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Other - Pregnancy & Parenting - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Hi! I'm conducting a little survey related to gender determination. THANKS for your help! Please post your answers

1. Gender of child (if you have several, please answer for each - thanks)
2. Did your husband drink no/little/some/alot of coffee before you got pregnant?
3. Did your husband drink no/little/some/alot of diet soda before you got pregnant?
4. Did your husband eat no/little/some/alot of salty food before your got pregnant?
5. Did YOU drink no/little/some/alot of coffee before you got pg?
6. Did you drink no/little/some/alot of diet soda before you got pg?
7. Did you eat no/little/some/alot of salty food before you got pregnant?


2007-11-30 16:16:40 · 22 answers · asked by meghananne23 4

Im pregnant, and I couldnt be more happy!! Im only 2 months, but I already feel I love my baby more than life! - I have some friends who have baby and are young as well, but they tell me its not too bad, and they seem to be doing great, but my mom says my life is over and it was the worst thing that could happen to me ... Those of you who have babies ... How bad is it really??? Please be honest, I just want to know if its like my friends say it is, or if its how my mom says its going to be.

2007-11-30 15:59:46 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband briefly heard about this crazy lady who stabbed her sweet babies in a gas station bathroom. He only caught the tail end. Does anyone know what the deal is with her? And those poor babies, my heart breaks for them. How could someone intention hurt their childern?

2007-11-30 15:09:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

lol i lost count off how many weeks it been since the 27th august07 help plz need it for info

2007-11-30 11:15:26 · 7 answers · asked by mummy of 2gorgeous boys 3

I'm 24 years old, and I don't particually like kids and babies. Never have, never will, and definately don't want any of my own. When ever I tell people this, they either look at me like I'm Hitler, or they pitty me. Why is this? Or if it's not that, they will say "Oh, you're young, you will change your mind" which i think is extremely patronising. I've never had paternal instincts, it just doesn't come naturally to me. So why do you think me and other women like me get judged? Do you think this makes us bad people?

2007-11-30 09:51:51 · 44 answers · asked by smr 3

We are all grown up now (me being 25), but I wanted to ask a question....
Does anyone if being the youngest in the birth order makes a difference if you want kids or not? It is just that my older sisters except for one all have children. My brothers too. I feel that I probably do not want to have children. Do you think this might be because I had no younger siblings?

2007-11-30 08:31:00 · 8 answers · asked by Virginia Gal 3

I know this is kinda random but...
Does anyone here have one boob bigger than the other? I know other people do cuz a couple of people i know do as well. But the main thing here I'm asking is: Does anyone know why exactly? Apparently if you're right handed your right boob will be smaller and vice versa. Anyone??

2007-11-30 08:30:20 · 8 answers · asked by Kay 2

Can a guy get his money back if the paternity test proves the child is not his?

2007-11-30 07:42:08 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi, i`m around 6 weeks pregnnat and was wondering if it`s in any way possible to lose weight? I`m about 1 stone overweight and would like to lose it but obviously dont want to cause my baby any harm, is it possible?

2007-11-30 07:38:13 · 27 answers · asked by onlyme 5

I'm 20 and an adult already, but still, i'm the youngest in my family and my parents consider me a "little girl". Well I'm almost 23 wks preg and no one knows, except for 4 of my friends. I got preg from a guy I was just "getting with", who is and wont be supportive, and that no one knows him either; plus he's 11 yrs older than me. I'm in college and work part-time, but i'm still living with my parents and actually depend on them for almost everything. i always thought about having an abortion, but i knew that would be a stupid decision after all. I mean, all i have left to do is try to find a way and the right time to tell my parents about it, but its very awkward 'cause they probably think im still a virgin (my parents are mexican and very conservative). Im scared that they will find out themselves and be more mad at me, especially because i have been hiding my pregnancy but i won't be able to do that sooner or later. I also dont want to tell em anything about the father of the baby

2007-11-30 07:26:19 · 71 answers · asked by Anonymous

We used an day care provider who requires a 4 week notice of termination. We paid her at the start of each month. So we paid her November 1st for 4 weeks. On November 15th we gave her a 4 weeks notice of termination. She is expecting to be paid for the 4 weeks termination period starting Dec 1st.
We feel that we are entitled to pay her only uptil Dec 15th, i.e. 4 weeks since the date termination letter was given on Nov 15th.

She is dragging us to court for this.
Are we supposed to pay her for 4 weeks starting Dec 1st.

Thank You

2007-11-30 05:47:13 · 8 answers · asked by JustAsking... 1

I invited my Sis to be there for my baby's birth, (a month from now). Then Mom called & said she wants to be there too. I felt bad inviting Sis but not Mom, so I said okay. Then mom said she thought Grandma would really like to be there too, and I should invite her. I thought this was becoming out-of-control. I told her I didn't feel like having a party in the delivery room and all these people were going to get in the way, but somehow grandma got invited, too.

Well, hubby and I have been discussing the possibility of a drug-free birth and I'm starting to feel that, with all these dam people distracting us, I'm going to lose my focus, be completely unable to relax, and won't be able to do it. Plus, I'm worried that SOMEONE will forget who the mom and dad are, and try to run things ("Why don't you just get that epidural, dear?"). I can just see it.

Is there a polite way to go back on my promise? I still don't mind Sis being there...but Mom and Grandma are just too much!!

2007-11-30 05:12:03 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

at their husbands, boyfriends, whomever. At least they do so in films and books. It seems to be a classic. Is this a must? Suppose you won't shout "I hate you" , will they ask you to leave the hospital and go give birth elsewhere?

2007-11-30 05:07:33 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

in case i accidently become pregnant. I am going to take steps to make sure I don't but everyone tells me that it is still possible.

2007-11-30 00:14:18 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

If time could go back and his mom wanted to have an abortion would you wish that she would have or would you have wanted her to have that devil?

Just wondering.

2007-11-29 18:22:03 · 20 answers · asked by ஐ♥Julian'sMommy♥ஐ 7

Three boys and three girls - I'd prefer different items but at the moment I'm getting desperate and will settle for any sensible ideas!

2007-11-29 15:55:24 · 7 answers · asked by Torik 3

they want someone in the family to carry the baby and i am the only one of age

2007-11-29 13:41:00 · 11 answers · asked by natalia m 1

Are their programs for pregnant women beside WIC that can help a pregnant women . I really can't work because I teach dance and it's to much and disability is only 150 per week. Are their programs that can help me pay rent and bills

2007-11-29 13:29:18 · 4 answers · asked by juv 1

First of all you must understand me, I'm 24, I've had two children by a piece of crap for a father, 3 abortions a miscarriage and a 5 month old by another piece of crap. always thought marriage was bogus. but I would marry this guy!!! I respect people and their opinion. I don't complian much about anything.

now understand my boyfriend.
he's 31. we live together half the time the other half he leaves for five weeks 4 work. hes got a great job, nice car ,no kids
plays xbox 360 all day and owns two 500 gigs of music. doesn't want children together because I've already got three. doesn't want to get married ever.

but said he would share his last name and we could have a have a promise ceremony. that's cool too. he also wants me to move to Arizona if he gets a job offer in Cali. But he says he only sees me in his future and no kids. what???

I really love him and supposebly he says he does too.
what should I do?

2007-11-29 13:16:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

dear all you yahoo answers, i really need your help. my cousin whos 16 is expecting a baby around christmas time. yes, i said 16. her and her boyfriend have decided to keep the baby. i myself ain't so happy about it her life is completely ruined if you ask me. i'm older and i always thought i would be the one who would have a child first. i'm 20 but my boyfriend and i are still in college and we are getting married in the spring. but were not ready for children. anyway whenever she talks about the baby or about naming the baby, i try to be happy for her but i'm hurting in the inside. also, she asked my boyfriend and i to be the god parents. how can i get over her being pregnant first? and i'm really mad about her being 16 and expecting a baby.

2007-11-29 09:48:15 · 64 answers · asked by Jennifer 2

I have little lotions and shampoo bottles and jammies set aside, but what did you find was essential to bring when you were having your baby?

2007-11-29 08:27:31 · 8 answers · asked by Lexie J 3

I see all the time on Y!A "Me & my boyfriend" or "me & my fiance" - as someone in their late 30's (not religious either), I feel like my grandma when having to ask this question...

Sure there are situations out there where someone doesn't want to be married and just wants to have a kid or maybe if you are gay & can't legally be married...

Sorry if this offends some, I just don't get it - my wife & I planned for all 3 and before that, a box of condoms and birth control pills doesn't cost all that much...

Is this the same in other countries outside the USA also, would like some answers from the international community as well.

2007-11-29 08:20:44 · 26 answers · asked by orangecat 4

baby? This is kind of a dilema with me and my fiance.

2007-11-29 08:02:19 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a niece and her name is Lexus, but originally we though tshe was going to be a boy cause that is what the doctor said i out a W on my ring before she was born cause we were going to name the boy William, but anyway now i need a nickname for her that starts with a W. Her name is Lexus Merrie though. See not even close to a W

2007-11-29 07:05:16 · 25 answers · asked by maria g 1

was it: 10,11,12,13,14 etc.
Please answer, thanks!

2007-11-29 06:32:34 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous


What would happen if you had your baby 8 weeks early? I am asking because I am 32 weeks, and have had this feeling for about a week now that Im going to go into labor early. Any thought?

2007-11-29 04:20:56 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

on 6-21-2007 i was 6 weeks and 4 days i don't even remember when my lmp was i try to figure that out and it didn't go very well lol obviously so i wanted to give a brain teaser and see if you can guess my due date or what month and day i,m due i was given a date but i wanted to see what everyone had to say best answer will get 10 points,i know it's not a lot but it's just a fun thing i wanted to do thanks for answering.

2007-11-29 04:05:29 · 5 answers · asked by My Hubby Rob&Son Dakota Robert 5

my son is 5 months old and I think today that he 'got it'

2007-11-29 03:39:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I cant help but feel horrible for the family that lost their child to some idiot's way of "finding out if she was talking bad about her daughter". To be honest, I have so many issues and views with this its not even funny, but this is not a blog, this is Y!A so I'll ask how you feel about these circumstances.

As the parents of the child who committed suicide, do you charge the mother who made up this entity?

Do you hold this woman responsible for the child's death or do you hold yourself accountable for not paying more attention to what your child was doing online?

We see it everyday. MSNBC I think covers it more often than not, stories about how predators are online after our children. That woman set out to destroy that impressionable young lady and her death was unnecessary. At the same time, it is our duty as parents to be all up in their sh*t regardless of how they feel about it- as you see because of stuff like this. When my stepson was living with me we moved the pc

2007-11-29 03:39:07 · 8 answers · asked by teri is ambience 5