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even though I do not go to church, I still believe and talk to God..But years back my brother had an accident and it led to his loss of faith & he has now become, basicly a Satanist..He has the Satanic Bible, he removed all Christian like articles, like crosses, etc..Or inverted them, he listens to satanic music..He has steadly over the years become angerier..meaner , hatefull, and his wife is a athiest, so she has no beliefs period...They recently had a baby who cries all the time, and is very cranky...and refuses to sleep in his room..My Question is..Can this home be possesed? And or my brother being influnced by Satan? Can the baby be sencing this?..I know babies can have colic, etc..but what are the chances that there is more than that going on? A family friend has advised me not to enter that house without wearing a blessed item...I have even thought of collecting holly water and sprinkling the home with it...Am I wrong in believing this way?

2007-04-13 10:07:58 · 19 answers · asked by Mommy Dearest 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I am not nuts, or trying to push my religious values on anyone...And the baby is perfectly content EVERYWHERE ELSE , but at home, My sister-in-law has told me so..

2007-04-13 10:30:45 · update #1

19 answers

Hi,look I have read the answers you have been given regarding your problem and some are well intentioned but as a Catholic I really advise you to talk with your local Priest,this is not something for you to enter into without proper Catholic instruction.
Meanwhile you are not totally helpless,you can pray and make little sacrifices for your Brothers re-conversion, pray also to our Lady of Fatima for him and She will help.

2007-04-13 10:33:58 · answer #1 · answered by Sentinel 7 · 0 0

Your brother is experiencing the emptiness that comes from rejecting God. Even though you should be attending mass regularly, you have not shut God out of your life completely, therefore, you are still experiencing some semblance of His Peace.

Babies can sense the slightest distress in a parent. If your brother is angry, mean, and hateful on a regular basis, there's no question in my mind that the baby is picking up on this - and that this distress is having an adverse effect on the baby.

I think your primary concern should be the wellfare of the baby. If it were just your brother and his other half, I would refuse to enter a house where God was not invited first. However, I myself would be worried for the wellbeing of the baby, and I would enter the house to check up on that. And yes, I would be wearing something that identifies me as a follower of Christ.

You are right to be concerned for the spiritual wellbeing of your brother and his wife. Even more important, in my opinion, is the general wellfare of the baby.

You can bless the house will holy water if you want. I would also suggest leaving Green Scapulars about the house, hidden so that your brother and his wife do not know about them. Definitively place one in the baby's room.

Once you've placed the Green Scapulars about, pray. Pray vigilantly, praying those prayers that go along with the Green Scapular.

If you are not familiar with the Green Scapular, look into it. You will understand what I am getting at when I talk about placing them about the house (secretly if necessary).

2007-04-16 06:48:09 · answer #2 · answered by Daver 7 · 0 0

first. read the satanic bible fro yourself and see what it says. believe me it is a lot more peacful than the christian bible.

second a blessing will only work if the people that own the home wish it to be done and will take steps to mantain the blessing. if they do not want it it will be worthless.

third. unless you are a priest or an exorcist of some experience and power you should not antagonise demons. they may just take a liking to you and decide that you present a more enjoyable target.

fourth, i would have a doctor rule Colic or an allergic reaction to something in the home before jumping into any spiritual wars.

2007-04-13 10:45:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Satanists do not believe in "Satan" as a being, but as the concept of human potential free from the constraints of religion.

There is no such thing as possession, or Satan, and for goodness sake keep your 'holy water' out of their house unless you want them to cut you off from their family. You have NO idea how rude it is to shove your beliefs on someone.

How about a little compassion for a couple with a cranky baby? Wouldn't some actual HELP (like babysitting for awhile so mom & dad can have some sane grownup time) be more helpful than your superstitious shenanigans?

2007-04-13 10:16:23 · answer #4 · answered by zmj 4 · 0 1

I believe that your brother has opened himself up to Satan's influence.

I'm not sure how influencial items blessed by your church are, but I am sure that if it gives you comfort to have such things, then I think you should by all means use them. At the very worst, it couldn't hurt.

I don't know, tho, about sprinkling holy water. You should really consult your priest about that, IMHO.

Good luck, sounds like you love your brother and want what's best for him and his family. God bless.

2007-04-13 10:16:12 · answer #5 · answered by mormon_4_jesus 7 · 0 0

Being baptized catholic holds no value unless you chose to be baptized after you became a "born again believer". Check out the bible, God's word if you don't agree with me. Your brother by the sounds of it was never really a "believer" or he would not have fallen away blaming God for the accident which happened in his life. In his anger he thought he would get back at God by joining God's enemy forces. Yes the baby can be affected by the environment of the home since it is a place where Satan is being honored. If you can get your brother one on one and speak to him with what is happening to the baby. Tell him God loves him and God was not responsible for the accident, man is responsible. God does not intervene in all of our circumstances. Ask him to put his trust in God who both loves him and cares about him and his family. If he would do that he would see a change in the baby's life. What you can do is first establish with God your faith in God's gift to you His Son the Lord Jesus Christ. Ask Him to save you from your sins and make Him Lord of your life. Then pray that God will intervene in your brothers life and show him His love for him. Ask God to bring peace to their family and release the baby from the satanic atmosphere that it might experience the peace of God in it's life. I'll be praying for your situation..............Cheers.

2007-04-13 10:26:19 · answer #6 · answered by Steiner 6 · 1 0

You have every reason to be concerned but it will do you no good to wear a "blessed item" not unless it is a Holy Spirit filled relationship with God through Jesus (and no other). No, it's you that needs the blessing.

First get right with God, put your faith in the the finished work of Jesus and pray for your brother and his family.

Mat 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (KJV)

2007-04-13 10:32:23 · answer #7 · answered by movedby 5 · 0 0

I can understand your concern. Maybe asking your priest or a loved one who shares your thoughts my be better than finding answers here. And I don't believe that blessed items can protect you from evil. Only your faith can do that. By pushing him you may be leading him further away from Christ, but continue to pray for him. Remember, all you have to do is plant the seed and God will make it grow.

2007-04-13 10:18:53 · answer #8 · answered by Erin C 2 · 0 0

IF you really think that your brother is satanic stuff, you need to get a priest to perform a blessing on the house and your brother. If your brother dont agree to go through with this then it may be to late. You can go and get holy water and a priest to do this, just explai everthing to them. God bless you and your brother and i will be praying for you all.

2007-04-13 10:17:55 · answer #9 · answered by Renee W 1 · 0 0

Coming from someone that has been sprinkled with holy water....leave it at home. If you want to wear a blessed item for your personal piece of mind, go ahead. However, your brother appears to have his own beliefs that he is following and seems fine with that. For you to go into his home and push your beliefs on him is wrong. If he wants help, i am sure that he would ask for it. As for his wife having no beliefs: I highly doubt that. Atheists are people too and they do have a belief system. Just because her beliefs are not the same as yours does not make them wrong. The baby may be adjusting to the new environment. Is it cranky when you are arround? Are your beliefs what is upsetting the baby and not the ones of the parents?

2007-04-13 10:17:39 · answer #10 · answered by jknca04 2 · 0 3

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