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actually my sis due date is 9th of nov.and her doc told her today on 31st of oct that her baby's tummy is a little small.so she is gonna check her again after 2 days,and she is gonna check if her baby's tummy has the same size.she told her that a small tummy will take out with some complications or dificulties in delievery.so her doc is gonna induce her before her due date just to make the complications little......but she is really concern either induction is the solution or she should wait untill her due date?we were looking 4 just an opinion..........if anybody would plz let us know if her baby's tummy is a little small ,is this really a complicated case and should we really take a risk of induction although every thing and every result is perfectly alright?

2006-10-31 14:40:05 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

4 answers

First off - the tummy size has really nothing to do with it. The fundal height - the size of the uterus - is what matters. Have they checked the child for approximate weight by an ultrasound?

If the child is small - then the child needs to stay in the womb as long as possible. At this point, the baby is well developed, the baby is just putting on the extra body fat s/he needs to stay warm outside of the womb.

Another thing, taking the baby out early will put the child at risk for jaundice, low birth weight, and immature lungs. This *could* result in the child staying in the NICU for awhile, and that is heart breaking.

And last but not least - induction sucks. Take it from me, I had to be induced and it was horrible. The contractions hurt so bad compared to others who went through a normal labor.

I would say keep the baby in the womb as long as you can and let the baby come out when s/he is ready.

Good luck

2006-10-31 18:05:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If the baby's tummy is too small shouldn't they let her stay where she belongs so she can grow better? That is the weirdest reason i have ever heard for inducing. Does the doctor have a vacation planned or something??????

2006-11-01 01:05:26 · answer #2 · answered by Terrible Threes 6 · 0 0

Inducing makes the labor pain 10 times worse.

2006-10-31 22:44:45 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

2 weeks early won't be harmful if the baby is 4 weeks early then I would start to get concerned. My husband was born 5 weeks early and he weighed a big whopping 5 pounds which is a big baby of that age.

2006-10-31 22:59:07 · answer #4 · answered by LVieau 6 · 0 0

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