Can you think of other theories about the birth of jesus? I mean other than immaculate conception?
Lets list some possibilities here. Give me what your version of the story would be, if different than the bible version.
In my story....
Mary had sex (maybe even raped?) with some random guy in town/village and got pregnant. But because she would be isolated/hurt/harrassed/killed by her family/people, and becasue Joseph loved her regardless, they decided to make a story that would make it possible for her (and Joseph) to live. So They did. And Jesus was a natural born leader, a ghandi like figure in any case. So that certainly helped things. I like my story. ha, it would make a pretty good lifetime movie.
A possibility? what would your version of the story be, if it would be different than the original story?
Oh and I am not trying to put down anyones religion, I am just curious about alternative theories by people.
anyway, peace and have a good day
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