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Law & Ethics - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

The fellow about which they complain only writes entertaining, and sometimes a little rude, questions. I don't understand how grown adults could get so upset as to take him off the air. Read how greenghost brags about how he got my account suspended and how he tells others how to get the "intruder's" account suspended. What kind of children inhabit this site anyway?


Also, read what Joey L and Joe L have to say.

2007-02-01 10:49:29 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I worked at a place for a couple of months just to see if I liked it. Well evidently I didn't so I quit. After which I had to go in and pick up my last paycheck. Well it's been over 6 months since that happened and here it is the first of February and I haven't received my W-2. I called the place and they are not mailing them out, but you have to come and pick them up. Isn't this against the law? What if you moved to another location and are not near the place to go pick it up? Plus there was no notification that previous employees were to pick them up and not receive them in the mail. I believe this is against the law because aren't all W-2's to be mailed out and received by January 31st? Who can I contact to deal with this issue to ensure that they send out all those W-2's to the previous employee's unaware of the situation and to make sure that this doesn't happen again. There should be consequences.

2007-02-01 10:35:04 · 5 answers · asked by snoopytinkerbell4u 1

our sister cannot take care of the property nor keep her utilities on. she wants to stay there to care for her grown son and his friends. She signed a paper as did we all that whoever lives in the house must take care of maintenance and utilites, taxes and insurance. we want to petition the court to get her out so that we may sell the house before she completely ruins it or burns it to the ground (and it is now rat infested) and split the proceeds. can someone with knowledge please advise? the will states that the two sisters can stay in the house if they need to, and the house is left to all the siblings. thank you for your time.. the house is in georgia.

2007-02-01 10:32:08 · 5 answers · asked by diana w 1

I am employed at a branch of a telemarketing firm that is run from another state. My manager gives his friend a paycheck weekly who never actually shows up for work.Calling human resources or the greivence line is useless as people who do this are quickly fired. Isn't there an agency that I can report this to? I know that their is no arrangement for this person to work from his home or away from the office.

2007-02-01 10:20:05 · 6 answers · asked by Chris A 1

My previous employer was nuts and I am sure he will not send it out of malice.

2007-02-01 10:19:51 · 6 answers · asked by fatima_mst 3

Mr. Someone parked at the hotel and ate at the hotels restaurant before attending local footbal game and does this every year for the past several years. On one occasion he meets his son and nephew for a pregame meal. As they leave for the stadium, Mr. Someones son led the way out fo the hotels doors, while walking and talking with each other. Mr. Someone then walks through a glass panel to the left of the glass doors, shattering the panel and cutting his left hand. The hotels entrance has 2 glass doors sperated by a 45-inch wide glass panel. One glass panel is 4 ft wide by 9 ft high & were situated by either side of the door. The glass is tinted brown. The panels had metal frames. Decorative plants are normally in from of panel but not on this day. After accident, the hotel spent 75.00 and installed horizontal rails across panel - I am needing to see if the hotel is negligent in this case or is it Mr. Someones fault?

2007-02-01 10:19:26 · 6 answers · asked by Wondering 1

Seems that the media is blaming McDonalds and other people are sueing ... My friend just wants some slice of the pie ... {no pun intended}

2007-02-01 10:18:31 · 17 answers · asked by BOBBY LASHLEY-THE STEROID KING 2

2007-02-01 10:17:41 · 9 answers · asked by ader 2

I am looking at law schools and i noticed that some are ABA approved and others are not, would going to one that is a non aba school be even worth the trouble?

2007-02-01 10:02:47 · 8 answers · asked by SomaA 1

I have a debate competition on Saturday and I want to know your opinions on if people who take a congressional oath of office should have to use the bible. Put as much information as you want to.

2007-02-01 09:41:21 · 7 answers · asked by Hoke P 2

I'm surprised. This should be a content owner's nightmare.

2007-02-01 09:36:32 · 1 answers · asked by Ejsenstejn 2

(This is a hypothetical question.)

I'm thinking that the perp's death would prevent the child and the family from going through the pain again during the perp's trial. Perp dead=no trial and child+ family can proceed to move forward. What are your thoughts?

2007-02-01 09:27:53 · 5 answers · asked by Zeek 3

work....... aside from the fact that this is obviously against company policy, is it illegal and if so what agency can they be reported to......
It's very difficult to report him to the company as he is the manager of our branch and complaints to company hq usually fall on deaf ears.
The company is located in Connecticut if this helps.........

2007-02-01 09:26:32 · 3 answers · asked by Chris A 1

A website has taken my family's information and put pages up about each one of us with basic information. It's not harmful, but it feels intrusive and we don't feel comfortable having our information on a website with which we have no relationship or connection. I asked the webmaster two months ago to take it down. They said they would that very week. It has been up for two months. I emailed them two weeks ago to see when they were actually going to take it down and they've neglected to respond to me. Someone told me that we can't do anything about this, but that doesn't seem fair. If someone, for example, makes a website endorsing Hitler and out of nowhere, smack dab in the middle of a page, has written out your name and information, that is not fair. What can be done about this?

2007-02-01 09:20:14 · 5 answers · asked by OctoberGirl 2

i am 17 years old. my mother said she is going to take my whole paycheck as a punishment. can she do that legally?
i made that money!!!

