im 33 years old,my last ex girlfriend she was 15 years older the me .i went together with her for 5 years and 6 months but because reasons we split .i still like her i do love her from the deep of my heart but nathing more to do with sex ...i just like her a lot and she likes me a lot too.i met my present girlfreind and we had a baby,i love and like a lot my girfriend too.Now my ex want to see the baby,but my present girlfriend do not know im still talking with my ex (( it is real ,nathing going on between me and my ex we just friends )) my ex she got breasth cancer and i want to help her with all my sport,.she is going for a treatment next monday and me ex told me she want me to be beside her when the doctores put her to sleep...i want to be there to be honest ,i owe to much to my ex ,but i dont know how to start to tell the mum of my baby i still talking with my ex .
do u think my girlfriend will accept it or she will be upset?
i dont know what to do fell like to kill my self!!!!
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Newborn & Baby