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I have to teen sister's who are US citizen. My mother is in the final steps to becoming a US citizen. My question is, if my mother applies for medical for my sister's and herself, will it effect her status?

2007-12-27 07:00:11 · 7 answers · asked by chelita2love 2

how come goverment wont control border. how come the goverment wont deport illegal aliens? i think the goverment supports illegal immigration. do u think so too because they take our money and give to illegals. that is WRONG. do u think te goverment actually cares about illegals imigrants\ ruining american people?

2007-12-27 06:54:41 · 8 answers · asked by thefirstamerican 1


2007-12-27 06:36:21 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend (of 8 years) has recieved a job offer from a Hospital near Dublin. He wants to go, but we are having a hard time making the decision.

Our major concern is getting me there. We decided the best thing would be to get married before he goes and then for me to apply for a "Visa for the purposes of family reunification".

But, I've read different restrictions about him needing to have worked there for at least a year, or be able to provide three consecutive paychecks with my application to prove that he can support me. Both of these options would take too long.

I don't want to go through the hassle of selling our house/car/belongings and the family drama with moving there, if it takes me 8 months to get there (2-passport, 4-get paycheck proof, 2-visa). Especially if he's only there for 2 years.

Has anyone here went through this already?...if so, can you tell me about your experience with the process and about how long it took for the spouse to actually get there?

2007-12-27 05:47:08 · 2 answers · asked by thompssn 1

Hispanics don't want to learn English...
Nobody wants to learn Spanish...

Germans, Russians, Italians, Chinese, Koreans and so on come here and learn English, but how is this fair to these people who actaully care about America

2007-12-27 05:45:39 · 29 answers · asked by Loves Antis 1

I'm moving to a different country next year, Germany to be exact, can anyone out there give me advice on how to settle in a foreign land, and are there any people living in Germany willing to make a new friend?

2007-12-27 05:26:16 · 3 answers · asked by simba 2

Hi. I'm still waiting for my permanent residency green card and the last time i check it's still pending due to name check. would it be possible for me to travel even for just 1 month as my mother is not in good shape and i'd like to be able to see her before i regret it. i also need to renew my passport and will report my marriage to our embassy. i'm just concern that they won't let me comeback in united states if i leave without my permanent greencard..... i'd appreciate your advice and thanks in advance.

2007-12-27 05:23:56 · 9 answers · asked by 4greatalexader 1

One internet site says that if you get or renew a passport at age 16 or older it will last 10 years (versus merely 5 years for 15 and under). Yet others have said that you must be age 18 to obtain a US passport that will last 10 years. What's the REAL truth?

2007-12-27 04:54:44 · 3 answers · asked by daryll39 1

I was so sick and give birth there to save the baby.
is it possible to renew my visa and travel with the baby for medical check?
please help me.

2007-12-27 03:49:30 · 4 answers · asked by Lady rou 1

The procedure is taking so long, that now, after 3 months, my time is running out. I am considering just going and lying about my record... Or will I be earmarked now in the Customs computer as 'someone with a criminal record, visa-application in progress..' ??

2007-12-27 00:55:05 · 12 answers · asked by Alejandro 1

If marriage took place in 2006 in India, but was never registred in EU, how to get dicorced?

2007-12-27 00:26:27 · 6 answers · asked by Luisa 1

is L.a California really as beautiful as t.v makes it out to be?
I have always wanted to visit :D

2007-12-26 23:25:34 · 10 answers · asked by Mis Music☮ 5

I really want to live in America preferably Los Angeles or New York, how can i move there? (What visas would i need or how do i get a green card.? ect.....)

are the homes expensive?

Job situations, mainly acting opportunites?

Thank You,

(please good advice, since you are reading this you might aswel answer for 10 pts!!!)


2007-12-26 23:04:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Some companys take buses to texas and pick up illegals, then they house them so they can work dirt cheap. How's that helping the economy when they send there money south. How do we stop all this illegal behavior? Huh Pres.

2007-12-26 20:03:11 · 21 answers · asked by Brian D 1

I live in Dallas and have seen how in the last ten years how immigrants (legal and illegal) have depressed wages for unskilled americans. Aren't those the people the democrats once cared about. They have decimated the opportunities for blacks. Plus they eat up health care services for the uninsured and other social programs. Don't say they pay taxes too since studies show a family needs to make nearly $40k before they pay more in taxes than they consume in government programs. Education has been dumbed down too since it takes more money and time to teach non-english students. The new immigrants are also socially conservative. Being a gay guy I notice more evil looks from spanish speakers than from citizens. Plus they keep increasing the population growth in the US, the world's greatest per capita greenhouse polluter. Seems they hurt everything democrats stand for like narrowing the income gap, to better social services, to education, to the enviroment. So why the big support??

