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Pregnancy & Parenting - 4 September 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

Ok, I'm due to have my second child next week. I am still wanting to have sex with my husband. It's like I want it more than ever right now. My husband and I got into an argument last night about it. He wasn't rude or anything. I just asked him why he doesn't want to have sex or touch me any more. He told me because it was awkward for him, and that he just doesn't like it when I'm pregnant. It really kind of hurt my feelings. I already feel like I'm unattractive. And of course I don't have the little petite body that I had before I got pregnant. It's so hard to feel sexy right now.

Why would sex be awkward for a man to have sex with his wife or girlfriend. Please if any of you guys out there can explain this to me, I'd really appreciate it.

2007-09-04 07:46:21 · 5 answers · asked by ? 2 in Pregnancy

Ive been ttc for a year. I was on Depo for 6 years previous to now and my periods are still messed up. Im almost 2 months late with 3 negative hpts. I have a doctors appt thursday to try to regulate my periods. Can you tell me what options i have that i can discuss with my OB to help get my hormones and period back on track?

2007-09-04 07:42:45 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

me and my friend we went over my sisters house to clean out her garage to make some extra money. we found some water pistols we were fooling around. we brought them in the house we were upstairs and we were playing in my nieces room. we accidently got her crib wet and her pampers and water on the rug.my sister came home freaked out. told us we were acting like children called our mother. now i cant go to the met game Im being punish. I told her she was overeacting me and my friend offered to pay for new pampers. i want to go to the game how can i make things right with mom and my sister?

2007-09-04 07:37:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

I believe it is. I know a girl doing this, and it bothers me. She is dating the coach at this class, but I still think it's highly inappropriate allowing her young son to run around the mats in the class. She just seems to be doing it for the attention.

2007-09-04 07:37:37 · 31 answers · asked by crystal_ball_hypnosis 1 in Parenting

on july 9th i went to a party at my ex boyfriends house and i ended up staying there and we had sex and we were both intoxicated and didnt use protection. the next night i went with my boyfriend and had unprotected sex with him too. I found out a few weeks later i was pregnant and had a miscarriage on the 15th of august. i never told my ex i was pregnant. and my boyfriend doesnt know i hooked up with my ex.. should i create drama and tell them both.. or should i just keep quite?!?!

2007-09-04 07:34:00 · 24 answers · asked by classicpoohgirl22 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Let me make it clear that i'm not trying to induce, i just have a question.

I visited my midwife for my 37 week check-up...she said i'm thick and closed and she'll see me at my next appointment. Is labor always a progressive thing or could i still suddenly go into active labor?

I know i should have asked her, i was just surprised. I assumed i would be at least a little dialated. Baby has dropped and i still feel great. Thanks in advance for your answers.

2007-09-04 07:32:38 · 14 answers · asked by Maria 5 in Pregnancy

Why should medicaid base their decision on MY income? my 15 yr old daughter and her loser boyfriend dont work, it is their baby not mine.

2007-09-04 07:31:24 · 27 answers · asked by Danny 1 in Pregnancy

Hello, My husband and I have been together for 6 years and married for 4. We now have an adorable little girl who is almost 9 months old. He had a child from a previous marriage who was adopted last month by his ex-wifes new husband. Our daughter was diagnosed with Asthma when she was only 5 months old but has had it since she was born. Our daughters doctor told me that I need to be a stay at home Mom in order to take care of our daughter because most of the daycares in our area are un-able to deal with her special needs for her asthma. However financially we can't afford to loose my income and my boss is definetly not happy about the number of days I'm missing due to her condition. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do?

