In order to get visitation rights to see your son?
The Judge ( a woman ) informed me if I even wanted to try and have visitation rights with my son I had to abstain from sex for a period of at least 18 months!
She said ( judge) my behavior ( MY AFFAIR) was directly attributed to my sons POST TRUMANTIC STRESS, in him witch because of his age (13, going to be 14, in NOVEMBER) he get violent witch is common among males all ages.
She said she could not order me to comply but could have me served with an ORDER OF RESTRAINT to protect my son from my robust sexuality.
I know I'm responsible for the problems in his life at this time but, to lose your son because you enjoy sex, unbelievable.
The Judge pointed out 8 cases supported by the Supreme Court so I have no appeals cause if action!
So once again would you give sex up for your CHILD?
What would your response be, my LAWYER says the ACLU wont touch this verdict.
I want my son in my life so celibacy it is for 18 months.
13 answers
asked by
April Snow