2007-12-26 19:59:40 · 10 answers · asked by Steve C 2

I'd like to create a context for my question. 1st I think it's necisary to dispell the myth that all undocumented immigrants are Mexican. though the vast majority of immigrants are LATINO, Latino's come from many different countries. I'm going to use El Salvador as an example. The first step in applying for a US visa is to request an interview at the US embassy. It costs $100 to be granted an interview with a representative at the US embassy. Merely being interviewed is no assurance of being legally admited; there are a host of other applications, requirements, and fees. The average income of a family in El Salvador is approximately $100/month. The fact is, a family making $100/month could never afford to pay for a $100 interview for each family member, much less the potential thousands of dollars needed to purchase legal immigration status. So why does US immigration policy force the vast majority of Latin Americans to immigrate illegaly?

please think seriously about the question!

2007-12-26 19:59:21 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

With our infrastructure being maxed out both in the health and welfare departments are we on the verge of meltdown. These days we're hearing about immigrants being treated better than our own citizens, surely this is wrong?

2007-12-26 18:48:08 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

What rights do you think (if any) illegal aliens should receive, and what do you think would be fair punishment for breaking the law and entering illegally?

Do you believe in work visas for illegals?

Should their children be granted citizenship?

2007-12-26 18:00:12 · 23 answers · asked by PunkyDoll 4

You know good and well that the person who picked it and boxed it was here illegally. if not, you're not being truthful with yourself . Do you agree?

2007-12-26 17:32:40 · 18 answers · asked by last time I try 2

Hello.I was studying abroad in Mexico. I just got back to awful and ugly weather (it's about 45-30 degrees F). I am used to around 70 - 80 degrees. Now I am always cold and I have flu-like symtoms. I feel nauseated in the morning, dizzy and light headed. And body aching. Also, I was on bieth control pills (Ortho Triclyclen Lo). I left them at home by accident, and my period was messed up. (Came 2 weeks late, stayed for 2 weeks, didn't come the next month, etc.) So I got on new pills there. On my way home, I began to take Ortho Triclyclen Lo again, and my period seems to have come, and it's not supposed to come for 2 more weeks! Yesterday I got small spotting and today a little bit of blood. Also, 2 days ago I got a flu shot, but I had been having these symptoms before then. What's wrong!!!???

2007-12-26 14:32:23 · 8 answers · asked by meeeeeeeee 3

Illegal immigrant's message to other wannabe workers: Stay put."Better not to come," Martinez said of anyone thinking about crossing into the U.S. illegally. "The situation is really bad."

That message seems to be getting through. There are numerous signs of a slowdown in illegal immigration.• A recent survey by Mexican authorities shows that fewer Mexicans say they are planning to seek work outside the country. In the third quarter of 2007, about 47,000 said they'd be packing their bags. That's down nearly one-third from the same quarter a year earlier. U.S. border authorities arrested just under 877,000 illegal crossers in fiscal 2007, which ended in September, down 20 percent compared to the year before. A drop in apprehensions is often interpreted as a sign that fewer migrants are attempting the trip.


2007-12-26 12:44:21 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

course for 3 months and with a student visitor i can not take part time jobs only with a student visa... do I have any chance in getting permission to part time work? I am a non visa national... so I dont know if it helps!

Can someone help me out?

Thankx a lot

2007-12-26 11:23:29 · 5 answers · asked by Orzinha 1

2007-12-26 10:39:58 · 9 answers · asked by tennsmiles50 2

i would like to obtain an american immigrant (working) visa for me and my children (4) and husband does anyone know how i can obtain one tips like these are grealy appriciated
1.how much it will cost ( for all of us)
2. where i can get it
3. experiences (any)

2007-12-26 10:15:54 · 4 answers · asked by hana a 2

is it possible for me to have two citizenships. i am a permanent citizen in canada but i would like to have an american citizenship too because i'm intrested in applying for a job that requires you to be a us citizen any help would be really appreciated.

2007-12-26 09:50:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

THEN followed by deportation?

Right now they really don't have a consequence other than returning home. Do you think something like this would work to keep THAT part of illegal immigration to a minimum?

2007-12-26 08:41:42 · 9 answers · asked by Dog Tricks 4

The shooting took place early this morning in a southeast Fresno neighborhood on east Belgravia near Helm.
The father of a newborn was shot dead this morning. Police here says it was self- defense, not murder.
Investigators say the 26-year old showed up at his ex-girlfriend's home on east Belgravia around 4 a.m. He wanted to see their newborn. That's when police say he hit the mother of his child, pulled out a gun, and threatened to shoot her. But "her" cousin had a gun of his own. He fired several shots, saving both mother and baby. "Fortunately there was a family member who had a gun who was able to defend his cousin. And who knows what other injuries might have been incurred from these subjects who was bent on creating problems there and harming people in the residence," said Lt. Herman Silva, Fresno Police. No names are being released tonight. neighbors were hesitant to talk fearing a gang connection.
To make matters worse he wasn't even supposed to be in this country at all. He had just been released from prison and was deported to Mexico but came back.

2007-12-26 08:30:26 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous