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Religion & Spirituality - 23 March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2007-03-23 16:03:26 · 4 answers · asked by CevnLDSNewbie 2

and claims that he now understands the error of his ways.


2007-03-23 16:03:21 · 11 answers · asked by ? 6

MY FATHER never kept himself hidden from me...and then left me only a cryptic message telling me to love him and follow him, or he'd make me suffer forever.

In fact, my father never threatened me at all like that.

He had the courage to face me, not leave riddles for me to figure out and mess around with -- riddles that the rest of the family could never agree on...

He was always there. He always loved me no matter what I did.

I didn't even have to pretend that I "knew him". Or listen to other people tell me what he was about. Isn't that an amazing concept?

2007-03-23 16:02:36 · 6 answers · asked by jen1981everett 4

In North America? According to the history recorded in the Book of Mormon should there be?

2007-03-23 16:01:40 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-23 16:01:38 · 15 answers · asked by CevnLDSNewbie 2

2007-03-23 15:56:00 · 31 answers · asked by MrsOcultyThomas 6

looking at themselves?

2007-03-23 15:55:06 · 20 answers · asked by buttercup 5

I am a close student of the Word of God. I read and study daily to prepare myself for my walk with God. And as I study, I never find an instance in the Bible where we are commanded, taught or led to believe that Christians are to make fun of others who believe differently than we do.
And as I study, I cannot find an instance where we are told to hate, abuse or ridicule others who live a different lifestyle than we do.
What I do find is that we are to love God and to then love those around us. Am I wrong?

2007-03-23 15:52:59 · 35 answers · asked by brevboy 2

Let's take Christianity for example. Lets also take gays for an example. Of the gay people at my school, I see many wearing the crucifix on it around their neck. They're also wearing Christian themed t-shirts. I know for a fact that Christianity looks down upon homosexuals. One of them also pushes Christianity on me but I keep telling him I am agnostic. Why do lawbreakers and stealers devoutly follow Christianity? Is it because that you can immediately be forgiven for what you've done? Take the easy way out? Feel better about yourself shoplifting $200 worth of clothing w/o turning yourself in to the police? Just go to church and all is well, you will instantly be forgiven for your sins. yep

Also a question for the muslims out there. If Islam is the so-called "religion of peace," why do faithful followers of the religion kill innocent people for the sake of Allah? Is it true that if you do a suicide bombing, the quaran will promise you 40 virgin women in heaven?
I hope I find answers

2007-03-23 15:52:02 · 11 answers · asked by flashpoint145 4

Go here: www.ciy.com to have info on how to convert people.
What do you think of it?

2007-03-23 15:51:52 · 12 answers · asked by stargazercrazydude 2

Have you prayed about this desire?

2007-03-23 15:51:18 · 24 answers · asked by inteleyes 7

Please reply whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu or any other sects in India among Hindus, Budhist apart from being a Hindu, Parsi, Bahai etc. etc

2007-03-23 15:50:52 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you had to pick one or the other, would you say that you were a Calvinist or an Arminian.

Two additional notes:
1. If you're thinking of saying "Calminian," just put "Arminian."
2. If you don't know what I'm talking about, disregard the question.

2007-03-23 15:50:27 · 9 answers · asked by Steve 3

that goes around to our troops' funerals protesting with those hateful signs bashing them for their service to our country??? I have had it with them!!! It is one thing to have your own opinion of the War, but to turn their funerals into circuses? It makes me sick to my stomach!

2007-03-23 15:49:05 · 23 answers · asked by mimiluv80 2

I'm writing an Easter speech for the kids to do at my church and I'm not sure which one sounds right. Should I use "Jesus died on the cross to save our sins" or "Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins?"
I'd appreciate it, thanks.

2007-03-23 15:47:12 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Below are eleven statements. Some true, some false. Those who answer with the most correct responses will gain reward. Perhaps some points, or perhaps the knowledge itself is a reward. Answers will be posted when the best answer is chosen.

1. Buddhism originated in northern India.
2. Guatama Buddha was a prince in his final life.
3. Buddhists follow the ten-fold path.
4. The Buddha was an atheist.
5. There have been many Buddhas throughout history.
6. The next Buddha to arrive is known in the English-speaking world as Maitreya.
7. All Buddhas shares the same mother, who reincarnates herself to be a lotus flower, woman, or whatever is giving birth to the Buddha.
8. The two main schools of Buddhist philosophy are Mahayana and Pali.
9. In Buddhist tradition, rubbing the Budda's belly will bring good luck in the next life.
10. The Dalai Lama is believed to be a reincarnation of the last Buddha.
11. Buddhism focuese on attaining release from suffering, or nirvana.

2007-03-23 15:45:39 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

suffering from sth, such as physical or emotional, finacial, or whatever that made you fall into the darkness.

2007-03-23 15:45:18 · 23 answers · asked by Gone 4

2007-03-23 15:45:12 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was watching Infidel Guy Radio debating a theist and I thought they brought up some good points.

The theist was trying to argue that an atheist holds on to the view that he only knows what he does from the material world. But how does an atheist justify what he knows from the material world when he uses logic? Logic isn't material, it isn't made up of atoms it cannot be converted into an energy source, etc.

So how do you justify using logic to justify the material world when logic itself isn't?

I think this is what he was basically getting at. He was using this argument to contradict that logic in and of itself is flawed.

I view that technically thoughts arn't material, true, but they come from a physical thing (the brain). The fact that he suggests that we have a "soul" because we use something immaterial to determine what is material is flawed as well.

Basically I think he was using logic to determine that logic is not logical to justify the means of using logic...

2007-03-23 15:45:12 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-23 15:45:07 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

as if we are arguing known facts?

2007-03-23 15:45:06 · 7 answers · asked by expertless 5

What effect do you think religious pluralism and the interfaith movement will have on the future of organized religion? Explain your answer.

2007-03-23 15:44:55 · 1 answers · asked by chocolate_thunder_in_dallas 1

How does one know if they are getting waswaas (whispers from Sataan). Is there anything that can be done? Thanks to those that may help, and please serious answers.

2007-03-23 15:44:35 · 5 answers · asked by ♥IslamForever♥ 5

How are they similar?

2007-03-23 15:43:52 · 7 answers · asked by chocolate_thunder_in_dallas 1

they ask for your money say its going to the ministry. When in fact i just goes straight to there pocket. The greatest con artest ever exist they claim they're preaching for god. But in reality they're two faced blood suckers.

2007-03-23 15:42:49 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Man is clearly afraid of the unknown. I know there will be a lot of controversy when it comes to this topic, but really, is religion something that man made before our time in order to create a history because they didn't know how they came to be or why they were who they were? Was it just because they were afraid and they figured "hey, if we make up some answer, it CAN be the answer. whether it's right doesn't matter. what's in the past is in the past."
I don't know who I'm referring to when I say "they."
I must admit - death IS a fear of mine, but the idea of heaven doesn't compensate for that fear.
What is religion to you? A relationship with God? A set of rules you can live by for the rest of your life instead of creating your own guidelines? Answers?

2007-03-23 15:41:14 · 13 answers · asked by ruthlee31 2

1st. Who invinted it.
2nd and 3rd. Name 2 individuals that popularized it.

2007-03-23 15:41:09 · 12 answers · asked by Nathaniel D 2

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