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Parenting - April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

My family (their grandparents and cousins and all that) are very toxic people. I have chosen not to attend all (if any) family functions. I don't let them see my kids that often as they cause so much chaos in my life personally. However, they are family, and so I let my kids know them (mostly supervisered). As a parent this is the most I am comfortable with. Will my kids grow up to resent me that we didnt' do Christimas and let them be all chummy and close? My family wants to be SO close to my kids, and I am afriad that when my kids are older, they will tell my kids that it is all mommies fault, as they wanted to be extra special close grandma and all that. Will my kids see the dyfunction? Will they see that I did let them know their family, because I put their needs ahead of mine in that area:?

2007-04-03 06:00:16 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dont know about anyone eles but I witness this almost everytime I go to Walmart....I pass by the toys to get dog food and kids are running through the isles throwing balls, riding the bikes, and skateboarding. But then I dont see any parents telling them to stop. My kids would never be roaming the isles without me by their side. Does anyone eles see this happen?

2007-04-03 05:54:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have adopted my 2yr old niece and her name is grace

my name is also grace we are having trouble when myhusband or a friend of mine or the girls call for grace and we get confused but its also an excuse for her not to listern and answer which shes doing all the time at the moment so we are trying to stop her and we explain its rude so we have to problems
we no that she dos not have hearing trouble as we have had her checked out and if we ask her to do somthing she wants to do or if there is a reward at the end of it she will do it
selective listerning

confusion of names her middle name rebecca but i really dont no what top do

2007-04-03 05:44:49 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have been married 6 yrs getting a divorce not a good relationship hubby cheated and got his ex. wife pregnant our first year of marriage along with another affair. I had a long standing on and off affair with an ex.bf that resulted in my 3 yr old son(hubby new this) and to my suprise i just found out my ex.bf fathered my 5 yr old daughter(i had no clue).The divorce has the potential to get very nasty.To avoid this i am considering hubbys deal to liquidate all marital assets?I would be walking away with nothing but a check and personals but i would also have to drop hubbys name from kids b-certificate?He said he would be willing to give alimony for 6 months but wants nothing to do with my kids. Take the deal or not?

2007-04-03 04:35:20 · 15 answers · asked by Bella C 1

If you look at my previous questions, I bet you can gather that I have a girl friend that I love so dearly. I, have no experience in taking care for a child. I know what not to do, hence my background. I will be visiting her and "OUR" child on the 31st of May.

Before I go further, I met my Girl Friend on the yahoo art chat. She has a son, from a previous relationship.

I guess what I'm scared of is being a father, being there for my Girlfriend and Son. Before I met her and our son, I did some research on my chosen career (animation/modeling). It is shown that the animators and the like spend a lot of time at work. I have told her about my feelings, and she says we can work together and fix problems that will occur.

One more related question, am I stressing too much?
If you need more information use my contact links on my profile and ask there.

2007-04-03 04:28:58 · 16 answers · asked by Sun And Sky 3

I have a 4 year old and I want to start teaching him about earning and saving money. Do you give him an umbrella allowance? Give him chores and pay him for the chores? Anything else?

2007-04-03 04:26:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

if FREE classes on nutrion and diet workshops were made available to parents? I was flipping thru the channels and came across the maury show where the subject is overweight kids and it got me thinking about a good portion of kids as well as adults in our society.
I'm not putting down parents with chunky kids, my eldest was a chunky kid because I gave him "comfort" foods to make myself feel better. He was 30 lbs by the time he wa 6 months old but I rectified it almost as soon as it started.

2007-04-03 03:14:32 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-03 02:45:18 · 14 answers · asked by Yellowstonedogs 7

What should i do? I mean the girl is very nice and outgoing. But i do not know what to do.Please help!!!

2007-04-03 00:50:12 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

abandoned his son for nearly 7 years, hopped back into his life for no apparent reason, spends virtually no quality time with his son (my son tells me all he does at his dad's house is babysit gf of the wks kid or plays video games), does not take advantage of the extras (my son is in a few activities that I tell his dad about but dad doesn't show), does completely the opposite of what I tell him to do with our son (not little things, big things, like stuff the doctor says can and can't be done. My son is lactose intolerant so can't really drink milk but his father piles it on, has sealants on his so his dad gives him taffy-I am responsible for med. bills), and all of a sudden wants full custody of him or share custody (we live in 2 dif. school districts so this is impossible)?

2007-04-03 00:27:42 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Did they giggle, tease or comfort you after the spanking? This question is only for those who got spanked in front of their siblings on the bare butt.

2007-04-03 00:08:33 · 10 answers · asked by dan dan 1

my mom recently been watching nanny 911, my sisters 16 and 9 have been fighting alot lately almost just beating the snot out of one another. well my mom think they are both acting childish, so she told them they will be using the naughty chair just like all the little kids have to sit in when there naughty starting today. well im older then both of them, and i kinda laughed about it, calling them babies and stuff, and my mom got pissed off at me, told me since i have such a childish attitude about it, i can be the first to try it out,i kinda called her a b words she gets pissed and takes me by the arm, and sits me in this little pink chair facing the wall, told me if i got up or talked i would be sitting in it with a bare bottom. sisters saw it and she told them they better behave cuz this is what they will get next time they act up? can my mom do this? was she right for doing it? i felt like a baby!

