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Etiquette - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Etiquette

What to write in a letter to a pregnant woman?
I'm writing a letter to my professor who will leave the school for a while to have her baby. I'd like to write a thank you note to her and I do not know how.
I'd appreciate yall help.

2007-02-27 19:02:24 · 6 answers · asked by Derick F 1

a girl told me about a dirty bathroom in a certain restaurant and that she saw the people kooking the food not washing their hands etc. So, of course, being cautious to avoid this restaurant, I asked which one it was; and she's like "I can't say". Why are people so adamant to protect the businesses and not peoples health?

2007-02-27 18:43:13 · 10 answers · asked by chapped lips 5

the way they dress, the way they act, distinguished the conservative type teens and the liberated teens.

2007-02-27 18:41:00 · 8 answers · asked by kr 1


2007-02-27 18:36:22 · 6 answers · asked by SEEMA R 1

i havent dated anyone for several years but have recently started dateing again i was wondering if i should be paying for some dates and how does this get detemened. (i am female) when i dated my late husband he ussually paid

2007-02-27 18:31:11 · 24 answers · asked by just asking 1

via bones and stuff

2007-02-27 18:22:13 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Am I legally free to do whatever I want to them?

2007-02-27 17:45:38 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

...and you were in the middle of watching tv. What would be a good reason for you to stop what you were doing and listen to what I have to say?

2007-02-27 17:36:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I feel like a fraud when I do that, but I am laughing on the inside. Perhaps loi instead?

2007-02-27 16:47:08 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

A man came out of nowhere & came behind you & canceled your transaction, talking about that he didn't have time to wait on you & that he was in a hurry & then did HIS transaction & then gave you a wicked smile? I mean, ANYONE would get upset! This man could've stolen my PIN # or my money or anything. You're damn right I cussed that punk out. You don't do that type of stuff to people.

I told my social worker about it, & she told me I was wrong for cursing him out & that I was the one creating conflict & that I put myself in the position to get hurt. Which is not fair. I disagree with her opinion.

2007-02-27 16:29:02 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

What to do about a disrespectful neigbor??
I live in a quadplex, and am the oldest tenant still living here (1yr 1/2). The parking lot consists of 8 spots, with one occupied by the dumpster. The 1st two apartments share 1/2 of the split parking lot.....or 4 spaces. Me and my neigbor share the other side of the lot consisting of 4 spaces.

Now I usually park in the closest spot, as I have done for over a year. The new neighbors usually learn within a week or two to be respectful and park one down. But these neighbors have two cars and for nearly two months have been taking the 2 closest spots. They also have a friend spend several nights over, taking another space up. Plus the neighbor's mom visits occasionally taking another spot up. Usually, 3 of the 4 spots are taken---requiring me to park next to the road at the very last spot.

Today, I was in the 2nd spot, with the girl's bf in the 1st and the girl in the 3rd spot......her bf left, and an hour or so later---she backed out, -

2007-02-27 16:11:02 · 10 answers · asked by I Love My Kitties 5

I was in third grade and our teacher told us that she did not want to call names but some people were starting to have an odor. That we were growing up and that she is recomending the entire class wear it. If the offenders still ofend she will pull them asside and talk to them individually. I was 8years old. Then about fith grade i rembered everyday

2007-02-27 16:04:02 · 8 answers · asked by Big Daddy R 7

I personally would prefer for someone to do that. It saves time on trying to find it out. According to ettiqute people they say it's a bad idea. What's your opinion?

2007-02-27 15:55:03 · 15 answers · asked by Mommy to Boys 6

what is the big deal with straight guys shaving their legs why does everyone make it out like it is some kind of sin?

2007-02-27 15:51:09 · 25 answers · asked by yo 2

2007-02-27 15:09:48 · 19 answers · asked by Sofia V 2

So my neighbor is going to work on mine and my husbands car... like getting the scratches out, the sun damage, putting clear coat on it to make them look nice. He says he is just bored and likes working on cars and wanted to do it since he works nights and what not. We don't have a lot of extra money, but we feel like we should do something in return. Any ideas. He's married with two kids. Maybe something for the whole family... we can't come up with anything! Please help :)

2007-02-27 15:04:23 · 11 answers · asked by Pregggers2 2

what food/s most remind you of home, or make you feel like you are home?