2007-02-01 09:16:07 · 10 answers · asked by lil bit 1

I charges a company with sexual harassment and they allowed it for 5 months and fired me so the other co-workers wouldnt find out they were allowing it so they could make the 15 Million. I will have my mediation soon to try and settle it out of court because thats what the company wants. How much should I ask for and how should I prepare and what should I say

2007-02-01 09:15:56 · 11 answers · asked by xxmilitarychikxx 3

Where is the outrage from the Left? Or is bad behavior only criticized when it's a Republican?

2007-02-01 09:15:47 · 10 answers · asked by FRANKFUSS 6

I are indian citizen with green card. How do I file for divorce. Can I divorce in india or Usa

2007-02-01 09:14:30 · 9 answers · asked by kumarDev g 1

DHL did not deliver my iPod after being serviced, and they claim they found a note on my door saying that I allowed them to come and leave it on the floor. However, they did not even come to my House! Now I'm on the phone with each of them at a time and they keep telling the other company to "deal with it".

2007-02-01 09:07:51 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recently replaced the toner and drum cartridges in my work printer and was told that my employer does not recycle the old ones. I have found a local toner recycler that pays for old toner cartridges. Would it be wrong to sell the old ones to them, since my employer was going to just throw them away.

2007-02-01 09:05:52 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

At the age of 17, way back in 1999 I received a speeding ticket in a city 200 miles away from my hometown. I ignored the ticket and when I got out of the Navy in 2001 I successfully renewed my license. Fast forward to 2005, I successfully changed my DL address online. Fast forward again, this time to February 2006, I attempted to renew my license and was told that I was unable to, and given a number to contact. After contacting that number I was told that I had an outstanding ticket from, you guessed it, 1999. I contacted the city and was told that the total fine was about 500$. I am a student and that was and still is a lot of money. I chose to ignore paying the fine figuring, ignorantly in hindsight, that all I would receive was a citation for driving with an expired license.
About 9 months later, I was pulled over, and upon a check of my license, was arrested for driving with a suspended license. At no time was i given any notice that my license was suspended. PS I live in TX

2007-02-01 08:58:02 · 4 answers · asked by CHARLES B 2

I have a boss I work with who's husband was a prison guard. He was involved in breaking up a fight between 2 inmates. There was blood and he had gotten blood on him. NYS law says that its the new HIPPA law that's protects the right on an individual and was not allowed to know weather or not the inmate had a diease. The prison guard had the option on going on meds to prevent any diease that he may have gotten. After taken the meds for 6-months he now has server liver problems. He would not have had these problems if he was allowed to know if the inmate had hiv or not. Don't you believe that a guard should have the right to know if a prisoner has aids or not this way here if there was a fight and blood was involved they could prevent themselves from contacting it?

2007-02-01 08:55:53 · 14 answers · asked by ompie 3

2007-02-01 08:54:05 · 4 answers · asked by Nickname 2

It is illegal in many state to live together and not be married, the law is just not enforced, until the govt thinks you want something from them. Some people called me nuts I call the IRS and they said (Karen S. # 5909319) as long as it is not illegal to cohabitate together in GA (it is in FL) I could be a qualifying dependent. Page 20, Booklet 1040. Thanks

2007-02-01 08:44:38 · 6 answers · asked by alphayesme 1

hired a childminder 3 days a week for after school care, paid 1 month in advance, after 3 days i found out that this women was leaving my 4yr old in a locked car & going into schools to get other children, obviously took daughter out of her care straight away & reported her to ofsted who are investigating - child minder has now sent invoice for a 4 week notice period that we obviously didn't give her - do we have to pay her more money or are we justified to say she has had 1mnths money for 3 days care & we will not pay her anymore money ?

2007-02-01 08:38:53 · 27 answers · asked by K W 3

A relative's separated wife has gotten a restraining order against him. Are there any particular steps he should take to avoid further legal trouble? Besides honoring the order. It's possible that she will abuse this to get him into trouble despite him not actually coming near her or doing anything to her.

2007-02-01 08:34:12 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am an open anarchist yet i have been raised in a Republican family. A couple months ago, i realized the only way to fix the problems of the Democrats was to have an anarchy. The government dosn't do anything claiming your being too harsh to the man that buried your 9-year-old daughter alive with a toy bear to keep her from crying after he raped her. these people are monsters. not just the convicts, the Democrats, too.Under an anarchist state, these people would be torn apart to bloddy pieces too small to measure, that goes for any one from a petty theif to a twisted killer like the one i mentioned above. bullets, not gavels. I believe it was my heavy Republican believes that led me to be the insurrectionest i am today, but is it possible?

2007-02-01 08:33:35 · 8 answers · asked by DeanB 2

If you are in a car accident and you are injured but you have no social security number or anything, can you still hire a lawyer and sue the insurance company?

2007-02-01 08:27:57 · 5 answers · asked by Raquel 1

So, if you are given Court Supervision in Illinois for a DUI and get arrested in Indiana for Public Intoxication can it be sent back to Illinois and violate the court supervision where that person can get in trouble in Illinois for what they did in Indiana?

2007-02-01 08:19:02 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

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