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Religion & Spirituality - 13 April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

The internet is not the ultimate source for religion. People always turn to the internet to learn about a particular religion. Of course they will find some truth about it, but mingled with so much opinion and misrepresentation and bad experiences. Why wouldn't someone go to the source and find out for themselves? The only true witness will come through the Holy Spirit. Why trust everything you read/hear?

2007-04-13 10:35:04 · 13 answers · asked by BigOnDrums 3

what do i do? ever since i became a follower of Christ- i care about the poor and oppressed, the sick and the hungry, i care that gays are hated, and that children in Thailand are being raped by European men. What do I do when i can't live for myself anymore?

2007-04-13 10:31:05 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

In my many years of studying religions (christian as well as others) I have come across an anomoly in the story of the life of christ. It is said that christ never married. There are several problems with this. The most glaring of which is the name by which his diciples called him: Rabbi. You CANNOT be a rabbi and be unmarried according to Jewish law (which is what he and his parents practiced as christianity had not been established yet). During the wedding at Caanna (sp?) when christ turned water into wine his diciples came to him and said "Master YOU have held the best for last" this implies that HE was hosting the wedding, as the bride groom and it was his responsibility (according to jewish tradition) to supply the refreshments. Mary Magdeline was at his tomb wrapping him for burial. If christ were unmarried, that would have been the responsibility of his mother, who was present, but not performing it. How do you explain all of these things?

2007-04-13 10:30:54 · 25 answers · asked by lupinesidhe 7

Why are you so blindly convinced your way is the only way? Is everyone else who was brought up in another culture damned in your eyes? What about the native tribes who've never even heard of the Christian god? In your beliefs, aren't they god's children too? Why hasn't god given them the "word" as well? Why would he forsake them and everyone lese who believes different? Can't you see how completely ridiculous that is?

2007-04-13 10:30:21 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-13 10:24:57 · 45 answers · asked by I Smoke Cigarettes 3

I recognize that in some places (like the USA) it is illegal, but is it considered a sin?

Would this be THEOLOGICALLY any different from Alcohol? If so, why?

(If you like, read the answers to a similar alcohol question from earlier today: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiGlbsjzs4_VmOcbc4_AFYfsy6IX?qid=20070413061628AA96zql )

2007-04-13 10:24:07 · 14 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7

In this day and age of internet search engines, why don't prospective members of the Mormon faith do a little sleuthing before surrendering their individuality, privacy, choice of underwear and time expected in attending repetitive meetings and goofy socials?

Why don't the investigators read from those who have left the religion, to learn what may be the real scoop?


2007-04-13 10:23:18 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

A ring, depicted in an eternal circle worn around the finger, is the symbol of your never-ending love one for another. In placing and accepting your rings, you pledge your devotion one to another, until account deletion do you part.

You may exchange the rings...

*motions to couple*

2007-04-13 10:22:02 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have some scuba lessons to catch up with.

Greetings from Sunny CanCun!!!!!

Hasta La Vista, Amigos!!!!

2007-04-13 10:16:46 · 10 answers · asked by Malcolm Knoxville V 3

i can't trust her with a secret
she calls me every second to get on my nerves
yell at me cause i don't anwser
she act like she don't understand i have a.d.d
i'm so depresss i don't like calling her mom cause she doesnt act like one
i'll try to talk to her about my problem she will change the subject to her past in high school how pretty she was how many people like her. she listen to all my sister problems in high school or college
i just wish i can move farrr away from her like right now i even thought about running away

2007-04-13 10:14:47 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think there might be some things even God doesn't know?

2007-04-13 10:11:19 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

There are a lot of questions seeking for proof of something. It makes me wonder what people consider proof. Is it knowing, feeling and seeing things yourself? or do some people seek the approval and consensus of others as proof?

2007-04-13 10:11:05 · 9 answers · asked by moonman 6

Why do we insist on worshiping a God who leaves us broke, homeless and/or dead at the side of the street?

