We hadn't heard anything from my DD's dad for 2 weeks and 2 days, when his court ordered visitations are every weekend. He calls me today and makes a demand of wanting our daughter tomorrow and the next day after she's done with school. She goes to a preschool program in the morning. I told him no, that he needs to stick to his court ordered visitation and asked him why he hadn't called in two weeks. He gave me some BS story, and I told point blank, no that he asn't getting her until the weekend. Two hours later, while I'm getting my 11 year old twins settled into bed, he leaves me a message on my VM. Telling me that he's going to get our daughter after school tomorrow. Can he legally do that? When the court papers say weekends? I emailed her teacher and sent her a copy of the court papers telling her that her dad did NOT have my permission to take our daughter. I live in WI, btw. Can he take her? Help.
18 answers
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Wisconsin Sweetie