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Other - Pregnancy & Parenting - May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

My daughter's ex-best friend was always a bad influence. This girl is drinking, having oral sex with many partners, smoking pot, getting ready to try coke, driving without a license or permit, doing "shrooms", and is in to weird death stuff.

I know it is none of my buisness but they do live near me and I don't want the girl driving near my house drunk with my kids outside playing. I would want to know if my child was doing this wouldn't you.

The girl is 16.

And also my daughter- my finacee adopted after having her for a foster child since she was a baby, I didn't want anyone thinking I had her at like 8 since i'm 24.

2007-05-31 23:09:01 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been dating my B/F for the last five years. About three years ago he said that he does not want kids. He say he likes to come home from work and not have to deal with crying baby, ect. ect. I have been taking birth control the last five years. We had a talk the other day about kids I told him I didnt want to give up my dream of having children and he said that he would "freak out," if I got pregnant. So yesterday I told him that, "We have been doing it your way for 5 years now. Its about time we start doing it my way. Starting with this..." and I took my birth control pills and threw them in the garbage right in front of him. He pulled them out and put them back in my purse. So later in the evening we went and got drunk and came back home. He started to put the moves on me and before it went too far I told him that I didnt take my birth contol pill that day and that i wasnt going to. He still wanted to have sex. Is this wrong, is it "trapping" him?

2007-05-31 22:48:40 · 21 answers · asked by juniper555 5

2007-05-31 21:02:15 · 4 answers · asked by arati 1

I am sick and tired of sother mum's discussing how wonderful their own daughters are and how the boys at school are always misbehaving. I have three boys and sure they are full on but they are just different to girls. i am tried of feeling I have to apologize for the behaviour of boys in general. My children are not spoilt and I raise them with a lot of discipline and love and care.

2007-05-31 20:36:03 · 13 answers · asked by Danielle 1

I'm 11 and I turn 12 tomorrow. I keep saying that I want to have an abortion but I really want to keep my baby. My parent know and said I can choose what I want. Is it wrong for me to want to keep my baby?

2007-05-31 15:46:30 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

believe that there actually ARE women out there that absolutely DO NOT produce breastmilk? About 5% of the population does not produce breastmilk, at all. Do those women expect us to whip out our medical records to prove that we do not make breastmilk so that we can be free of their ridicule and and name calling?

2007-05-31 15:16:31 · 13 answers · asked by ? 6

2007-05-31 15:08:34 · 5 answers · asked by elgin 1

My soon to be husband and I are thinking of having a baby. I am 19 and he is 21. This is more his idea than mine, but i really feel like we are ready. We have been together for a long time, and will be getting married in 2 months, we have jobs..good income, a house & a really stable relationship.

I am ready to start trying but, i am hesitant about what his family is going to think since we are just going to be getting married...

my question is, should i really care what they think? i mean we're adults & going to soon be husband and wife....what do you think???

2007-05-31 14:40:17 · 11 answers · asked by amanda2120 2

for those who have had a breast reduction then later on went on to have babies.. my question is, do your breasts react/change in the same way un operated breasts do?

like the achy-ness/soreness, change in colour of nipple area etc?

Just curious...

Thanks for your answers in advance...

Witty xx

2007-05-31 13:01:04 · 2 answers · asked by Witty 2

Anyone have any unique ideas for a father's day gift for my husband? We are expecting our first child in August (a girl). for Mother's Day, he got me a necklace with our baby's birthstone in it, with the intention that I one day pass it off to her.

2007-05-31 06:42:51 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


My best friend just asked me to be the Godmother of her first child, due in about 3 months. :) I am not a religious person, so I do not know what this entails and what I have to do. Thanks!

2007-05-31 06:29:47 · 9 answers · asked by Misty B 3

There seems to be a trend lately that both the woman and a man in a couple will say "we're pregnant" when referring to the pregnancy. I suppose this is the way of sharing responsibility for the pregnancy, but it sounds ridiculous to me, and degrading to both partners. Every time I hear a guy say this I want to yell at him..."you're a man, not a seahorse! You will never be pregnant!!!" Don't get me wrong, I'm the kind of dad who does dishes, changes diapers, and feel that all other aspects of parenting are a shared responsibility, but I will never actually carry a baby due to not having a uterus. I feel this statement actually lessens the importance of the woman's unique, important, and difficult role of carrying a baby. I spent countless hours rubbing her feet, but never took credit for carrying our son.