2007-04-13 10:11:02 · 19 answers · asked by chocolatemilkpwnsyou 2

even though I do not go to church, I still believe and talk to God..But years back my brother had an accident and it led to his loss of faith & he has now become, basicly a Satanist..He has the Satanic Bible, he removed all Christian like articles, like crosses, etc..Or inverted them, he listens to satanic music..He has steadly over the years become angerier..meaner , hatefull, and his wife is a athiest, so she has no beliefs period...They recently had a baby who cries all the time, and is very cranky...and refuses to sleep in his room..My Question is..Can this home be possesed? And or my brother being influnced by Satan? Can the baby be sencing this?..I know babies can have colic, etc..but what are the chances that there is more than that going on? A family friend has advised me not to enter that house without wearing a blessed item...I have even thought of collecting holly water and sprinkling the home with it...Am I wrong in believing this way?

2007-04-13 10:07:58 · 19 answers · asked by Mommy Dearest 5

im on the fifth book (paperback) and i cant put it down its so good. It got me thinkin on the back of the book it says youth fiction but I believe its really gonna happen. I believe Jesus is goin to come real soon and rapture his church and the antichrist will rise and everything in predicted in the book of Revelation will happen. What do u think? Just so you know im a PROUD Born Again Holy Ghost filled Believer

2007-04-13 10:05:03 · 16 answers · asked by crazy girl 1

2007-04-13 10:04:11 · 31 answers · asked by Hot off the Press 1

Hello everyone and thanks for the help. well ive wanted to become closer to god and ive started reading the bible lately. ive run into a couple problems

Has anyone noticed that it says god made adam and eve at the same time and then it says he made eve out of adams rib later? it also says in the bible that you should stone to death disobident children. it also says that long hair is a sin and dishonarable. it also says you can sell your daughter into slavery. it also says you can sell your daughter into slavery.

2007-04-13 10:03:22 · 23 answers · asked by moosegoose47 1

Everyone can just believe in love <3. I doesn't matter what religion, your sexual prefrence, your race, your health, your financial standing, your disability, or whether or not you use a spoon to twirl your pasta. It makes you no better than another.

2007-04-13 10:00:12 · 25 answers · asked by Blanca 3

Christians out of respect for you and your beliefs I request that you hit the back button on your browser. If you choose to read and answer this question, you will have only yourself to blame for feeling bashed, though that is NOT my intention.

I hear Christians saying that they are shocked that people don't believe as they do. Are Atheists and other non-christians shocked that people still believe the bible as literal and true? Are you shocked that people believe their emotional responses are "god"? Are you shocked that people not only believe but wish that the entire world believed too?

And why do you think they still believe? Why is the Bible the best seller that it is? Why has their mythology lasted so long?

2007-04-13 09:58:39 · 36 answers · asked by Medusa 5

Does Scripture say souls separate from the body at death? Are there souls in heaven now according to Scripture? According to Scripture, will souls be reunited to their bodies in the resurrection? Scripture references only, please.

2007-04-13 09:55:33 · 7 answers · asked by CathApol 3

If you ruled the world for a year on the condition that at the end of the year you would die, what changes would you make to it?
For example- I would legalize marijuana, and governmentally distribute it, thus negating much smuggling, and creating a source of funding for myself. Then I would empty the vaults of the Vatican, and use the money to build hospitals, and schools, water treatment facilities, and farms in the nations poorest countries.

2007-04-13 09:54:35 · 12 answers · asked by Goddess Nikki 4

Also, their individual gifts? I have tried online, and it is very confusing to find this information. I am doing research on individual angels.

2007-04-13 09:54:15 · 8 answers · asked by Artemis 2

If you don't believe in any God, what is the minimum ammount of "proof" that you would need to believe in a God? It could be something public, but don't think of something that would cause all humanity to believe in him, but something for yourself.

2007-04-13 09:50:31 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please tell me what Jesus said (cite scripture, please) about homosexuals going to hell.
Thank you.

2007-04-13 09:46:21 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Also. Oh hell, etc.

2007-04-13 09:45:32 · 25 answers · asked by Life@ 1

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