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Etiquette - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Etiquette

My kid is turning three, and is having his first "real" party. We expect about 15-20 other toddlers. My real goal with this is for him to have a day that's all about him. Lots of kids coming to HIS event, to play with HIM, and eat HIS cake, and give HIM presents. He is helping pick out the invitations, decorations, and goodies for gift bags, and is very excited already.

At the last party he attended, he gave a nice $15 board game that he had helped pick out. Most of the other birthday boy's gifts were pricey gizmos that I'd passed over as far too pricey ($40+) for a three-year-old! I am not interested in getting lots of new toys (frankly, he's got too much stuff anyways) -- but at the same time, I think he should get SOME things.

How can I strike a balance between letting people give my child fun, nice gifts, but requesting they avoid the expensive crap my kid doesn't need (or want) anyway? Preferably while still sounding like a nice person, not a prim uptight twit...

2007-02-27 07:07:00 · 9 answers · asked by Matti 4


It's my husbands 30th birthday in june and i'm stuck for a gift, i want to get him something special. Not too expensive maybe £200 max. Any ideas. Thanks

2007-02-27 07:01:51 · 10 answers · asked by e.l.a 2

He is a friend, so I could confront him in confidence, but there is a possibility that it may be his natural smell and cannot be helped. Therefore, I am afraid to hurt him. Though we aren't certain, we believe it's more likely that he doesn't wash his clothes often enough. I've made several attempts at "hinting" at the problem by mentioning "the smell" in small groups where he was present, but he hasn't taken the hint.

2007-02-27 06:54:24 · 11 answers · asked by RP 1

I am a server at a restaurant and am wondering how much the average person tips.

2007-02-27 06:49:43 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was always taught that while woman can wear hats indoors, it's rude for guys to do the same. Does anyone even follow this "rule" anymore?

2007-02-27 06:33:19 · 14 answers · asked by Alma M 1

I go to a state secondary school. I'm a very quiet person, but EVERYONE in that school, bar 10, (750 pupils) swear. And by swearing I mean "Wheres that *four_letter_word* pen?"or "....ing hell man!".
I hate it, and people frown at me for not!
The only time I have was 1) when my computer got rid of my coursework (2) When I thought I set off the fire alarm.

Do people not realise what swearing is?
Or am I in the wrong?
Please explain?

2007-02-27 06:24:30 · 29 answers · asked by BrilliantPomegranate 4

I saw a Romanian lady today selling the big issue. She was cold and could not speak English, just pointed at the price window. But she smiled amid a lot of dull faces rushing by. After buying a copy for £2 (= £1.50 plus a tip), I asked myself ?...why don't we all do the same and let this woman see that she has left her hardships behind at last ? Also the sooner she sells her mags the sooner she gets out of the cold and towards sorting other vital needs out. Yeah ? What's £2 ?? Why do so many walk past ?

2007-02-27 06:20:46 · 8 answers · asked by Thom Jo D 1

I've been invited to her b'day party. I don't want to give her another gewgaw to dust. Some others are giving her gag gifts but that's not me. I'd like to come up with collections of 50 things, not too pricey...like 50 M&Ms, for example. What else could I collect 50 of?

2007-02-27 06:06:39 · 10 answers · asked by keepsondancing 5

How come when people are in line at the bank or grocery store, they have to stand so close to the person in front of them? I like to keep my distance from people and when someone is standing so close behind me that I would bump into them if I move slightly it makes me sick! Don't you prefer to keep your distance from the person in front of you?

2007-02-27 05:54:12 · 13 answers · asked by ☺SDgurl☺ 3

i was on a bus and a kid around 12-14 yrs old came on the bus with a big beer and was acting all silly and touching and saying things to everyone on the bus....-if i was in america it would be considered underage drinking and harrasment but where i am nobody gives a ****..................he tried to sit next to me and start being stupid like putting his head in my face ect he was nastily pierced up all over ect. i just told him to fu**off and i left to the front of the bus but he was really pissing me off+i couldnt even tell if he was a HE or not!!!!!!!!!!!!????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-02-27 05:43:48 · 3 answers · asked by Eye of the Beholder 4

i've talked to them and management several times, and it's only gotten worse. i'm happy that they're "happy" and in an "very enjoyable" relationship... but i *really* need my sleep. and as much joy as they find in each other i'd like to find some way to get some quiet rest in my own damn place!

2007-02-27 05:30:39 · 12 answers · asked by crush the turtle 4

She giggles incessantly and uncontrollably at work - sometimes at nothing, at other times things that aren't funny at all. I'm sure she's going to go postal and bring a gun to work one day. Until then, how can I ignore her?

I know this sounds ridiculous, but it's a real problem. I can't move away from her, and I already have the noise-reduction headphones. I can't wear those all the time, though. She's nuts! with completely inappropriate behavior. What do I do?

