True Moderate Democrats despise Ms. Pelosi, Independents who are the super-descriminating breed and careful to analyze everything and Republicans/Conservative who indeed represent the majority, feel that the Far Left Wing Hollywood (Kosher Valley) Crowd of ACLU Adoring Hyper-Liberals only want America to be denigrated and destroyed in favor of the i.e., Socialist French model of the entitlement society, are best likened to the Bubonic plague.
Would you agree as an American ... that we have this chance now to stop the onslaught of Islamic horror or do you subscribe to the Democrats and their San Francisco Values Agenda led by Ms Pelosi who said, "We must reach out and hug all misunderstood
Muslim Homicide bombers"?
I was in Dearborne Michigan last month and saw young Muslims
practicing repelling down the sides of their Mosque on ropes with their faces in Ski Masks!! That was their Youth Camp!!
Islam: synonmous with death, mayhem, murder, and the abuse of women ... agree?
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