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Other - Pregnancy & Parenting - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

if the county social services can really take your kids away if your electric gets shut off, I mean I can see it happening if it was every month and the kids lived in an unsafe home and did'nt have food or water or clean cloths or go to school, but what if it was only for a few days and they had all those other things just not light and tv?

2007-09-30 18:13:25 · 3 answers · asked by pumpkin2 1

How can abortion be an option?? There are sooo many couples out there who would give anything to love a baby...and then there are people out there who are so willing able to have an abortion because they dont think its the right time... makes me soo sad... am I the only one that feels this way...? I dont believe in abortion in any aspects. Rape, teen, disabilities, anything...God brings babies into our lives no matter how its put here, and abortion should not be an answer. There is always adoption.

2007-09-30 16:29:58 · 32 answers · asked by LiLmamma 2

so i took on of those home pregnancy tests,and sure enough if tested positive.
i really dont need another child right now in my life.
I was on birthcontrol but stopped it because i thought it was breaking me out with a rash,and aside from that me and my husband have a really bad sex life on my part ...maybe twice a month....now WE both decided we DONT need another baby.

am i wrong to go and get an abortion?

Additional Details

3 hours ago
i will not adopt a child out...now that would be silly

1 second ago
financial problems yes,dental problems yes,new job i got involves heavy lifting and i was lucky to get a job i cant afford to lose it, i support a 6 persons family and making 22,000 a year combined isnt easy.i feel my child i do have doesnt get the rightful attention needed.

and i wouldnt let a child of mine live with strangers.
i am in a horrible neighborhood infested with drugs and violence and i am struggling to move.
I have crazy inlaws you stalk me and my h

2007-09-30 15:49:41 · 30 answers · asked by Butterflied 3

okay see.
i am 13.

and i have a boyfriend.
i really am in love with him.
sure everybody says we are not.
but we really are,

we have been discussing about having a baby.
yeah i know i am 13.
my life will be ruined.
but i do not care.
i know how much work a baby is.

but we both just want to start a family together.
it would bring us so much more closer together.
and i am willing to throw my whole life away just to have a baby with him.
we know how much trouble we can get in with our parents and the law.

2007-09-30 15:45:54 · 22 answers · asked by senina 1

am next day, the baby will stay in her home, she is a very nice person and i trust her, so how much should i pay her?

2007-09-30 11:52:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im a first time mom and I want to know if its ok to drink while Im breastfeeding. (one or two) drinks. The reason why I ask is because I read online that it was ok but then I went to another web site and it said that it wasn't.

2007-09-30 11:37:06 · 22 answers · asked by trish 2

this is a genetic question and the reason im asking is because i dont really get it from when they would teach it in school. Thanks to anyone who might know!

2007-09-30 09:24:46 · 10 answers · asked by animeangel2004 2

without having a retarted child

2007-09-30 08:14:46 · 15 answers · asked by tIERRA T 1

Having a baby at a young age guarantees a lousy life for a teenager. What say you?

2007-09-30 03:07:19 · 28 answers · asked by purple m 1

I thought I was about 8-10 weeks, but I went to planned parenthood yesterday and they told me I'm 14.5 wks preg already(no prenatal care)The problem is that deep inside of me I don't want to keep the baby because I don't have the guts to tell my family about it, especially my parents! Plus the father is not the best one either; he don't have a job, and eventhough he wants me to keep it, I don't trust on him helping me out with the baby if I decide to keep it. I don't believe in child support, adoption, or going to court for "custody", so those options are COMPLETELY out of the way..I'm just scared of continuing with the pregnancy and having an abortion. Plus I would have to miss a semester of school, and I don't how it would affect my job. I want to tell my mom that I'm preg. but I can't find the words and time. If I tell her, I will say that I will have an abortion just to test her...but still I'm very scared of EVERYTHING!!!, and I have only 4 weeks left to make my final decision.

2007-09-29 19:44:44 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-29 17:24:32 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do you think of children and some adults rolling around in walmart or other stores wearing heely's? Do you think it's okay to do or does it annoy you?

2007-09-29 15:16:10 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hello All, I have posted here in the past and I must admit that I had gotten some really great support and answers, however here I am again with the same dillema. I just turned 4months with my baby boy..:) when I first learned that I was pregnant I was considering having an abortion. I decided to keep my baby. My problem is this I have been having ongoing problems with the father of my baby. He tells me that he wants the baby then as soon as he gets upset with me he tells me F*uck the baby and that he doesn't want it. which really hurts me because I want my son to know his father, and not only know him but have a good relationship with him. My baby father has a girlfriend, that I didn't know about until after I became pregnant, she keeps telling him not to come with me to my appointment, and he doesn't. My parents are telling me to not see him just to be done with him all together, I wish that it was that easy because I really want to..anyone with any suggestions on what I can do?

