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Law Enforcement & Police - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

In two months I am taking the written and physical exam for a local police department. Anyone out there give me tips or things to study for the written exam?

2006-07-30 12:50:08 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i hope that these questions are being monitore and traced!!!!!!!!!some of these people need to be locked up for some of the law breaking questions they ask

are these Qs set ups to catch the sickos out there or can i at least hope that they r being caught at these acts by posting them here?

what do u think?

2006-07-30 12:32:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

under (K) dispositional findings, it say #44. petition sustained, regarding her juvenile record being sealed. what does this mean?

2006-07-30 12:10:40 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-30 11:56:25 · 7 answers · asked by thejoker_120 1

What is the smallest town, in the smallest county, in the smallest state, in the UISA

2006-07-30 11:47:50 · 4 answers · asked by Mr. Been there 4

My friend has a criminal case,the probation was revoked and the case file says, date set for Adjudication. what does that mean exactly? It was a self administered probation.

2006-07-30 11:43:24 · 5 answers · asked by farmhouse168 2

What does the sheriff do?What does constable do?
What is their job?

2006-07-30 11:23:03 · 5 answers · asked by USMC 4

2006-07-30 11:12:26 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous


We all moan about crime & 'lightweight ' judges & meaningless sentences for criminals....... If you were given a free hand to sort it out what would you do?

2006-07-30 10:59:42 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

In public schools teachers are trying to enforce the rule that student have to stand up for the pledge and recite it. This goes against some peoples' beliefs because the pledge says, "Under God." in it. Should it be okay for teachers to tell the kids to say the pledge?

2006-07-30 10:16:33 · 26 answers · asked by L16 1

Im putting off applying because i can not expect to get hired if i admit things i did in highschool/college....i figure ill work a few years then come clean n say it was in he past ive learned n moved on? i hate lying n i dont want the job if i have to lie to get it. (its pretty much just pot, but they are all about "past actions = future behavior" advice? or start looking into another career field?

2006-07-30 10:08:55 · 5 answers · asked by llllllllllllllllll 3

2006-07-30 09:36:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Were there instances in the past where, to deter suicide bombers, the policy was for that government to kill the bombers' families? Since suicide bombers often thought their acts would benefit their families, this acted as a good deterrent?

2006-07-30 09:04:38 · 6 answers · asked by presidentrichardnixon 3

2006-07-30 08:40:10 · 6 answers · asked by wyonak13@sbcglobal.net 1

If capital punishment was re-introduced in U.K what method do you think we should have....... or do we have a 'list' of methods depending on the crime....... and actually use them instead of just threatening it !

2006-07-30 08:07:11 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous


Although capital punishment is abolished in UK, in countries where the death penalty is still used does the person to be executed have a choice of method they would prefer?

2006-07-30 07:37:49 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I see a lot of unsolved murder cases on cold case files that have never been solved.But if the victim was a cop or a cops family member the case would never be put in the cold case files and every cop would try thier best to solve it.but since thier not they spend all thier time picking on the poor man trying to make a living.Why?

2006-07-30 07:05:58 · 33 answers · asked by Desperado 5

if so why?

If this isn't the case why do they support israel's over agressive attacks which have needlessly killed lebabnese civilians and 4 U.N members on purpose after the people responsible were told that the U.N people were still in harms way. Why oh why oh why?

I'm not a history buff (and I know the UK is responsible for creating the agressive israel today) but I know that big wars don't just happen over night but happen slowly after a series of events.

2006-07-30 06:35:16 · 20 answers · asked by wave 5

I'm doing research for a project in my Counter-Terrorism class.

2006-07-30 06:08:44 · 13 answers · asked by By Your Command 6

Can't the mayor do something about his own city and its people alternatives to stay away from crime? It is a shame of USA to see such crime cities to be thriving.

2006-07-30 06:08:28 · 18 answers · asked by fedup 3

or are they just misunderstood?
or are they just doing a difficult job that nobody else will do?

2006-07-30 05:41:21 · 14 answers · asked by chetahbill 4

Jobs i am interested in are from DHS, like Air Marshals, DEA, Customs, etc. Should i write More KSA's then required, and should i bulk a portpholio? How hard is the phisical training? What about the Polygraph? I have not been charged or arrested before, but i have done bad things in the past. I soon will be graduatingwith a B.S. I am starting to get freaked out.

2006-07-30 05:39:23 · 7 answers · asked by mike c 1

My son was arrested 11/2 years ago.He got a high fine for having a broken ink pen and a very small amount of meth in his truck. He went to court and they put him in Drug Court classes. He went 3 times a week. Drug tested 3 times a week. Home work etc. Have to go to 5 NA meetings a week and keep a full time job. His meeting were 8:00 till 10:00 3 times a week and was to graduate to phase 2 this week. His probation office has harrassed him from the get go.I have plenty of evidence on the harressment.Her threats has made him loose his mind and he could not handle this anymore. it was bad. He went across the state line to go to work to send money back to pay his fines off and his plans were to come back and turn himself in after he made the money. His probation officier made it inpossible for him to keep a job to pay fines and they were all due.A cop profiled him in Louisisana. And now in jail waiting extradition.What can i do for him? Is a verbal hold enough to keep him in jail there?

2006-07-30 04:13:43 · 8 answers · asked by GMB 1

murder-killing someone
arson-burnings someones property
rape-raping someone..

2006-07-30 03:57:50 · 3 answers · asked by Eugene Joshua 1

I was making a left turn at an intersection when the light was ORANGE... before I made it across the light turned RED. I was about half ways or a little more over, but the light did turn RED... and I saw a flash. Does this mean I got a ticket... and how much would it be in San Bernardino County???

2006-07-30 03:36:21 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

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