2007-09-04 07:31:08 · 8 answers · asked by the_morris_bears 4 in Parenting

....some of the foods are making them constipated. What kind of foods are you giving your 10-11 month old? Are you giving juices & water too? Are your kids having a difficult time? Can you give me some suggestions on foods to give them. I feel bad that their little tummies hurt and that they are having such a hard time.... Thanks

2007-09-04 07:28:49 · 4 answers · asked by Mackenzie & Kaylee's Mom 2 in Newborn & Baby

2007-09-04 07:26:58 · 10 answers · asked by tearz 1 in Pregnancy

She's a c cup and thin. For months she had back pain because she wasn't wearing proper bras. She hated, but I told her she'd have to wear bras with much support, full coverage, 4 hooks in the back. A dr conffirmed, so she's been wearing them for a months. But she hates them, said she wouldn't wear them, I had no choice other than sayy Sorry hun, but it's for your best. She's a very sweet teen and for the first time has ben giving me a hard time. She obeys but complains a lot, keeps asking me to let her other kind of bras. I told her again and again I love her and want her best, that's why I'm so strict. But she doesn't understand, says I'm being stubborn, most of her friends don't wear bras like that, they are hot, uncomfortable. But I know she needs them, can't back off Her bras are like this http://braexperience.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=BE&Product_Code=94301&Category_Code=FFFF. I agree its not the kind of bra a 13 yo enjoys, but sure is the one she needs

2007-09-04 07:24:12 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

Im a teacher and one of my students is a 5-year-old girl, and i think with autism...She is not responding to her name, no eye contact, she does not play with other children,she seems to be living in her own lonely world walking around the classroom all day uttering only few words from time to time to herself. I dont know how to treat her , should i be firm and treat her like any other kid ;no means NO or with special treatment because she is really not responding to me; she leaves classroom without permission etc...

2007-09-04 07:22:15 · 7 answers · asked by Di 2 in Grade-Schooler

im currently 35 weeks and 6 days and im having a hard time deciding on whether or not i should leave my doctor's practice. well lemme give u some background. i go to magee and they have a clinic where u dont just see one doctor, u see whoever happens to be there that day (i hate that). ive been having issues this pregnancy but i had an appt last week to follow up on the baby's growth because they said that he was in the 10th percentile and has a small belly. so i didnt see the doctor i usually see, i seen someone else. she measured my belly and told me i was measuring 30 weeks when im actually 35 and im 100% about my dates. so im wondering if the other doctor was measuring me wrong the entire time. so then this doctor said that i will start getting ultrasounds every week and then i get another growth ultrasound in 3 weeks to see if he has gained weight. ive had one of this already and he was 4lbs. when i had the follow up last week he was 4lbs 14ozs. (to be continued)...

2007-09-04 07:21:48 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My husband and I recently decided that I am going to stop taking my birth control pills. For anyone who is pregnant or has had children after taking the pill...how long after stopping did you get pregnant?

2007-09-04 07:21:01 · 18 answers · asked by orangeflameninja 4 in Pregnancy

im 16 weeks pregnant and my right boob has dark black hairs growing on the bottom of my nipple. is this normal??

2007-09-04 07:20:18 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My daughter (who I've been nursing exclusively) is 6 1/2 months old & her pediatrician said to start her on solids because she all of a sudden has been waking up in the middle of the night. So I've been nursing her between 5-6am, then 830 or so, then 1130-12. Then I give her rice cereal or oatmeal with breastmilk at 230 or 3pm, and again at approx. 630 or 7pm right before bed. Then I do a "dream feed" where I nurse her in her sleep at around 9pm before I go to bed. She seems to be doing better on this routine, but does it sound like I'm overfeeding her? It's hard to know how much to give her.
Then, because I don't nurse in the afternoons, I pump, but I still wake up in the middle of the night with pain from engorged breasts! It's so uncomfortable that it wakes me up! Any suggestions?

2007-09-04 07:19:32 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

I have headaches throughout the entire day, I feel sick to my stomache, and I feel so tired while I am at work sitting in front of the computer. This is my first pregnancy and I was just wondering if these symptoms last throughout the whole pregnancy or just the first couple of weeks?

