Are there people who automatically abide by very different rules from others? One of my good friends and I don't ask each other much, we just take turns talking. Then, when there's something to work through, we know enough to help each other out. Otherwise, we just talk. Often, we use stories that relate to the otehr person's to show empathy, or to show how things can turn out if the next move is (fill in the blank).
My boyfriend sees how others may perceive me as aloof and uncaring, because I don't ask much (show interest).
So, I think it's only the people who open up to me who feel cared for...
And yes, I could learn to show it more...
but I really don't like to be nosy.
Anyway, I wonder if there's a general social concensus in America, if it's easy as "Please" and "Thank you", or if there are multiple sets of social rules that work better for some than others.
Thank you!
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