2007-02-27 14:37:28 · 21 answers · asked by elysianstar 1

2007-02-27 14:15:17 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

In December we had a really bad ice storm. I myself have TONS of trees,branches down in my backyard. A couple that are smaller have fallen in their backyard too. Should I put the branch up in their yard and get off the street? Should I pick up the branch and throw it in my huge pile? Should I leave it there? Should I clean out all the ones in their backyard which has no trees and then maybe they will pick up the one in the front that is obviously theirs (I have no trees in my front yard)? I am a Realtor but have only owned a home for 2 1/2 yrs. Not sure what the etiquette is. The last storm in July I had trees from neighbors in the back of me fall in my yard and I paid to have them cleaned up. I just don't have the money to do that this time.

2007-02-27 13:54:02 · 7 answers · asked by q8336b 2

Is it like talking to a normal person?

2007-02-27 13:45:51 · 22 answers · asked by Thrasymachus 2

We walk through automatic doors at the store, use automatic flush toilets in public places, wear bluetooth earpieces rather than carry our cell phones, don't take the time to use common manners like please and thank you, use the drive through at the fast food restaraunts, and drive around looking for a close parking space rather than just park a little further out, email instead of handwrite letters, throw trash on the ground rather than use the nearby bin. I don't do any of these myself other than the automatic door and toilet but it seems everything is set up for people to be lazy?

2007-02-27 13:45:37 · 6 answers · asked by reallyfedup 5

Three people in a family;father,mother,son;the son is suppose clean dishes,but cuase the son mainly stays around the kitchen area,the father expects him to keep the kitchen clean.In the kitchen is like a table/counter where people at the counter eat sometimes&drink.Although it's the son's job to keep the kitchen clean,if the son continually cleans off the counter&the father continually dirties the counter;like there's a sink but the father puts dirty dishes on the counter.There's a trashcan,but the father&mother day after day,week after week leave trash on the counter.Is the son justified in being a little ticked at the parents who suppoedly believe in cleanliness,but actions show differently?And when the dishes&trash are left on the counter,the parents get mad at the son evan though they created the mess.Is the son justified in his feeling about the parents habits?Or the parents justified in being mad at the son,evan though they made the mess?

2007-02-27 13:40:29 · 9 answers · asked by Maurice H 6

there is this co worker-he is 25 and i am 19 and he is engaged, but he flirts with me a lot,he always wants to know how old i am after i have told him, i came with a ripp sweater to work one day and he said"you wanna show off your nice tan? and every time we are sitting in a table for break, out of all the girls in the table, he always teases me in a joking way , he practically ignores the others and he also wanted to know my college schedule b/c we attend the same college and he said "so i know when to hide, when are you at school?" but he said it in like a joking way, and he got concerned for me when i told him i wanted to drop out of school.he always says hi and bye to me, i believe he knows i think he's cute, what do you think

2007-02-27 13:36:43 · 6 answers · asked by amanda 1

If you were a tourist here (Malaysia, it's above Singapore, BTW)) - feel free to comment. If you're Malaysian - just be honest and generalize your summary. I'd like to know

2007-02-27 13:28:49 · 4 answers · asked by san 2

A: Go back and get what you were supposed to get? or
B: Take the money and run?

2007-02-27 13:11:30 · 15 answers · asked by chrisandlane 2

The people above us walk like they're sumo wrestlers and every once in a while they'll bring a child home that screams constantly. I know sometimes you accidentally slam a cupboard door closed but I hear everything they do from the moment they walk in the door! My husband works 70+ hours a week and needs to get his sleep. But everynight they keep us up til almost 2 in the morning walking all around their room, jumping on the bed... Last night they woke us up at 3 in the morning because they were having sex!!!!! They have parties at least three times a week. They'll go out and smoke pot on their balcony which is right above ours.. I'm pregnant and the smell from the smoke makes me vomit.. Besides hiring a hit man, is there anything we can do? we've talked to them and called security on them, but nothing seems to work.. HELP!!!!!!!!!!

2007-02-27 13:08:10 · 9 answers · asked by britt g 2

1) Squash it down the kitchen sink?

2) Flush it down the toilet?

3) Wrap it in plastic bag and put it in bin?

Just curious. I usually do 1) or 3).

2007-02-27 12:37:24 · 14 answers · asked by Chimera's Song 6

It stays on all day and all night, and the bass is really terrible. Is there anything I can do? I've already spoken with them on several occasions. And, they don't speak English and slam the door in my face, if they even answer it.

2007-02-27 12:37:21 · 13 answers · asked by Melissa 2

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