this lame argument is EXACTLY the same one you use to "prove" that god exists. Not very convincing is it?)

2007-05-31 04:15:40 · 14 answers · asked by Yoda Green 5

For example: Why did Paul condemn homosexuality?

When did Paul talk about forgiving those who have hurt you?

What parables of Jesus did Paul quote?

What did Paul say about being born again?

Did Paul ever tell anyone what Jesus said about the penalty for holding a grudge?

According to Jesus, what is the penalty for holding a grudge against anyone in this life?

Did Paul quote any of Jesus' teachings about how to conduct our lives?

What did Jesus say about how some people are born with a unique disposition about "sex"? Did Jesus condemn those who are unigue in that matter?

Did Paul condemn those who Jesus never condemned?

Are we to learn from Jesus' teachings, or should we simply worship Jesus?

Did Jesus tell us to worship him? Did Jesus tell us to worship God, or did emphasize that we should love God?

What sick parent would want his child to worship him?

2007-05-31 04:14:37 · 8 answers · asked by Uncle Wayne 3

In my last question on this topic, I got responses that claimed that people clearly understood god's laws as written in a book.
However, that's not really true, is it?
The whole reason that there are various sects within different religions is because people disagree with each other about what some book is saying....which was the point of my last post. Why can't god simply write a book that everyone agrees upon?
Oh well....just a point of curiousity.

2007-05-31 04:12:50 · 5 answers · asked by Samurai Jack 6

I am led to believe God loves everyone and has the power to forgive.

If not, why not?

2007-05-31 04:12:37 · 11 answers · asked by zeppelin_roses 4

Disclaimer: I don't mean this question to be rude or insenstive,

just wonder if there is any value to applying scientific methodology to religious beliefs.

Discover magazine deals with this question extensively, and the conclusion is that as of yet there really aren't any expiriments that are able to prove god, or reincarnation, or things like this,

but that it is a field of study, outside the mainstream of science, which fascinates me.

Is it junk science to try to prove reincarnation or out of body expiriences?

I'm just asking.

Thank you.

2007-05-31 04:06:44 · 21 answers · asked by ? 2


2007-05-31 04:06:03 · 27 answers · asked by shannon 5

prohibited by God? I was just reading something about the statue of the Virgin Mary at Fatima and how so many people travel to go and see her and kneel down and pray to her. NO WHERE in the bible does it say Mary is the intercessor, that it is okay to pray to Mary, NO WHERE does it talk about rosarys. The bible is very specific in what it says and it says JESUS is the intercessor between us and God, and the only way to get to heaven is through Jesus. It says to be forgiven we only need to ask sincerely, we don't need to say rosarys. We do not need to sacrifice animals anymore. Jesus is the Lamb and was sacrificed for ALL sins. I am not trying to judge the catholics because I believe that they are sincere in what they believe, but they are truly misguided. Catholics, when are you going to realize this? You must, before it is too late!! I am not saying Mary is not important. I have deep respect for her, but God simply used her to fulfill His plan

2007-05-31 04:03:51 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

If there is a creator, then there being a meaning might make sense.

But from an atheist stand point, there is no need for a reason.

Even as a kid, while still a catholic, it seemed strange to me that people wanted a reason to be here.

Isn't it better to just be happy that you have this wonderful oppotunity to experience life?

Can't people see that you don't need a reason to be here for life to be fulfilling?

Is the desire for a reason why some people grab hold of religion in the first place?

Isn't it better to just try and understand what life IS before deciding if there needs to be a why?

2007-05-31 04:01:53 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

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