2007-02-27 05:23:13 · 9 answers · asked by redlips1487 3

Ever since I was a little kid, I haven't been able to stop losing things. At first, i was just a lucky pen or pencil or maybe a toy action figure, but now it's much worse with me losing keys, books, and even my wallet.

And when I say lose things, I mean just that. It's not a matter of misplacing it and finding it in my own home. I LOSE things in public places where anyone can pick it up and I won't notice until it's too late to go back and ask around. The only times I don't lose things is when I make it a hassle to gain easily have access to it by stuffing it into the bottom of my briefcase or backpack, but wih this comes a poor quality of work since I can't stay focused and get worried about where I stored my items.

How do I keep track of everything I'm carrying with me without losing focus on the task or job at hand. Please help!

2007-02-27 04:53:11 · 6 answers · asked by Mikey C 5

2007-02-27 04:34:03 · 3 answers · asked by Connie C 2

This is concerning an interview, and i wrote thank you letters to all my interviewers and i heard back from some (this was all by e-mail). i was just curious as to whether it was etiquette, or they really did like me.
Do you respond to thank yous?

2007-02-27 04:27:52 · 6 answers · asked by sidenafil 2

For me spontaneous is always best.

2007-02-27 04:23:20 · 12 answers · asked by Dustbowl Blues 3

One of my flatmate's parents - who live abroad - have invited us all out for dinner at a restaurant. I was wondering if I should bring a gift, and if so, what should I bring? If not, should I offer to pay for something *I'm only a student btw*

2007-02-27 04:06:29 · 9 answers · asked by mosey 2

I have been reading some of the answers to questions on here and wondered why some people are so mean, whats the saying if you've got nothing nice to say than dont seems to be fitting or maybe its worse that most of us care what other people think but is'nt that the point of this site? , No one has been rude to me yet but I am sure Im putting a target on my back with this question ,
people should be honest without being nasty ??

2007-02-27 03:56:09 · 36 answers · asked by Lynsey D 1

We have a new practice director as the partners dont want to deal with practice developements and complaints.The firm is very close knit and friendly and everyone has been doing a damn good and conciencious job in the support team for as long as i can remember (8 years i have worked here).
Everyone is motivated and gets on with their work as we all care about what we do. now this new practice director has joined and he takes a ll the credit for our hard work, he has very poor interpersonal skills, he doesnt listen or remember conversations. He upsets people and then pretends its someone elses fault. He is very much in an 'ivory tower'. Never does he ask about our interests or lives. Everyone is losing what respect they had for him now as he has burned most of his bridges.He sods off for long lunch breaks,to the golf course, up to london to meet old colleagues etc etc etc then takes great pleasure in telling everyone that he has taken no sick leave this year.oh and he is short! Git.

2007-02-27 03:53:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was looking at a posters answers and my goodness she is SOOO rude to everyone. Makes me want to have her knocked off this board.

2007-02-27 03:43:01 · 19 answers · asked by Poptart 5

2007-02-27 03:33:09 · 16 answers · asked by aprilmayy@sbcglobal.net 3

I am a 35 year old mom and my 16 year old son is a 10th grader. He had his winter sports program from his high school sitting on the desk in his bedroom. I was looking at it since he is a wrestler and wanted to see his picture. When I turned the page, it was stuck together. I then finally ripped the pages after trying and it was a picture of the schools cheerleaders. Now, my son walked in and saw me and then ran away from embarrassment. He hasnt said a word in 2 days. Do you think he did something wrong? I never assumed the pages were stuck for a reason. I

2007-02-27 02:50:05 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

i need advise!my sister had a baby boy and im being godfather and delighted,though we want to make it a memorable occasion! any ideas on something different as apposed to renting out a bar/club eating voulevonts an getting bladdered?...

2007-02-27 02:43:31 · 7 answers · asked by auto head 2

A co-worker of mine constantly makes suggestions to me during meetings. It is driving me crazy! How do I potitely tell this person that I am NOT looking for suggestions. Especially since the suggestions are made in front of the group and are not very helpful.

2007-02-27 02:33:09 · 2 answers · asked by BR 3

I'm trying to deal with some issues I've recently began dealing with in seeking help with my past. I'm what's called an Adult Child of an Alcoholic. It's part of the process to seek people out who you feel you've wronged in the past and tell them that your sorry, etc.. My question is....how do I do that? I mean I want it to be heartfelt, but I have this suspicion that the person I want to tell sorry will just blow off my apology. How do I approach it in a healthy proactive way so that we both get something out of it, and not just self gratification for myself?

2007-02-27 02:31:37 · 23 answers · asked by Queenelizabeth79 3

I am involved in organizing an international show at my university (I am a master's student). This event is a pretty big deal at my school, where many administrators and professors attend the event as well as students. I am considering performing, since belly dancing is part of my heritage. However, I am fearful that I will not only be stereotyped, but also pigeon-holed and thought of as overtly sexual (since that seems to be a typical American view of belly dancing). Yay or nay, and why?

2007-02-27 02:20:01 · 13 answers · asked by vanessabfly 2

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