2007-05-31 06:04:53 · 10 answers · asked by Killer B 2

It was a real surprise for me and my husband.
Im not breastfeeding my boy, hes into solids n formula. But i still have back pain and i cannot carry my baby for long. and i get tired very easily. looking at all this my husband s saying its too much for us to have another one so soon.
Just did a home test, have to go the gynec this weekend.
Im in a dilemma now whether to have or not.
Have heard that it takes at least a year for the uterus to get healed..
Pls Help

2007-05-31 05:44:48 · 27 answers · asked by Nina 1

I already have her shower set up for another day. Any ideas will be great she is gonna be 24 years old. Thank you in advance Please I am desparate...

2007-05-31 04:36:42 · 23 answers · asked by vicki2220002003 2

My friend just had twin girls, they do not look alike. One looks like the dad and the other like the mom. The hospital said they have the same blood type and now they are telling everyone the girls are identical. I just wondered if this is true, because the girls had separate sacs and placentas. The same hospital told someone else I know that they would have to pay for a DNA test on their own. So is it possible that the girls are identical or that their mother just misunderstood when they told her the blood type was identical?

2007-05-31 03:01:17 · 6 answers · asked by Amber 1

I had a miscarriage end of last year and this weekend would have been my due date, i am trying very hard to forget it. I dont want keep going on about it to my family and i dont want to make my husband feel bad if he hasnt remember what date it is? How do i deal with it, or am i being silly? We are trying to get pregnant again but we have had no luck so far, my periods are still irregular....

2007-05-30 23:33:25 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Dad has got the day off and taking my 1 year old daughter out for the day. I have never been without her for longer than an hour before!
What shall I do with all this time?

2007-05-30 19:28:32 · 12 answers · asked by cigaro19 5

im really worried that somthing is wrong cuz i have all the symtoms and my stomach is even getting firm but every test ive taken is negetive and i cant go to the doctor cuz of my parents, i need help.

2007-05-30 11:47:16 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

im 2 days late for my period i had sexual intercourse with my ex on 18th of may this yr with no protection stupid i no cud i be pregnant or is it my body changing

2007-05-30 11:23:52 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Since babies take a sitting position in them

2007-05-30 10:48:53 · 9 answers · asked by gulliver 2


I am 6 months pregnant and I feel like my bag as a rip in it...any suggestions to tell if thats what it really is or should I just take my butt to the hospital.

2007-05-30 10:43:26 · 4 answers · asked by Lindsey R 2


2007-05-30 10:23:21 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

Here's the senario...(father has custody of son)

Mother decides to take son to the orthodontist and is told 7-yr old son needs braces, father tells her not to have it done until insurance kicks in in 4 months. Mother then tells father that she will pay for the braces each month and takes son to have them put on, now 2 months later mother expects father to pay for braces, but since braces are now a pre-existing condition insurance won't take over...Who do you think should be stuck with the bill?

2007-05-30 10:17:57 · 16 answers · asked by ICU 2

Such as having 2 heads or something, would you terminate the pregnacy

2007-05-30 08:01:44 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

how to get twin or triplet babies? no one in my family are twin.. and i really want to have twin or (please GOD...)triplet babies..
i read some article about CLOMID ...but can it make me pregnant with multiple babies?

2007-05-30 07:35:56 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

baby was 9lbs 10oz deliverd vag

2007-05-30 07:33:43 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I looking at these 2 JJ Cole bags but I can not find any reviews on either one of them. Does anyone own one of these bags? If so, how do you like it and is it big enough to hold all of the essentials for a newborn? Thanks!!

2007-05-30 07:26:02 · 5 answers · asked by spacegrl_viv 2

Me and my husband want to have our children close together....we have and adorable 7 month old son already and I want to go ahead and have another baby and so does my hubby but i dont want to be pregnant!! the aches the pains the GOING TO THE BATHROOM EVERY 5 MINUTES!!! and also i gained alot of weight with our son 58lbs to be exact and ive lost 44lbs of it but im still heavier than i want to be and ive always heard that you should always loose all your weight before you have another baby because then its your fat not baby fat! Am I being to selfish???? what should we do?

2007-05-30 06:55:56 · 11 answers · asked by Mary V 2

My boss has just had her first little girl, after two boys. We were wondering - what do most people say for a little girl's private parts? Vagina seems like a big word for a little girl and everything else seems so slang or vulgar. Any ideas?

2007-05-30 06:48:26 · 16 answers · asked by chic-chik 2