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Law & Ethics - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

I hear that working for lawyers can be a tough job.

2006-08-14 12:47:27 · 5 answers · asked by corey 2

In January of this year I was arrested and charged with 2 misdemeanor charges. I went to jail and was bailed out. I didn't show up for my court appearance and a warrant was issued for my arrest. I hired a lawyer and my warrant is now quashed and my lawyer is trying to get both charges dropped. I have a case management hearing scheduled for later this month. As of right now will those 2 charges show up on a criminal background check? Thanks in advance.

2006-08-14 12:46:40 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Shouldn't it be, "No pants and/or underwear, no service"

2006-08-14 12:31:47 · 14 answers · asked by Topher 5

Whenever I go to the laundromat, or some other business, I always see some Judge screaming and lecturing somebody.

I have been in court as a litigant and I have worked in the courts and I have never known anyone to rant and carry-on like any of those supposed judges on the television.

Is it more theater and entertainment than law..?

Would you appear before a courtroom t.v. and have a case adjudicated...?

2006-08-14 12:22:49 · 14 answers · asked by marnefirstinfantry 5

In forming a non-profit corporation, is it necessary to also have a charitable trust in addition to by-laws & articles of incorporation?

2006-08-14 12:12:01 · 3 answers · asked by Stephanie C 1

George Bush and Dick Cheney are on the record having aggressively lobbied the U.S. Congress for the right to use torture as a method of interrogation for anyone that they consider ‘Enemies’ of the state. Congress passed legislation confirming that it is illegal to use torture on anyone but after signing this bill into law, George Bush used ‘Signing Statements’ to alter this legislation. Signing statements are indeed the right of any U.S. President but George Bush has used more signing statements than all the previous U.S. Presidents combined. This particular signing statement gives the Bush Administration the right to circumvent the law and use torture as a means of interrogation when they see fit. I see this as a terrible abuse of the Presidents administrative powers. Where are you on this?

2006-08-14 11:46:45 · 13 answers · asked by Todd Maz 4

2006-08-14 11:43:04 · 21 answers · asked by Wise_guy 1

2006-08-14 11:30:19 · 5 answers · asked by tygrchic 1

You leave your house with a loaded gun... You are on your way to kill Bob. On your way there, you accidentally hit a pedestrian and kill him... As it turns out, It was Bob!



You were intending on killing him, and he is now dead at your hand!


answer 30, not my original writing so no not plagerizing.

2006-08-14 11:13:52 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend sent me an e-mail saying how her mom 'found' her diary. She READ IT, and foudn out that my friend likes this guy. It was an old journal, and my friend told her mother thism but her mother does not believe it is the truth. My friend hates this guy now. Her parents are very strict and she is afraid her mom will tell her dad. Her mom already called her'disgusting', even though there was nothing 'disgusting' written in it.
Do parents have the right to snoop through their child's bedroom?
Do they have the right to read a private journal or diary?
And even if she had written 'disgusting' stuff, shouldn't that be ok? Considering it is normal?

2006-08-14 11:11:38 · 24 answers · asked by Psychedelic Worm 3

My husband has physical custody of his two children. Thier mom left them in 2001, got married, moved to AZ and had 4 more kids. My stepchildren feel abandoned by thier mother. Anway- its been 2 years since she last saw them, and about 3 months since has spoken to them. We have retained an attorney, and in the process of trying to get sole custody of the children. Thoughout the two years, she has attempted to see the kids... by threating to steal them, kill my husband and I, threats left on the machince- thus resulting to never visiting them for thier own protection. Many times, arrgements has been made where she has agreed, and not show up. Also, has not paid any child support she is court orderd to do.Long story short- she is asking for a supervised visitation... wherer would a supervised visitation take place? This woman has a lot of tricks up her sleeve- I am afraid that she may hurt the children physically & mentally.

2006-08-14 10:50:54 · 14 answers · asked by CuriousMama 1

Didn't it start a war?

2006-08-14 10:47:17 · 8 answers · asked by BigPappa 5

So, my brother's ex has soul custody of their daughter. My brother pays child support. The ex won't let my parents see their grand daughter. Do they, as grandparents, have legal rights to see their only grand child? Also, do I have rights as an Aunt to see my niece?

2006-08-14 10:28:32 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Not every Muslim is a Terrorist.

But all the Terrorists have been Muslim

Should the UK search Muslims going on planes beacuse they are Muslim.

2006-08-14 10:25:00 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think it is ironic that some states have outlawed the death penalty while Texas still executes people weekly?? I understand of federalist system that allows states to govern their own laws, but I think with something so important, the government should be the final authority. I am not opening the death penalty can of worms as much as I am questioning the consistency throughout the country. If I lived in Texas I would do my dirty work in Kansas were there is no death penalty!! That sounds sick to even think about, but I am sure someone has looked into it!! Would it be easier if the entire country was one way or the other???