2007-09-04 07:17:10 · 14 answers · asked by Holly S 4 in Pregnancy

According to WebMD "Fertilization: If sperm does meet and penetrate a mature egg after ovulation, it will fertilize it. When the sperm penetrates the egg, changes occur in the protein coating around it to prevent other sperm from entering. At the moment of fertilization, your baby's genetic make-up is complete, including its sex. Since the mother can provide only X chromosomes (she's XX), if a Y sperm fertilizes the egg, your baby will be a boy (XY); if an X sperm fertilizes the egg, your baby will be a girl (XX). " so doesn't that mean you are pregnant at fertilization?

2007-09-04 07:16:58 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My mother is Indian and my father is white; I am dating a white supremacist who considers me to be different from the other anglo indians. He tells me " You are not like them". Why does he make an exception for me yet call others of my origin names such as mongrels? He says he loves me but I don't know why he is such a hypocrite.

2007-09-04 07:14:13 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

Sometimes when I come across this show I watch it for while and notice the total lack of respect the young kids give their significant other's folks. If my girlfriend ever dogged my mom or dad, she'd get five across the eyes in a hurry.

2007-09-04 07:14:08 · 15 answers · asked by Yea Yea 4 in Adolescent

I was a c-section mama after my son's heartbeat kept dropping with contractions. I was thinking about something and I wondered what all the other moms would do.

I considered having a v-bac. After everything I went through with my last birth, I don't want any more risk or worry, so I will be having another c-section. Once you have a c-section, the doctor wants to SCHEDULE you for the birth of your child. I find this unnatural. However, I would get to pick which one of the doctors at the practice to perform my c-section.

However, I really want to go into labor on my own so I know that's when my baby's REAL birthday was, not something someone penciled into their calendar.

Which is more important to you? Getting to pick the doctor performing the c-section? Or knowing when your baby's real birthday was?

There's something about going into labor on your own...it just seems right rather than getting scheduled to give birth. What do you think?

2007-09-04 07:10:28 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

besides children haha

like a street, a star, marine animal.. what are some other unique things?

2007-09-04 07:09:08 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adoption

I was wondering how far along you are when your belly first starts to show when being pregnant?

2007-09-04 07:08:52 · 14 answers · asked by toomuchtv23 2 in Pregnancy

2007-09-04 07:08:43 · 23 answers · asked by epd4859 1 in Baby Names

I had sex 3 days before I ovulated, 2 days before I ovulated, and the day I ovulated. Each time we had sex, he "pulled out". What are the chances of me being pregnant? It is September 4th now, and this all took place about a week ago

I've been with him for 2 years now and we are ready to have a baby if I do end up pregnant

2007-09-04 07:06:36 · 10 answers · asked by toomuchtv23 2 in Pregnancy

Does anyone know if I can request to have a c-section in Texas? Will insurance cover it if it is not "medically required"?

2007-09-04 07:06:23 · 5 answers · asked by orkneylove1 1 in Pregnancy

I am bored with my pregnancy and there is nothing left to do. The nursey is ready, I have bought everything I need and I am all set. I need something to do....help!

P.s: I have a job, but when I get home...the reality sinks in. I am so ready, but its not happening.

2007-09-04 07:06:07 · 12 answers · asked by mommauvtwo 1 in Pregnancy

Why do some of you still think the man should have to "be responsible" or "pay child support" for a child he doesn't want? Yes, he should have thought about protection, but it is USUALLY the woman who has to deal with the "aftermath" beit have the baby or abort it... and child support only takes care of one issue... who has to care for, feed, and stay up with the teething baby all night? find daycare etc etc? Will women, (over 21yrs, because being young and dumb is one thing ) realize that they are only makng life harder for
themselves and the child... especially those who didn't learn with baby #2, #3 etc... opinions please

2007-09-04 07:04:34 · 14 answers · asked by Lupita 5 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

doctor said they couldnt find reason for bleeding inside.i am taking bed rest ,what else should i do? is it bad?? what can be reason for bleeding? what precaution i should take

2007-09-04 07:02:44 · 6 answers · asked by kirti j 1 in Pregnancy

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