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Law Enforcement & Police - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

what is the theory

2006-07-31 23:31:34 · 2 answers · asked by vassili 1

2006-07-31 22:25:32 · 38 answers · asked by A True Gentleman 5

I love to go out in middle of the night in my small home town and walk or ride bike and hear the crickets and the nothingness . . Soo peaceful . Am I turning into Dracula? I often sleep during the noisey bright day. I wait for the night and savor it. I embrace it . . it's so perfect/peaceful. Heat makes me dizzy. Ozone makes me dizzy. Noise frustrates me. I am in heaven at night. I especially like a snowy night . . snow either already on ground . . or snow falling . . . can't get enough of that. The night makes the snow look pale blue . . .and it's sooo quiet. I have legal problems and hope I don't go to jail . . because how would I get to be outside walking in my freedom . .? How would I maintain my hamstrings? Poopy.

2006-07-31 22:14:34 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

as community service for possesion of charlie, It all went a bit pete tong there! Is it enough? He should be made to clean my windows aswel!!

2006-07-31 19:36:09 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-31 19:22:30 · 5 answers · asked by Luvlee 1

My friend got pulled over last night, and she has a warrant for a FTA (Failure to Appear) and her license was suspended. (Yes, she is an idiot! LOL) The police officer was real cool, and just gave her a PTA (Promise to Appear) for court, and told her to drive away after he left.

Now why would the suspension come up, and not the warrant? And if it did come up, he didn't say anything...So does that mean it's gone? Don't you think he would have taken her in?

Is there a way to find out without calling the police?

2006-07-31 19:04:02 · 10 answers · asked by Angel 4

I mean our tax dollars pay the salaries,the traffic cops are constantly writing tickets.Where is all that money going?It seems to me the departments have the money they just don't care about solving the tuff crimes.If it ain't there friends and families than who cares?I am not personally involved in any cases but a lot of people out there are don't they deserve the justice they are paying for?

2006-07-31 19:03:35 · 10 answers · asked by Desperado 5

2006-07-31 17:54:37 · 10 answers · asked by boyet 2

I just want to do target shooting

2006-07-31 17:35:40 · 17 answers · asked by hadji from des moines 3

2006-07-31 17:32:47 · 11 answers · asked by hadji from des moines 3

They are for sport shooting, nothing bad....really

2006-07-31 17:14:36 · 26 answers · asked by hadji from des moines 3


2006-07-31 16:56:28 · 17 answers · asked by yars232c 6

I was so sad today because at the mall, a Hispanic woman asked me in Spanish if I could call a cab for her on my cell. It was 100 degrees out and she was holding an adorable baby boy. I noticed while I was calling that her face was covered in bruises, and she had a black eye. I asked her if her husband hit her, and she said yes, that he had beaten her during an argument. I know that the lady is not a legal citizen, because she told me what her husband does for a living. Can an illegal alien get protection from her husband? Especially since there is a little boy involved.

2006-07-31 15:48:53 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who's going to tuck me in tonight, and when am I going to get a female cellmate?

2006-07-31 15:44:27 · 5 answers · asked by Just Ask 2

2006-07-31 15:41:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Someone I know was recently caught shoplifting, and she is 15 years old. When she was caught, the police were going to just release her to her parents, but she kept lying to the cops about her dad's number and address because she was scared for him to find out. When they finally did get the correct info, they released her to her dad, but the officer arranged for her to do 4 hours of community service, not for stealing, but for lying to him and wasting his time. Do you think this is right, or do you feel that there should be harsher consequences to deter kids from repeating these offenses? When my daughter was 6 she stole some candy from Wal Mart and I didn't know it until we got home. I took her back to the store immediately, and made her return it to the service desk, and I then I got the store security people to take her in the back of the store and threaten to call the police on her and they scared the sh*t out of her. I also grounded her, and whooped her butt when we got home.

2006-07-31 15:40:13 · 7 answers · asked by jensarquist 3

what to they call guys who find women in uniform sexy and follow them around ?

2006-07-31 15:19:52 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

an 18 year old on a private boat found in posesion of 1 beer. we have passed the court date not knowingly, what will the fee be?

2006-07-31 15:14:13 · 4 answers · asked by Brenda D 1

What will happen to me in court? Probation or jail?

2006-07-31 15:05:37 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

how many of you are here? Ok that is a demeaning term but it is what they call us. Personally I find a man in uniform(any) sexy. ANd not just for Bunny reasons. Any one else?

2006-07-31 14:53:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

The officer didn't even give me a ticket....just a card with his number on it. Said we could 'work things out'....well I am new to this area and guess the legal system is different here.

I DID notice that the officer had a flashlight in his pocket and I gave him kudos for being prepared for hurricane season.

He said his name was 'Ponch'...


2006-07-31 14:43:24 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

These noises occur all times of the day and especially the night. It scares our children and it has continued throughout the 3 years we have been here. We keep thinking it will stop but it hasn't. We have called the police on occasion but they keep telling us they've driven around our home but they don't see or hear anything. We're not sure where we should even start to investigate this. Do you have any suggestions?

2006-07-31 14:42:34 · 3 answers · asked by mchisch 1

2006-07-31 13:47:29 · 6 answers · asked by jojojay1999 1

have a lawyer who is handeling some custody matters. I went to child support, because I heard that they were able to enforce the child support order. My lawyer wants to have a meeting with me tomorrow, he wants to convince me to close the case I have opened with the county' Child Support, and let them enforce the child support. Are they just trying to keep the money coming for them? Or is it really a better idea to have the county handle this?

2006-07-31 13:10:17 · 13 answers · asked by lady 2

Was followed home by a looser throwin eggs at me cause of me job i am a bit worried about who this maybe. reported to police they claim nothing can be done. do any of you wonderfull people know if this is true is it worth pushin for a charge to be brought.

2006-07-31 12:43:09 · 27 answers · asked by B 1

Ive got a pretty good idea about what I want to do with my life, and it includes maybe becoming a homicide detective. Now, Is this a valid career? What are the benifits? Should I think about the F.B.I or other governmental agencies? Help!

2006-07-31 12:26:21 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

So it's July 31st and I saw 4 cops giving tickets today....and I drove for a total of about 20 minutes. People say it's not true, but I'm having a hard time believing it when end-of-month is always SWARMING with cops. So, is it true?

2006-07-31 12:20:05 · 22 answers · asked by yankeesfn02 1