2007-04-02 23:36:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I can't help but to be a little jealous of some single people I know who have no children. Please do not get the wrong idea I adore my children and the thought of not having them literally makes me cry, I just feel sometimes I am not good enough 4 them or that I am failing in all areas. Am I just being a "crybaby" or does any 1 else feel this way. I am just over whelmed sometimes.. I feel awful because it's not their fault( and 4 the record I would never let my babies know I feel this way)

2007-04-02 20:38:15 · 13 answers · asked by Bishop's Mom 1

OK i know this sounds dumb and stupid but this is the only place where i could ask this questoin... i'am 18 year old guy. I smoke and i can't stop smoking. I just can't. I tried everthing, from nicotine gum to patches to injections to etc. and it doesn't work and i cant just quit. My parents for the most part hate itThey said if i ever see you with a ciggerate, i'll kick you out..at least thats what my dad said. not my mom but my mom hates me smoking too . He says even if i see you pick up a ciggeate or stare at one, i'll beat you up and throw you out. But again i can't stop...do you think i should just move out/run away?and PLEASE no negative answers..if you don't have anything good to say please odn't answer

2007-04-02 17:23:13 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have been married 6 yrs getting a divorce but have had a long standing on an off affair with an ex.bf that i am 100% sure he is father of my 3 yr old son because i was seperated from my hubby when son was concieved but hubby and i moved to try make it work and i never told ex.bf .My relationship with hubby is not good he cheated on me getting ex.wife pregnant, i cheated on him in retaliation we stayed together for money.During a paternity test on my daughter 5 yrs old revealed she is the product of the same affair.My hubby wants nothing to do with either child anymore how to explain it to her?

2007-04-02 17:14:12 · 10 answers · asked by Bella C 1

How can one verify this?

2007-04-02 15:45:35 · 11 answers · asked by Tiffany 3

My husband has a two year old daughter with another women, we've been married a 6 months now and just had our first child together. However his ex will not allow him to see his daughter. She will make plans with him to go and see her, however cancels them at the last min. Tonight he poped by her place and was told he was not allowed to see his daughter. Due to false alugations. Thing that were never brought to court or inven inestagated. He wants to go to court but is scared. He will have to explian why he has not been involed for the last two years. He cant say its cause would not let me, cause it would be his word agianst hers.

2007-04-02 14:51:08 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay, don't need ways to make money at home, thanks but already got those...

How many moms here don't have a job well a "regular" job (please moms are the best)?

How have you made this work and for how long?
Do you wish you ever started working sooner?

I hear all these people putting money back and saving lots for later, but I want to be the mom. I don't really know how moms can be the employee and the mom and still be happy.

2007-04-02 14:46:55 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

trick question** any answer!!!

2007-04-02 14:40:48 · 19 answers · asked by blakkrosez 1

and what chorse

2007-04-02 11:49:20 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 14 month old son. He's our only child. He hasnt always been a whiny child, but he's at this stage right now where he IS. I (by myself) had taken my son to a restaurant the other day and he just started whining and crying out of nowhere. He wanted to get out of the highchair. Before we even got there, I had already fed him and he already had time to rest. I couldnt figure out what he wanted because usually its either he's hungry or tired. At that time, it was ME who was hungry and tired. Out of embarrassment from his loud whining and crying in the restaurant, I decided to take him and our food outside into the car and just eat in there. I was so frustrated because I had had a long day and his screaming was just what it took to just make me start to cry to myself ( when we were in the car). Is that not normal? Does that mean anything bad about me as a mother? Because after a while, I started to feel dumb for even crying like that.

2007-04-02 11:36:05 · 11 answers · asked by TuffCookie 1

I know people who painted their nursery gray with gray carpets. Seems depressing to me. Has anyone ever seen a gray nursery before?

2007-04-02 10:41:06 · 26 answers · asked by wyllow 6

She's 16 and in the 10th grade. Do i still treat her as a young teen after she's had the baby?

2007-04-02 10:40:38 · 29 answers · asked by lori l 3

I was just wandering i dont have kids and i just finished reading a book [[A child called "IT"]] very depressing but do you abuse your kids?? But why do people do that. It just hurts me just to think of what people do to innocent kids. =[

2007-04-02 10:07:22 · 16 answers · asked by Erin R 2

I punish my 12 anbd 6 year old by spanking mostly bare bottom. When we have family over or they have friends over and they need to be spanked what do i do? Where when and how?

2007-04-02 09:52:41 · 13 answers · asked by K B 1

i was wondering what can i use to get glue off the wall,my five year old glued constuction paper on his bedroom wall and i cant seem to get it off its all dryed up and i dont know what to get the glue off and the paper that is still stuck on the glue can anyone help me i am so greatful for any suggestions please help me thanks.

2007-04-02 07:35:26 · 31 answers · asked by baby 2

My sister is in jail. She has a 4 year old daughter who is currently being raised by my grandmother, the childs GREAT-grandmother. Shouldnt she be with one of her grandmothers? My mother is a recovering drug addict who is only 2 years clean. The other grandmother is willing to take her. But my grandmother is old, stubborn and set in her ways and dont think that anyone besides the childs maternal family should have her. The childs father is in jail, his earliest release date being 2017. The child will be 16 years old. My g-ma called me today and asked me to watch her and I told her I couldnt (I have a 3 year old and a 5 month old, who had bad belly ache and had been crying/screaming for 5 hours). She is now mad at me. This upsets me much, as my g-ma raised me and we have been very close. I am 22 and I dont feel it is my responsibility to have to watch her when she needs to go something. I think the child should be with her paternal family, since the maternal family cant handle her.

2007-04-02 07:30:35 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am an au pair for 5 boys. They were really bad this morning- screaming and pushing eachother argueing over a game, so I said no one could play it. I yelled because they were really stressing me out-I made one of the kids cry because he said I didn't care. What should I do to make it up? I feel bad.

2007-04-02 06:44:15 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would like my neighbor's daughter to babysit my 7-year-old son, but she's only 11. This is new territory for me since I moved and am so used to having my mom or other family members watch him. And I seriously cannot remember at what age I began babysitting. Also, how much do you generally pay a sitter?

2007-04-02 05:20:31 · 26 answers · asked by paddington_ck 4

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