And for the record...I have never been prouder to be a Jayhawk!!!!

2006-08-14 10:23:03 · 6 answers · asked by O Jam 3

I know it sounds stupid but is it true that it is only illegal for minors to buy cigarettes, but they are free to smoke them?

2006-08-14 10:16:16 · 18 answers · asked by ? 2

Has anyone ever successfully sued (or otherwise held accountable) a municipality for poor street conditions that lead to damage to their vehicle (excessive tire wear, knocked out of alignment..etc) If so...when and where...specifics please if you can.

2006-08-14 10:02:30 · 1 answers · asked by Studmuffin 3

The thirteenth amendment reads: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment of crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
People are making millions and millions of dollars enslaving blacks, poor whites and others in the United States' prison system by putting them to work. What is your opinion on this?

2006-08-14 09:25:24 · 11 answers · asked by Federico 3

If so, what can I do to pursue my legal rights?

2006-08-14 09:16:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

No seriously, This past Thursday at 4pm, eastern standard time, Montel Williams had about 4-5 guests on there, and all had been victimized by Child Protective Services. What I mean by vicitmized is that these were innocent folks who had their kids taken and were falsely accused of abuse and neglect, only to eventually be cleared of any wrongdoing, but it came after the kids had been taken for 1-2 years! There were no apologies or anyone held accountable for these senseless mistakes. All 5 couples had kids that were medically sick and had not been properly diagnosed, some undiagnosed at all, and because of some overzealous doctors, these families lives were ruined and did not have to be! In all of these instances, the families could not sue, because of immunity laws of their states, this brings me to ask should some/all of the immunity be released from these agencies? Would this help things? Share your opinions?

2006-08-14 09:13:48 · 7 answers · asked by Nyema 3

my mom and dad never divorced, they were seperated in i believe 1969. my main question is as follows how is it that my dads ex common law wife can canrol his monies like pensions and what ever when i'm biologically his daughter,my dad is in a home of some sort and all she gives him is 100.00 dollars a week,my dad i'm told has the beginnings of alzimers (spelt wrong) so i can't see how he can make a desion as to her looking after his money

2006-08-14 09:02:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I wrote one earlies that is 20,000. apiece that they want to assess us home owners for new street and drainage

2006-08-14 08:59:45 · 1 answers · asked by Jane V 1

My husband was arrested in South Carolina and sentenced to 12 years. We are from Maryland and I'm unable to travel to SC to visit him. Phone calls are very expensive. Any information that would lead me in the right direction would be appreciated.

2006-08-14 08:52:33 · 4 answers · asked by Adrianna 1

2006-08-14 08:35:48 · 15 answers · asked by smutulator 1

I was confronted in an angry, intimidating way by a supervisor. He was yelling, clenching his fists and literally shaking. He backed me into a corner and would not let me leave until a male employee entered the room. I reported the incident. Upper management had a meeting with the individual and promptly m ade him my direct supervisor. What can I do? I average $27.00 per hour and love my job very much. I do not want to quit but I am afraid of this individual. Can anyone help? Thanks.

2006-08-14 08:29:01 · 3 answers · asked by Frustrated in Colorado 1

Okay, so a few weeks ago I left myhusband, for full details on THAT, see my previous questions. SO, I get back to the very small town in kansas that is the closest thing I have to a home town, I apply for HUD, and get the surprise of my life. When I left, I had been living with my dad and brothers. The electric bill was turned on in my name. I spoke to dad, and he told me that the bill had been switched to a different name and not to worry. Weeeell, not so much. HE ran up a 650 bill and the got evicted. And now he has a new wife and in the last year has bought a car and a house, but I can't get utilities turned on or a place to live with my kids. In addition, the city won't turn on utilities until traffic fines are paid.

Can they do this. Am I totally screwed at every turn. I leave one bad situation and find another. I feel like I just cannot win., LEgal aid is no help, I get shunted from place to place and then get told that the office I am talking to doesn't serve wilson county.

2006-08-14 08:28:16 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-14 08:12:57 · 3 answers · asked by dmond414 1

I live in Denver, CO and was given a gift certificate for a 30 minute professional massage a little over a year ago from a close friend. I own a small business and receintly got married, blah blah blah - pretty much never had the time. Subsequently I failed to cash in the gift certificate before the one year expiration date passed (last month). I contacted the massage place and they said they donate the money from unused gift certificates after the expiration date has passed.

My question; is that legal? My friend is torqued that she paid good money for this gift and the company is now refusing to honor the certificate. I could understand if no money changed hands, but when money is exhanged for a specific service, there should be no time limit. I contacted the company and explained the situation, they pretty much said I was screwed and they weren't interested in helping me out. Advice is greatly appreciated.

2006-08-14 07:54:44 · 8 answers · asked by TominCO 1

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