I'm in an abusive situation and will be taking the kids and getting out this week, but I am wondering if I can somehow turn my husband in to the authorities.....he has unpaid speeding tickets from two different states where we've lived in the past year, and he just got pulled over again in ANOTHER state where we were on vacation a month ago (for doing 85 in a 55 - of course it was not his fault, or so he claims). Anyway, they got him for suspended license (because of the unpaid tickets) and he was to pay or appear in court by July 27th, and he didn't...so not only is he driving around on a suspended license, he's ignoring the summons.....I'm guessing there's a warrant for his arrest in the county where the ticket was issued, but since we don't live there, and we don't live at the address on his license, will they come after him? I will be looking to prove that he is abusive and give evidence of all the abusive and neglectful things he did toward the kids and me, so would it help for
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