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Law & Ethics - June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

Like gay marriage. I mean you can have your opinions, but why does it have to become a law?

2006-06-15 07:51:33 · 5 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6

think if they legalized just marijuana and sold it at 7-11, taxed it...it would put a lot of dealers out of buisness, pave a lot of roads and buy a lot of school books.

2006-06-15 07:42:40 · 17 answers · asked by chigby 2

How well do those logic games on the LSAT represent the content and substance of the law school education? Those questions really make me doubt whether I have the brains necessary for law school.

2006-06-15 07:40:53 · 8 answers · asked by angie 1

I was in the social security office to have my name changed and overheard a man complaining that he had not got his check, that he was disabled and needed to pay the electric bill. Within the 10-15 minutes he was in there he said that he was late, he had to meet friends to go on vacation to the mountains and the best way to get ahold of him was his cell phone. Why are working Americans paying for "disabled" people out of their tax money that have the money to go on vacation and pay for cell phones when they complain about necessary bills that needed to be paid?

2006-06-15 07:32:52 · 18 answers · asked by puppylove643 2

If there is an incapitation of a Supreme Court Justice, leaving an even number of justices, what happens in the event of a deadlock? Who is the tie breaker?

2006-06-15 07:21:07 · 5 answers · asked by dbeach8717 2

Why can you damn near kill your children whether it was attempted or you were just "out of your element" :/ and still fight to see your children whether it be supervised or not. I'm told that there is no Judge that will remove a fathers rights to his Children??? SAY WHAT!

2006-06-15 07:06:54 · 5 answers · asked by M J 2

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Then how can our Indiana State Legislature allow "Choose Life" as the saying on our license plates even though it was vehimently apposed?


2006-06-15 07:06:19 · 1 answers · asked by mrscmmckim 7

2006-06-15 07:03:25 · 1 answers · asked by M J 2

If convicted of DUI in Nebraska, can you still legally drive while the case is under appeal? Also does the conviction and length of suspension carry over to the 49 other states? Can anyone direct me to website references? Thanks in advance.

2006-06-15 06:52:11 · 10 answers · asked by lobosrsk 1

The person got injured but didn't know how serious it was, until they went to the docters. When they went to the docters, after the the injury did not go away, they found out it was worst then they expected, and no they need major sergery.

2006-06-15 06:31:35 · 5 answers · asked by Rickardo 1

with out conflict of intererst the 17th adment that if any gov. city or state or brough if thay violate our constution rights thay can serve five years in jail or $10,000 fine and buseness should be seperate from any State or Federal Gov.functions or City -Ethics-

2006-06-15 06:18:47 · 3 answers · asked by Mr. please 1

All i could see she was guilty of, was taking drugs, but the way BBC news just had a go at her, you would think she`s killed someone or something. Surely if you take drugs without commiting any other crime, it`s only you that you are doing harm to, this doesn`t even seem to me like it should be a crime. I am a libralist by the way. What do you think of this, should news really have a strong anti Kate Moss opinon, or should she be left alone aslong as she doesn`t hurt anyone else?

2006-06-15 06:16:26 · 9 answers · asked by MARTIN B 4

2006-06-15 06:15:25 · 10 answers · asked by not coming back 3

What do you think and WHY? I think it should be, to the level that alcohol is, to reduce population pressures in prison, increase tax revenues.

2006-06-15 06:07:27 · 16 answers · asked by Neil P 1

I am trying to find out what restitiution I will get from the government. Also any other benifits come with being a cherokee citizen.

2006-06-15 05:44:28 · 5 answers · asked by nycballin79 2

How famous does one have to be for their murder (or attempted murder) to be considered an assassination (or attempted assassination)?

2006-06-15 05:23:35 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I got a speeding ticket in Scottsdale, AZ by an unmanned camera that caught me going 11 miles over the speed limit. Conviently they only give tickets for people going 11 miles or higher over the speed limit. There were no signs posted about the radar or anything. I live on the East Coast, I was wondering how it would affect me if I didn't pay the ticket.

2006-06-15 05:04:59 · 7 answers · asked by lauror1 2

I think the government should stay out of it all together. Moral or not it isn't up to our legal system to decide. This is my opinion. (no I am not gay:) Can you convince me to change my mind?

2006-06-15 04:50:54 · 33 answers · asked by socal4jeani 2


2006-06-15 04:20:15 · 19 answers · asked by ayikin01 1

Obviously I cannot use thier names - I might not get my question answered. I guess freedom of speech is OK only if you happen to agree with those in power. No real freedom here. Surely a true democracy is not afraid of criticism?

2006-06-15 04:18:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-15 04:16:54 · 1 answers · asked by Valerie K 1

A individual has been sending love letters (one eace day) to a lady friend of mine and she does not want to receive these anoying cards and letters. She has asked him to stop sending the mail and that she wants nothing to do with him. He said he will continue sending them and there is nothing she can do to stop him. She is in the process of obtaining a restraining order. Can/will a restraining order include stopping him from sending of US mail? The letters that have been sent so far have not been vulgar or offensive.

2006-06-15 04:13:24 · 4 answers · asked by James F 1

I spent money on a friend that said they were going to pay me back. This was mostly on shoes paid for thru PayPal. Also 4 a plane ticket as we were to travel together,and on the day of travel just pulled out. Everything came up to about 900 dollars; close to 1000. They paid me back 500.

This was summer 04 before they went back to college. Before they left I needed that rest money to pay my two credit cards which I always paid in FULL. Now take in mind i didnt have enough savings to pay both accounts until i got paid about 5 days later AFTER the bills were due. This caused me alot of stress as I recently got these cards, and never missed payments and again always paid in full.

So I ended up not being able to pay and with late charges.
I had some other charges that were pending to come on next months bill which i would have been able to pay, but coudlnt.
And now to this day, I am paying all this interest and my cards are maxed. What I can sue for? The rest money owed + interest?

2006-06-15 03:37:45 · 8 answers · asked by Dru Naughty 2

I had gone to see this dentist because I had a tooth that was sensitive to cold on my right upper jaw in Nov2002.She didn't find anything wrong with it.She instead found that something was wrong with left 2nd upper premolar on the X-ray.I told her I had a root canal on that tooth from India done in Feb2002.She said that it was a not root canal and she couldn't make out what it was on the X-ray.She scraped it off,found the root canal and uneasily told me there was a RC.Didn't say sorry at all, filled up the tooth and sent me home.Now this got infected and the infection spread to the next tooth which now required a RC, post and crown and we paid $ 800 for it. 2yrs later the tooth she had scraped the filling off broke.At the time my ex and I were separated and I couldn't pay her. My ex had promised to pay her, but went back on his word.I'm an immigrant from India trying hard to make it here and can't pay her.She refuses to consider her mistake and make concession for her negligence.?to do

2006-06-15 03:30:16 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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