These could be braxton Hicks Contractions which is the body practicing for the birth. Dont be worried your body is doing the right thing
If you are going in to labour you will start to notice them become more regular and lasting longer and gaining strength. Be aware but dont be worried this is a great time for you
2006-10-31 14:58:07
answer #1
answered by Violet Blue 3
Well, it is normal - and of course you are going to be worried. That's what expecting mothers do best! (And new mothers as well). I think those are braxton hicks contractions getting you ready for the big day. Those are the practice contractions.
Here's something to do: Time the "contractions" - when they started, and how long they started. When you start noticing a pattern of them coming 5 minutes or so apart, and they last for more than 45 seconds to a minute, (they need to have a consistent pattern) make sure you hop on the phone and give your OB a call. Also, at this point your baby is going to start slowing down on movements because it is getting really crowded, so at least once a day do your Kick Counts - lay still for an hour after you eat and see if you can get 10 kicks in an hour.
But if one day your baby doesn't move as much as s/he normally does - and you are having the contractions you are describing in your question - that is a big clue that you might be getting ready to go into labor. Also watch out for your vaginal discharge, if it all the sudden changes to a watery yet slimey discharge, call the doc - because that might indicate that your water is leaking.
But if in all doubt - to ease your mind - whenever you "feel" something is about to happen - listen to your body because you know it better than your doctor, even if it is your first baby - call your doctor. Most of everything I described happened to me - the wateryish discharge, the baby not moving as much, braxton hicks becoming in a regular pattern - and the feeling that "something is going to happen soon" - and my daughter was born the next night.
GOOD LUCK to you and I wish you a happy labor!
ps: If you want to ask me any questions, email me and I'll be very happy to help!
2006-10-31 16:19:44
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I don't want to freak you out. I know it can be scary being pregnant. I've had 3 of my own. The only cramping I had were the Braxton Hicks (sp?) which are contractions. They should be rare and only last for about a minute or so. I also experience pain when I moved the wrong way and the doctor said it was just my muscles and ligaments stretching. If you have any sign of blood I would definitely get to the doctor. I posted this website that will hopefully help you out. I pray that all is well with you and your precious baby!
2006-10-31 15:03:25
answer #3
answered by kjslove1994 2
The first three warning signs of impending labor are three things, bleeding, water breaks and lastly, contractions are 5 minutes apart and last more than 1 minute. You need to go to the hospital. Monitor your cramping, keep track of when they come and how long they last, good luck
2006-10-31 14:58:31
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It could just be braxton hicks contractions, your body's way of getting ready for having the baby. It could also be labor, if they get stronger and closer together consider labor as a possibility.
2006-10-31 14:57:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
As the other person on here said yes it could be either of those real or fake labor pains but it could also be the baby moving this happend to me when i was pregneant with my daughter. You might want to get it check out though just to be on the safe side.
2006-10-31 14:59:54
answer #6
answered by rainamem 2
That's what contractions usually feel like. I'm pretty sure they are either Braxton Hicks or the real deal. Call your doctor and see what they say. Good luck and congrats on the little one :-)
2006-10-31 14:55:49
answer #7
answered by CelebrateMeHome 6
Could be Braxton Hicks. Time the cramps, if they're regular, you could be in labor. My son was born at 36 weeks, he was fine.
2006-10-31 16:08:46
answer #8
answered by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7
Its Braxton Hicks false labor its normal and as time goes it will get stronger and soon it will be real labor
2006-10-31 14:58:00
answer #9
answered by Jaime T 3
It should be growth spurts- but I would call your doctor to be sure.
2006-10-31 14:56:12
answer #10
answered by tbaby 3