I have researched this question for three years and can find no logical reason for allowing every county!, in every state!, of our country to run their Probate Courts like individual Feifdoms!, as if every county were a law unto itself? (allowing no appeal to a higher authority beyond the probate judge who makes the ruling)!
And allowing (acting judges) who are no more than probate attournies!, to make life ruining decisions based quite frequently on hearsay!, and uninvestigated allegations!, submitted to the court as truths, when they are nothing of the kind?
Federal Law makes clear that a court investigator will investigate all disputed allegations!, however this seldom happens, as the courts are so backed up with cases that there is little manpower available to investigate properly!
So court investigators meerly record allegations and outright lies into their reports!, without looking into the truthfulness of said facts!
And this is what the judges ruling is based on!
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