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Etiquette - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Etiquette

and why is it a guy ritual to scratch their butt crack upon waking up in the morning

2006-09-30 23:02:01 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

of course u could cook them you wouldn't have to eat Lassie all bloody and raw.

2006-09-30 22:25:45 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

she would look SOOO much better with one. i just avoided the answer. i was like - oh , i dont know - it's risky... you know - i can't say....

2006-09-30 22:16:28 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

When I stay home saturday night , I watch T.V , search the internet or play online games till dawn. But every now and then I walk to the front porch and smoke a cigarette . Ok while I've been there I´ve seen this girl drive in front of my house glimpsing at me.I can see the couriosity on her. One time I went out in my boxer shorts and she drove by then turned around and went past by again. I´m pretty sure she´s not from the neihgborhood , and this is happening at 2,3,4 am. One time I got a good look at her cause I was outside and she looked ok. She´d seen me stare at her stunt to figure her out so now she drives by with her darkened windshield up.But I can still see her siluoette . Ok . How can I make her stop her car ? I would like to know who she is ? I don´t want to confront her, just, you know talk.

2006-09-30 21:50:53 · 9 answers · asked by Loser Millionaire 3

Last night at a party I got into fist fight with a guy because he wouldn't admit that "Rock You Like A Hurricane" is THE best song ever written. I might have been drunk, but it was worth it. Don't you think?

2006-09-30 21:34:08 · 10 answers · asked by thearentIcoolguy 1

dressed sexy and showing leg in sheer tights or stockings on a train or bus or somewhere public like that, would she be offended if she could see a man was obviously hard, or would she take it as a compliment?

2006-09-30 21:18:01 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

My future wife has 3 children, and seems to think its not proper to wear a big white wedding dress, since she has children already. Is that right? If so, what are the "Proper" colors to wear at the small wedding we are going to have?

2006-09-30 20:52:13 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend went out with a very good looking,very nice man tonight.She said they had a great time.She is 30 he is 35.
She said they had a lot in common ,had a wonderful dinner.During drinks after dinner she said something that made him laugh,but she thought his teeth moved slightly,she said they had one cocktail,so she was far from drunk.She said she told him a joke and then she was sure they had moved.He excused himself went to the men's room but she said the thrill was not so much there after that,and she did have to ask him about it and he mumbled something about being a ex hockey player.But she said when he went to kiss her good night she could not kiss his lips for fear they would move again. Would you go out with a extremely handsome man,who had dentures that moved??

2006-09-30 20:38:10 · 15 answers · asked by Joan C 3

...as opposed to making a suggestion, for example?

A 'need' is defined by Wayne Dyer (and I suspect many others) as some that will immobilise you if you don't have it. Oxygen, sunlight and personal beliefs are what I'd call needs; personally I've found that a lot of things I thought I 'needed' for anything weren't so at all. Especially the 'need' to be like everybody else.

However I've seen and heard people throw the word 'need' around with no real backup or any real idea of what they're saying, especially when it comes to "professional help". After hearing the definition I've trained myself to ignore or refute someone's attempt to state my 'needs', because I'm very sure I'm the only one who can define them for myself.

2006-09-30 18:36:53 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I tend to change a little depending on who I am around. For example if I am around someone who speaks Ebonics I tend to speak it more. If I am around someone who has a southern accent my accent comes out. If I am around someone who speaks more proper English then I tend to speak it more. Honestly I don't do this on purpose it just comes natural. I asked a good friend of mine and she said its because I am a people pleaser. I want to appeal to the person speaking with so I will start to speak like that person. I have been all around the US and a few places outside the US and met many different people. I understand alot of people and how to appeal to them. Like I can talk the talk of the person I am speaking with. Things that don't change from person to person is my beliefs and opinions. These things never change no matter who I am speaking with, its basically how I talk, not who I am. Do you think this is wrong or not? If so how do I stop my self from doing it?

2006-09-30 18:22:52 · 7 answers · asked by Umm Ali 6

Please tell me why you guys are asking what is the proper etiquette for farting in public and around people and the dinner table.

2006-09-30 17:56:06 · 8 answers · asked by purrfectsandcastle 3

I was getting gas at a Full Service station, and the woman who was parked next to me, gave the gas attendant $2 as a tip. Is that really a rule to tip the gas station attendant?

2006-09-30 17:54:22 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, if you are in public and in a crowded place, you are walking forward and other people are walking straight towards you from the front. Who should move out of the way to let the other pass? How do you decide this? It seems to me that I'm always the one who moves to the side, or whatever, to let other people pass. There have been times when I have decided I wouldn't move anymore, but then the people just bump into me and give me dirty looks.

2006-09-30 17:20:12 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

Public fart, family reunion fart, ghastly closed space fart, a fart so smelly it actually made someone ill, anything?

2006-09-30 17:18:02 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

When doing embroidery and you have three initials, ie Greg Troy Wood, you put the capital "W" in the middle with the smaller "G" to the left and the "T" to the right. But when you have four initials - ie Ambler James Charles Wood, and you want to make a symmetrical monogram on a napkin or handkerchief, how do you align the letters? Old fashioned, I know, but I'd like to do it right! Many thanks...

2006-09-30 16:55:46 · 2 answers · asked by Samlet 4

First tell us what the false assumption is.
Then take a guess at why they think that about you.

Some of my favorites:
"Liberals do drugs"
"Gays want to have sex all the time"
"White folks don't understand black folks"
"Women who have kids are poor."
"Men who have kids are rich."
"Chinese people are adopted."

2006-09-30 16:51:01 · 21 answers · asked by rabble rouser 6

I'm curious should this ever occur, but can anyone tell me what the etiquette is for farting in a crowded elevator?

2006-09-30 16:21:24 · 23 answers · asked by gusgus 1

Why must we wait for someone to tell us what is right, do we not have free will, so that we can make up are minds and give an answer or are we just children who know not what is night?

2006-09-30 16:00:20 · 14 answers · asked by angelgabriela2005 1

Let 'er rip, Sunshine...

2006-09-30 15:29:57 · 8 answers · asked by Suit of Flames 2

I issued about a dozen invitation to a birthday party for a 4 year old. At the bottom of the invitation I put in large print RSVP along with my phone number.

Only 4 people called me to let me know if their child would or would not be coming. (2 yes and 2 no)

I didn't know how many kids would be there, so I bought loot bags and contents for all the rest, assuming they might show up. This cost me $50! Only 4 children showed up.

I feel this is highly inconsiderate of the other parents not to let me know if they will be there. I had to buy loot bags and food for all the parents and kids who didn't show up so that I wouldn't be short of supplies if they decided to attend. What a waste of money.

I don't get it!!!!!

2006-09-30 15:22:11 · 19 answers · asked by whatthe 3

I'm finally getting into Six Feet Under, and it makes me wonder if this has ever happened. Are there any morticians out there who can answer this for me?

2006-09-30 15:14:49 · 13 answers · asked by [177] 3

2006-09-30 15:11:14 · 22 answers · asked by Marissa 1

At what point do you set your ethics aside or personal beliefs for a job? I have considered a job at a videogame store, and I feel strongly that I should remove all copies of Shooting Columbine and tell customers we no longer carry this. This game is a ticking time-bomb: I can't help but feel that after the Dawson College shooting, we should consider taking measures to stop this from happening again. It's possible that the person buying such a thing is the one in a million who may end up shooting up some place you love. It wouldn't make me feel comfortable selling such a thing -- I'd be nothing more than a digital dope pusher.

2006-09-30 14:40:39 · 10 answers · asked by Allistair Fraser 2

Like if its their kid, and they say "isn't she cute?" But its a really funny looking.....lol

2006-09-30 14:36:50 · 28 answers · asked by AuroraBorealis 4

And basically DROOLED on and eye-raped by brown Spanish speaking men! Is this a cultural thing or are these guys just incredibly rude or are they doing it on purpose to bother them?!! As a man I get either a blank stare or a mildly dirty look. But every woman I know reports that every Latin man she sees just STARES very SEXUALLY, very BLATENTLY. They've evn done it right in front of me and it makes me want to bust heads! What is the deal.

2006-09-30 14:29:10 · 26 answers · asked by catch22_burningbush.bible6669 1

I have always had a "pay what you think is fair" policy when babysitting and it's useually worked out fine I always got paid at least $2 per hr per child, which I have always considered a minimum but recently I've been getting paid around $1.00 per hr per child with this certain family there are 4 kids the oldest is 7 and the youngest isn't even a yr yet, there are two kids in diapers and they are someof the most energetic kids so $1 per hr per child isn't enough, how to I tell the parents withouth upsetting them or seeming rude?

2006-09-30 13:39:28 · 10 answers · asked by lystieloo 2

I am heading to India around this time next year, and for my group not to be disrespectful we were wondering what the "do's" and "don'ts" were. Any help is appreciated, thank you.

2006-09-30 13:38:30 · 13 answers · asked by Iya 1

2006-09-30 13:35:13 · 22 answers · asked by ? 1

one second and answers are flowing amazing!

2006-09-30 13:11:24 · 10 answers · asked by lisette 4

fedest.com, questions and answers