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Law Enforcement & Police - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

2006-07-30 03:34:11 · 6 answers · asked by donald mag1544 1

person was arrested and charged with petty larceny about 5 years ago and case was dismissed . It is still showing up on thier record

2006-07-30 03:21:04 · 4 answers · asked by Richgirl 3

2006-07-30 01:27:52 · 28 answers · asked by muffin 2

I have noticed that driving on any interstate is getting more and more dangerous everyday. Is it because the people driving are playing video racing games and they don’t understand that when there is an actual crash people in fact people get seriously injured or die? Do they watch movies glorifying reckless driving that are staged by professional stunt crews and think they have acquired these super driving skills through some bizarre form of video-osmosis? Do they watch professional racing and assume they have acquired the skills of driving professionally by watching the sport on television? What is the solution? Do we need more police officers patrolling our nation’s highway? Do we need higher fines or suspended licences? Is the Department of Transportation studying this problem and is there a solution in the foreseeable future? Lots there but I am truly interested in this topic. Thank you for your answers.

2006-07-30 01:19:56 · 8 answers · asked by Thomas S 4

Neither person involved had insurance, both agreed to fix their own vehicle, 2 wks later my friend was summoned to court. The judgement was against him, but he didn't pay because he didn't agree. I know he should have appealed then, but didn't. Statute of limitations? Thanks for all the other answers...I guess I didn't explain enough before...

2006-07-30 00:06:05 · 3 answers · asked by ladyhawke 1

Why the hell are all these people bothering me...?**** you all!

2006-07-29 23:37:11 · 5 answers · asked by C C 1

and when you go to court if they show up you are guilty. It is your word against theirs and who is the judge going to believe???

I got a ticket for loud music with my windows up and a stock radio and speakers. I got a decibel reading to show that my stereo is not loud enough to be heard with the windows up and went to court to fight it. The ***** judge didn't even know what a decibel reading was, refused to go outside and listen for herself and believed that the cop heard my stereo from a BLOCK away! And music from a rooftop club can be easily heard from where I was pulled over. Then she added $25 to the fine. So basically we are screwed when we get a ticket and if we fight it we get punished with a bigger fine. How can this be fair? He lied she wouldn't look at all the evidence that I had and only pretended to look at what I gave her. BS!!!

2006-07-29 21:49:38 · 16 answers · asked by Amy >'.'< 5

This was my first ticket so would i just be able to pay it and not hear about it nearly ever again???

2006-07-29 19:12:04 · 15 answers · asked by ragingravira16 2

I got a ticket in a place kinda far from home where i wasn't supposed to be will my insurence say where i got the ticket from???

2006-07-29 18:59:41 · 6 answers · asked by ragingravira16 2

I was sexually abused by a man a year ago (I was 14 at the time) how can I press charges against him, what are my chances of proving what he did to me and how can I increase my chances of proving what he did

2006-07-29 18:27:29 · 14 answers · asked by gay_rocker1010 1

I'm in an abusive situation and will be taking the kids and getting out this week, but I am wondering if I can somehow turn my husband in to the authorities.....he has unpaid speeding tickets from two different states where we've lived in the past year, and he just got pulled over again in ANOTHER state where we were on vacation a month ago (for doing 85 in a 55 - of course it was not his fault, or so he claims). Anyway, they got him for suspended license (because of the unpaid tickets) and he was to pay or appear in court by July 27th, and he didn't...so not only is he driving around on a suspended license, he's ignoring the summons.....I'm guessing there's a warrant for his arrest in the county where the ticket was issued, but since we don't live there, and we don't live at the address on his license, will they come after him? I will be looking to prove that he is abusive and give evidence of all the abusive and neglectful things he did toward the kids and me, so would it help for

2006-07-29 17:54:31 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-29 17:50:20 · 19 answers · asked by JAMES 4

They look like terrorists

2006-07-29 17:40:40 · 10 answers · asked by dt 5

2006-07-29 17:25:57 · 2 answers · asked by hirrannya d 1

The judgement was that it was my friend's fault, but he didn't have an attorney, and the officer that worked the accident was the other person's(involved in the accident)boyfriend. Also, I need to know if it is too late to appeal it since he didn't have a lawyer and the pictures of the accident show that when the other person pulled out in front of him--he hit her in the side not the rear of the vehicle. Thanks for the other answers. And, no, he doesn't want it to just go away---but the other person involved won't discuss anything with him, so he needed to know what to do...Thanks...

2006-07-29 17:20:09 · 9 answers · asked by ladyhawke 1

I figure these are simply criminals who don't like cops because of what they stand for. That is, having to deal with punishment for their crimes.

How can they possibly paint all cops with the same brush without knowing them? How is this any different than someone saying "all blacks are crooks, or all chinese are bad drivers, or all middle easterners are terrorists, or for that matter, all criminals should be jailed".

Doesn't everyone deserved to be judged for who they are, not what they wear, or the job they do?

2006-07-29 17:15:14 · 13 answers · asked by Jim D 3

2006-07-29 16:12:12 · 7 answers · asked by JAMES 4

i was in a domestic dispute with my daughter, the juvinile court awarded her to foster care, my drug use was brought up, and i am seeking treatment. however, the policd have come to my door and said if im not in treatment in two days, im going to jail. there has been no court order, i have not disputed custody for my child, so at this point, wouldnt it be volintery for me to go to treatment or not? can the police just come to my door and harasse me like that?

2006-07-29 14:55:43 · 11 answers · asked by purplehelmetedyogurtspewer 1

Its Friday night, you are drunk and you've been caught acting like a knob. Do you take an £80 fine and a criminal record, or agree to spend an hour on Sunday afternoon in the Town Centres Public stocks having soggy tomatoes thrown at you. Would this prevent disorder?

2006-07-29 14:18:11 · 7 answers · asked by Mnkeyboy5 1

said i hit her. HEr passenger also said so can i be charged for assault and if so how much time will i get or fines here in texas. WHich in no way did i hit the lady!!!!!!!!!!! And i have no witnesses on my side she on ly has one.

2006-07-29 13:57:07 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-29 13:49:07 · 7 answers · asked by hhgsdd@sbcglobal.net 1

The police won't do anything because they say they are not threatening her. We have some kids pranking my daughters cell phone. They are blocking their calls but calling one right after another. Little do they know when they block their # it still shows up on my Cingular Bill. Waiting to find out right now as soon as it updates. Just ticks me off they say "well just change your number"..thats BS. Why should I be inconvenienced by some little brats that have nothing better to do?

2006-07-29 13:41:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-29 11:04:21 · 17 answers · asked by jack of all trades 2

i read somewhere that cop" meant "police survivor" and it was an insult

2006-07-29 10:54:00 · 25 answers · asked by kisss_therain 2

2006-07-29 10:36:20 · 2 answers · asked by bridget n 1

to forclose on the property. Can I be evicted from my apartment as well?

2006-07-29 10:14:36 · 7 answers · asked by hoboken134 2

well i know its called the ccw and you take the ccw test and like a 8 hour class.
but the thing is ive searched everywhere and i dont know where to go??
like would it be the police department? if anyone feels like helping me i am in cinicnnati ohio. please reply asap
i want a license to own a gun.

2006-07-29 09:55:06 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-29 08:58:27 · 21 answers · asked by butterfly23 3

Am, I gonna get offed for this question by the " police of this shadow" ?

2006-07-29 08:47:57 · 14 answers · asked by Jayson K 2

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