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Why are you so blindly convinced your way is the only way? Is everyone else who was brought up in another culture damned in your eyes? What about the native tribes who've never even heard of the Christian god? In your beliefs, aren't they god's children too? Why hasn't god given them the "word" as well? Why would he forsake them and everyone lese who believes different? Can't you see how completely ridiculous that is?

2007-04-13 10:30:21 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

As a group the Christians are plentiful, but there are more hindus and muslims out there. and when you start adding in all the other religions, Christianity is in the minority.

2007-04-13 10:36:24 · update #1

Sara, see moved by's question below yours for the answer to yours...

2007-04-13 10:42:29 · update #2

funny...no one who believes this is answering the question directly. they just attack me. very very defensive.

2007-04-13 10:44:14 · update #3

29 answers

Unfortunately, majorities can be wrong. It is entirely possible that everyone on Earth could be doing things to damn themselves.

What if the true faith had been stamped out five thousand years ago? What if the faith's Deity, let's call him Bert, was looking down from his throne, just as ticked off as he could be that we no longer acknowledged him, or did things that were good in his fourteen eyes. Instead we were praying, as Bert told the Prophet Ernie was forbidden. And we were meditating, as the Big Bird did before his consumption by Angels of Kermit. And we were studying scripture, despite the pleadings of the Cookie Monster in the "Book of C."

Would we honestly expect Bert to love us if that was true?

Now sure, I don't believe it is true. But anyways, it could be.

2007-04-13 10:44:35 · answer #1 · answered by Mr. Bad Day 7 · 2 0

Because Jesus said it and I believe it that's why !Christianity is the only one who's God die for them! What has these moon God's done for his people that follow him ? Nothing!! Right answer.

Is everyone else who was brought up in another culture damned in your eyes?

I say Yes. There's only one God.Jesus Christ.And if they are following a dead God - then so shall they be!

What about the native tribes who've never even heard of the Christian god?

I am Native American.And I follow Jesus- my people did hear the word of God.But just like any other culture didn't want nothing to do with it.

Why would he forsake them and everyone lese who believes different? Can't you see how completely ridiculous that is?

Belief system has nothing to do with it. It's being born again that has to do with it. If they had the chance and most did and they refused it - that was their choice! God don't make no one follow him- he leaves it up to us! It's what the word of God says that counts.Man's opinion is what it is Opinions!

2007-04-13 17:50:37 · answer #2 · answered by Ladybyrd 4 · 0 0

Hmmm, theology by majority vote . . . . intersting.

I'm convinced 'my way' (as you put it) is right because it is internally coherent, surprisingly accurate on matters scientific and historical, and open for the development of mankind (despite what the atheists say)
The word you are looking for is 'unfair.' And you're right, it does seem unfair. People have struggled with the very questions you have asked since the dawn of Christianity with interesting results. (Purgatory, the circles of hell, etc). So don't be to upset if you don't get a straight conclusive answer here. It's a prickly issue.
The thing is that nowhere does it say that God is 'fair.' Just, yes. Merciful, yes. But not 'fair.' Probably because 'fair' is a matter of perspective. What looks unfair from one perspective looks absolutely fair from another.
And while you didn't ask this question, this is the reason that Christians evangelize. Because we want to get the word out to everyone who hasn't heard. So don't get upset with us when we share our faith if you're going to get upset that our God isn't 'fair.' We are managing the best we can

2007-04-13 17:56:45 · answer #3 · answered by LX V 6 · 0 0

You're correct in saying that Christians believe their way is the only way. But, you can say the same thing about each or any of the other religions. You should have addressed your question to Religious Believers.
Of course you're right. If "god" was almighty ( able to do anything ) he surely could have spread his word evenly over the entire world. After all, the world is less than a tiny dot in the universe that he is supposed to have created.
Ridiculous and midieval.

2007-04-13 17:43:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First of all, you can't group this question to all Christians. They all have different opinions on certain doctrines. God is a just God. There is a plan for those that never had the opportunity to hear His gospel. They are not damned because they weren't born in the right place at the right time.

Learn more . ..

2007-04-13 17:43:45 · answer #5 · answered by BigOnDrums 3 · 0 0

Well, not all Christians are fundamentalists. Personally I don't buy the notion that God is going to let people burn for ever (including babies and people who never got a chance to hear about the Bible) just because our distant ancestors stole a piece of fruit--unless they accept the torture and death of his son as recompense. (This is actually what fundamentalists believe.)

The early part of the Book of Genesis is a myth (symbolic) but even if you read it literally it doesn't say Adam and Eve are going to hell. It's a story about the human condition: toil, the oppression of women and death. The story of Eve being taken from Adm's rib is something like Plato's myth of the hermaphrodite (i.e. in the beginning we were bisexual) and the theft of fruit is a symbol of sexual desire arising from the illusion of separate sexes. Jesus through his inherent purity understood the integrity (completeness) of each person and was able to heal as a result. He also overcame death and the grave, as we can do if we follow his example.

2007-04-13 17:41:51 · answer #6 · answered by 2kool4u 5 · 0 0

ok, answering the way you've phrased it: my confidence in the correctness of my religion has nothing to do with whether my religion is a majority or minority. My religion had the same beliefs about itself when it started as a small group of disciples in Judea almost 2000 years ago. The fact that they were a very small minority had no effect on their belief about the validity of their religion.

You ask several other questions. My answers are from the Catholic perspective, based on Scripture. Those who have not heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ are in the same situation as the souls in hades to which Jesus preached when he descended to the dead - that is, not in hell, but waiting for their Messiah. Further, all people have knowledge of God engraved in their hearts by their nature as being His children, in His image and likeness. All people can come to a knowledge of God. God reads and knows the heart, and knows what people do with that knowledge. God has not forsaken them, but waits for them to acknowledge Him as their true God and Father.

2007-04-13 20:01:59 · answer #7 · answered by a 5 · 0 0

An idea or faith less popular is not necessarily wrong just because it is less popular.With that said, no one should insult one religion simply because it contradicts their own.If you believe something to be true you don't need validation and validation in the form of insulting another's beliefs or holding contempt of another's beliefs is not very validating.And this works both ways for any belief or religion.

2007-04-13 17:39:43 · answer #8 · answered by Tobeornottobe 3 · 0 0

I see your p[oint of view completely. It makes no sense that Jesus was the only one who could have saved people. that would mean that everybody born in a location where they could not have even heard of Jesus would automatically be sent to hell because of where they were born, something they have no control over. There has to have been somebody who sent those peoples wisdom, otherwise this world would just be hell's waiting room.

Ps. i think you mean that christians make up less than half the population. i dont count that as a minority since we are the biggest group, but oh well.

2007-04-13 17:36:17 · answer #9 · answered by YouCannotKnowUnlessUAsk 6 · 1 1

Okay, go to wikipedia

Christianity is the most populous religion in the word 33% to be exact. Islam follows, then Hinduism, third

Honestly check it out

And only the people who have absolutely DENIED Christ, are not God's children.

2007-04-13 17:48:09 · answer #10 · answered by Petina 5 · 0 0

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