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Law Enforcement & Police - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

Kentucky has made it impossible for me to pay my fine. I owed a $100.00 fine from years ago (no excuse, I should of paid it), I had forgotten all about it.

I was with a friend who got pulled over, my name was run and I was under arrest. I had no money (totally and couldn't get any) so I asked if I could set my fine out in jail. The judge ok'd it and off to jail I went.

I sat there for ten days. I was given $10.00 a day credit. I was being processed out of booking and doing the paperwork. I was told that I owed the jail $245.00. They was charging me $20.00 a day to set there plus a $45.00 booking fee.

They was nice enough to give me some time to pay it. If I don't pay it, they will take me to court and get even more money (or try to).

A hundred bucks isn't much but when you haven't worked for 7 months, it is a lot. I got hurt and had to file for disability. The money is not the issue but what they did is....What are your thoughts on this?

2006-07-28 05:55:48 · 13 answers · asked by mike h 2

I need to find out if someone has a warrant out for their arrest. Does anyone know how to go about doing this?

2006-07-28 05:39:47 · 10 answers · asked by Jlynn 1

whats the definition of a threat
what can you be arrested

2006-07-28 05:22:14 · 7 answers · asked by danmak2001 1

What do you think? Should judges be given more options for a case by case basis...


2006-07-28 04:56:16 · 13 answers · asked by PeaceTree 3

I am trying to get a copy of a police report for an animal abuse/neglect case. Any suggestions of how I can perform this search online? I do not know the name of the individual.

2006-07-28 04:40:11 · 4 answers · asked by soulreflector 2

I'm in my 30's, is it to late to be a police officer, what is the first step for me to find out about a job?

2006-07-28 04:39:01 · 18 answers · asked by Ms Tracey Lyn 2

She was charge for midimener charges, but did not go to court and she moved to another state but her family lives in the state where she got into trouble, she is afraid to visit her family because she's afraid the bondsman will pick her up but is has been about ten years ago, what advice can I give her because she wants to visit her family that she hasn't seen in ten years, will the bondsman keep looking for her or if someone tells the bondman she's in town could they still pick her up?

2006-07-28 04:32:22 · 11 answers · asked by Ms Tracey Lyn 2

just heard on the news 2 coppers from sussex have been arrested for , wait for it ... stealing sweets from the police tuck shop ! is this a new low ?

2006-07-28 04:11:31 · 18 answers · asked by ghost nation 3

I was tased once and peed all over myself!
is that a reaction from being tased or was it from my adrenaline being so high...????

2006-07-28 03:48:36 · 8 answers · asked by boobear 2

2006-07-28 03:47:29 · 12 answers · asked by souvatzisbill 1

My hubby is a cop! I think taser guns r awesome never been hit with one!
I told my hubby i want him to tase me so I can just see how it feels! any one out there been tased and if so how did that feel...and what actually happens to ya!
I know cops get it done when they go thru the class so how did it feel!!!!

2006-07-28 03:29:59 · 11 answers · asked by woohooo 4

2006-07-28 03:25:41 · 7 answers · asked by blk man luvs pussc 1

Why are the cruisers of the Minnesota State Patrol a maroon (blue-tinged red) colour, instead of the much more widely used white?

2006-07-28 03:21:15 · 5 answers · asked by Willster 5

they'd been going to my girlfriends house every friday now for the past 3 weeks, but this time they just went and knocked the door and asked for me like always and then, they just pushed my girl friend's dad and trying to get in the house, without showing any search warrant of some type, so they just let them search the house, but could they push him because he kept saying i wasnt there and i wasnt.

2006-07-28 03:10:24 · 16 answers · asked by dave 1

I personally didn't. If you did, what are you feeling now?

2006-07-28 03:06:37 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

i forged my dads signiture and used his social sercurity number to get a credit card i only spent 330 dollars using it though and i paid it off . i told my dad and he wants me to call the credit card company and say hat i did? he was really mad? is this wise or should i just wait till my dad calms down a lot?he is not pressing charges. how do i cancel the credit card?

2006-07-28 02:43:38 · 14 answers · asked by jamie w 1

My garage was broken into on Wednesday July 19th and a report was filed on July 20th. The officer said a detective would be out the following day. I waited all day and he never showed. I called that afternoon and was told it would be early next week. Well Today is Friday July 28th and still no Detective. Myself or my father has phoned 8 times in the past 3 days and we can't even get them to call us back. I live in a small farming town and we gave the officer who took the report a very good lead on who might have done this but a call from them would be nice. I haven't touched anything in the garage so they can take prints if they need to but they won't even come out. The amount lost is almost $30,000.00 and to me that's allot not to investigate. What are my options if they continue to not help me?

2006-07-28 02:41:27 · 14 answers · asked by racing_jrfan 3

The majority of British citizens will tell you that they have no faith in our police, justice system or our Government!

So why is nothing done about it!!!!???? Surely the whole british population is stronger and more unstoppable compared to the police and the Government??

2006-07-28 02:26:20 · 8 answers · asked by carly s 4

info like booking addrss visiting?

2006-07-28 00:51:03 · 3 answers · asked by stacia1469 2

2006-07-27 23:50:35 · 9 answers · asked by sniper 1

because of the mafia gangs uk getting worst and worse. to control this if police deside to use martical law and encounter all the gang members i mean asia gangs,white gangs&black gangs members to control the prostitution,raping,murdring,weapons&drugs as a uk people you all agree to this.also i want to know other multi cultural people in uk also agree to this one.

2006-07-27 23:44:01 · 9 answers · asked by moon walker 2

why do parents not teach their children to swim before they can drown themselves. I think that should become a LAW. I know some very talented athletes that can not swim!, one is in the NFL, how pathetic is that?

2006-07-27 23:36:52 · 4 answers · asked by redirus92 3

terrorism&mafia like a same but some differences are there.

2006-07-27 23:29:06 · 12 answers · asked by moon walker 2

Yes I am a female police officer and proud of it! My grandfather was the sheriff of Hawthorn Ca. I recently found out that I am related to Jessie James, is there anyone out there that knows anything about J.J. please let me know, thank you!

2006-07-27 22:16:47 · 11 answers · asked by ghostguff 2

a cop ask me show a letter saying that i didnt have to have my vehicle inspected yet because there was a rejection sticker on it I go to my car to get the letter then i get back out my he tells me to stay in my car then he comes to my car 5 minutes with a ticket sayin i should had showed him my letter along with the rest of my documents and that it was too late and he couldn't void the ticket

2006-07-27 21:17:05 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-27 20:33:01 · 35 answers · asked by Mortimer Pratchett 1

What is your opinion of police officers?

2006-07-27 20:19:35 · 14 answers · asked by ghostguff 2

He keeps telling me that he doesn't have any money right now.

2006-07-27 19:15:07 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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