2007-09-29 13:56:54 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hate cheerleading. My mother made me quit gymnastics to join 3 years ago. I could have gone to the Olympics. She says I should be a Dallas cow boy cheerleader(gag), and that it will help me find a husband . I don’t want to. I have told her this. She says there is no way I’m starting gymnastics again and that I would be behind. But I’ve been practicing (my friends mother taught me 4 free 3 times a week she thought i was at chess club) . But she says I have 2 stay on the squad. I hate it the girls do these initiation things that are against my morals. My mom says peer pressure is good for practice for me. She wants me 2 be like her friends daughter, who cheers for a college team (there uniforms r sooo skimpy). My mom says shell stop paying 4 things such as my car my phone and i wont go on family vacations. What should I do? (im 16) and had alll a's and b's last year

2007-09-29 11:49:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i had a misscarriage last month on august 5. I still have not gotten my period and i am scared that i am pregnant. I have never had a miscarriage so it was a surprise and now the thought of being pregnant. I cxant have a baby now. I have a 1 1/2 year old, i just started a new job. I have never been a person to believe in abortion i was so against it and now i find myself might wanting to get one. I just dont know what to do. Are there different types of abortions. I dont want to be cruel. I might only be 4-5 weeks pregnant...is the baby formed already? I have alot of mixed feelings but i know i cant have a baby. Is there a quick easy way to have an abortion if ur own 4-5 weeks along. Please help.

2007-09-29 10:26:34 · 32 answers · asked by ny_cheriese_fl 1

Heres a question for you all. What ever happened to the pink disposable baby diaper for girls and and the blue disposable baby diaper for boys? Why is it now all white? White is nice, but i really like pink for for a girl.

2007-09-29 09:27:21 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you are a parent, or an experienced child-care provider that is one thing to share your opinion. You have something to offer. I'm just trying to get a truthful answer, not some silly comment. If you are not a parent, is your answer based on your observations? What is your purpose for answering a parenting question? Is it for research purposes?

2007-09-29 06:20:28 · 26 answers · asked by Sharon F 6

My close friend has just gave birth to a little baby boy an hour ago, he is gorgeous and healthy please join me in saying congratulations.

She is calling him Ollie.

2007-09-29 01:30:22 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

and called the police when he tried to make peace. If she is like this now I cant see how their lives (and the life of the child) wont be one drama after another. My friend really wants to be a father, although the pregnancy was unexpected, but I think he would be better off to leave rather than battle for 10 years and still at the end of it leave. What is best?

2007-09-28 23:45:30 · 10 answers · asked by pete the pirate 5

I heard an interesting poll on the radio today. Do you believe parents should teach their kids about alcohol responsibility by showing them what it means to drink responsibly at a young age? Meaning, instead of TELLING them about it, SHOW them. Why or why not?

2007-09-28 20:10:13 · 10 answers · asked by munkees81 6

I had a tri semester abortion last month.This was done using pills.This month I got period ,but black blood with clots instead of usual menstrual blood. I am afraid.Is this indication of some serious problem?

2007-09-28 17:12:26 · 12 answers · asked by Vineetha 1

2007-09-28 08:32:46 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

my husband has been a little out there before i was pregnant but now that i am hes just off the wall ******* stupid. i tell him not to do certain things like not to put the toilet paper where i cant reach it and then he does it again 5 mins later. or when he does dishes he does only bowls and a few coffee cups and then leaves the rest or only washes the forks but not spoons. or hell sweep and just leave the pile sit there forever. and then he talks about inventing lasers and stupid childish things and acts hyper active. what the hell? my aunt told me men get more stupid when there girl is prego any one experinced this?

2007-09-28 01:02:06 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

my wife lost her twin sons, she lost them before she was with me, she had something wrong called twin-twwin trasnfusion sndyrome, but we want try again, my wife and i want a faamily with kiddss together, but I dont belive she can go through something like that again. what would you think?

2007-09-27 20:04:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Has anyone ever got paternity and child support waiver paper for a newborn or acknowledgement of paternity papers? what would they say? i know i going to get one i just wanna know. is there any websites out there where i can see a form? And why would they be sent to my job as well?
I live in indiana by the way.

2007-09-27 16:50:19 · 1 answers · asked by Wasting my time 2

I have a co-worker that has his nieve girlfriend believing she's still a virgin and that she can't get pregnant. She's about 24 kinda slow and disabled. They have sex, he told her since he pulls out that they are not having sex because he doesn't do his deed inside of her. Therefore they are doing nothing wrong and she can't get pregnant. She's convinced they are NOT having sex. I've tried to explain to her that just sticking it in there once is enough to lose your virginity and it's now consider sex. Should I consider contacting someone on this issue? (reporting) Since she is disabled. She truely believes this crock of crap and I believe it's wrong. Please, only helpfull responses I'm taking this very seriously!

2007-09-27 16:37:29 · 10 answers · asked by nicknateky 2

He had the procedure done a couple of years ago.

2007-09-27 16:16:35 · 13 answers · asked by Janice M 4

If I ovulated between the 18th and 20th of Sept... when can i take a BLOOD test to check my HCG level?.. How many days past conceiving or ovulation???

2007-09-27 11:05:08 · 1 answers · asked by onewilddaisy 3

ok my baby boy will be 3 weeks on sunday he is my first and I am still bleeding on and off. It is not heavy or anything and it is more dark then bright some days I have none at all others I do. When should it stop completly? Thanx all

2007-09-27 07:28:38 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous