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Politics & Government - 12 May 2007

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Published: May 12, 2007
Between 100,000 and 300,000 barrels a day of Iraq’s declared oil production over the past four years is unaccounted for and could have been siphoned off through corruption or smuggling, according to a draft American government report.

2007-05-12 16:55:50 · 12 answers · asked by andy r 3 in Elections

How bad is Warrior Week? My boyfriend is at Basic right now, and has Warrior Week next week, so I just want to know!
Plus, any other tips you all might have for making things easier on him...

2007-05-12 16:54:36 · 7 answers · asked by abandgeek88 2 in Military

Is it against the law to break the window of a vending machine if it fails to give me what I pay for?? I just want to take what is rightfully mine out of the machine. I work gravyard shift and I don't want to go through hoops and barrels to get my fifty cent refund. What the law on this?? Can I get fired from my job if I do this at work?

2007-05-12 16:51:45 · 10 answers · asked by III 2 in Law & Ethics

Seriously people we need this bill passed. everyone would get all their money on paychecks and the government would give us a check each month. YEAH!! Fair Tax is so sweet both Republicans and Democrats don't want it passed.

2007-05-12 16:50:25 · 9 answers · asked by davemanBme 2 in Government

1. Since the Clintons despise the military as evidenced by massive base closures during his term. 2. Since Borock Obama continues to say we must take reponsibility, but never says what we must take responsibility for. 3. Harry Reid says the war is lost in public more than once and never apoligized and then some Stalinists think that this means that the Marines Won because Harry said the WAR is lost. I know my Marines can win this WAR because I am a Marine and have punched my ticket twice with 2 successful tours as a Marine Drill Instructor with Alpha Company 1st RTBn and Fox Company 2nd RTBn. I was awarded the Navy Commendation Medal by General Mundy CMC and another Commendation from General Barrow and Sgt Major LeLand Crawford. We will win this WAR inspite of you STALINIST Democrats. Instead of slandering me about my 22 years of Honorable Service - just pack your bags and move to Mexico and sell condoms on the Calle Avenida Boracho.

2007-05-12 16:48:24 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Abortion is almost a non issue for me! I'm more concerned about their fiscal policies, regarding taxes and welfare reform for example; and how they plan on dealing with illegal immigration!

2007-05-12 16:47:46 · 22 answers · asked by Bunz 5 in Politics

Once upon a time I thought the GOP would be the saviors of America but they have proven themselves otherwise -- they can't handle, NO, they ABUSE power. Bush has made me ASHAMED and EMBARRASSED to be a US Citizen. If this keeps up, I'm outta here and RENOUNCING USA!

2007-05-12 16:46:29 · 4 answers · asked by S D Modiano 5 in Politics

Here's a couple of my favs:

"Six imams removed from a US Airways flight from Minneapolis to Phoenix are calling on Muslims to boycott the airline. If only we could get Muslims to boycott all airlines, we could dispense with airport security altogether"

"Perhaps we could put aside our national, ongoing, post-9/11 Muslim butt-kissing contest and get on with the business at hand: Bombing Syria back to the stone age and then permanently disarming Iran."

2007-05-12 16:35:19 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

They sit at this spot every day of every summer - all day and all night long. They include homeless and other 'travelers' - it's the center of downtown - they are mostly college aged kids who have no reason not to get a job.

just a second ago...

(one girl is holding a cup from a makeshift fishing rod)

passerby: what are you fishing for?
girl: what do you think i'd fish for in the city?
passerby: a job?
girl: ...stammering... well, why don't you give me one!

i've had enough, i'm about ready to move. please help!

my cop friends say I can press charges for disturbing the peace, but then i'd have to appear in court. I have 3 jobs, a life, and no time for this!

2007-05-12 16:32:20 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

no name at all?
ive been asking my teachers that so far all of them look at me like im crazy @_@

2007-05-12 16:31:31 · 25 answers · asked by that guy! 1 in Law & Ethics

Too sucessful? We will charge you w/ anti-trust.
Pollute? EPA will nail you.
Too cheap? Dept of Labor will nail you.

Do you like Chineese?

2007-05-12 16:29:47 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

my husband was just deployed on thursday and i was wondering if anyone had heard anything about them coming home early or there being an end to the war anytime soon?

2007-05-12 16:28:23 · 14 answers · asked by i_luv_my_army_man 2 in Military

My car was stolen. After recovery and back on road, I received 6 tickets for various violations on dates that I was in possession of my car! I believe the theives copied my registration and attached it to another stolen car. Tickets have wrong color, vin and # of doorsand another plate, not mine. I also rec'd a similar ticket when car was in impound. (That is only one dismissed) I fought, lost pd $600. and now am appealing. I am totally innocent, not sure how to prove it!!!!!!!!! help.

2007-05-12 16:25:33 · 3 answers · asked by LISA E 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-05-12 16:24:21 · 5 answers · asked by ROD 1 in Military

im turning 30 and thinking about joining the army or usmc. is that to old ?

2007-05-12 16:22:52 · 18 answers · asked by ibanez 3 in Military

I don't see two for any other country. No Australia en espanol, no Canada, no Italy, no Japan, No UK...

2007-05-12 16:22:23 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

While the whole invasion of Iraq was incompetently planned and generally ill-conceived, leaving Iraq too soon would constitute a failure of our mission. Failure in Iraq could bring many consequences to us.

Here is what I prose as a way to end the Iraq war:

A real troop surge of as many as it takes. 250,000 troops if need be. Send them! They will secure the country and train an Iraqi army so fast it would make your head spin.

Make any other interested parties in this matter to make real, tanglible commitments in terms of money and troops.

Get the oil flowing out of Iraq at max capacity as soon as possible.

Anyone that it shown to be helping our enemies in Iraq should have be dealt with by means of force right away to show them that we mean business.

A troop sure of 20-25 thousand will not help much. We all know this. Therefore I think we should make a massive committment now, and the result would likely be victory in a short period of time. Then we can leave.

2007-05-12 16:22:22 · 15 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1 in Politics

I got a question when you are in mediation and its suppose to be only about visitation and the other party talks to you about everything else which you are not sure about but answer.

If the mediator says do u agree to the following and you say yes. Does that bind you ? We havent signed anything yet. But if mediator asks verbally is that still bind you in the court of law or do u need to sign papers first ? How about if i dont agree with one can I change that?

2007-05-12 16:21:20 · 3 answers · asked by K S 1 in Law & Ethics

I know that certain states retain laws regarding Christian Science treatment, so that a practitioner is protected from lawsuit if his client (a Christian Scientist) dies or suffers unduly from following the CS treatment instead of seeking medical treatment.
I don't want to lose my relationship to my family but I don't want my family member to lose their life or suffer loss of limb, sight, etc...and if they do, I would want to pursue the practitioner to the limits of the law. The practitioner doesn't see their client if they are calling by phone, and it would be unconscionable to me if I simply stand by and WATCH.

2007-05-12 16:19:24 · 8 answers · asked by CarinaPapa 4 in Law & Ethics

2007-05-12 16:14:07 · 14 answers · asked by hottie19_08 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Why is it everyone here realizes how crappy the world is, but does nothing to change it?!?!?

Why is it teachers teach kids they can't change the world until they're older when that's a lie?!?!?! They could change it now! And when they get older they won't either!

Why can't one person stand up and save the world?

Why can't I??!?!?!

Why can't you?!?!?!

2007-05-12 16:07:54 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

We live in New York state. We own a second-floor condo and our downstairs neighbor smokes quite regularly. The smell is terrible and seems to come through the air vents. Turning on the A/C does not help, since that is where the leak seems to be. Opening the windows does not help, since the smoke escapes her windows and travels up to ours. We run two air filters in our condo and she has agreed to use one in hers, although I can't verify how often she uses it. This helps somewhat, if the odor is slight. However, if, for instance, we've been gone all day, the smoke can be overpowering and severely affects my allergies. Our condo association declined our first request for assistance.

Are there ANY legal precedents in the state of NY that can help us in ANY way?

Thank you for any help!

2007-05-12 16:02:43 · 26 answers · asked by sabrenaut 2 in Law & Ethics

According to the Uniform Criminal Extradition Act, somebody from the requesting state has to come and get the accused within a period of 30 days. If the accused waives extradition, does that mean the requesting state has all the time in the world to come and pick the accused up?

2007-05-12 16:02:28 · 4 answers · asked by Stegosaurus 2 in Law & Ethics

when you identify them as SOCIALISTS?

I mean if they like it so much why not just come out and tell AMerica, the democrats are really socialists and we are proud of it.

Why hide behind labels, like liberal or democrat?

Are you concerned that if you told AMericans you were socialists you would be shunned, that you could NEVER hold a seat in congress?

As a SOCIALIST are you feeling badly about pelosi and the other progressive socialists signed up with the DSA? I mean that is pretty hard to deny, they said they are socialists.

SO how can you be a socialists and a democrat? They aren't really the same thing are they? I mean I know a lot of democrats, some good friends and they are not socialists, not even close to it.

2007-05-12 16:01:55 · 16 answers · asked by rmagedon 6 in Other - Politics & Government

if I buy my mom's house after she passed away and she did not want my brother to have anything becaseu he is a crack head....will title insurance protect me later from litigation if he feels he has a right to the home?...by the way, his 1/3 went directly to his kids

2007-05-12 16:00:49 · 8 answers · asked by slowmxer 2 in Law & Ethics

If we are to set ourselves higher than our "enemies", then shouldn't we practice what we preach?

2007-05-12 16:00:13 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

my pain in the butt estranged troublemaking niece is starting litigation to stop me from buying my mom's home after she passed away. My nieces is in the will for a a 1/3 of my brothers share (long story)....so she is only getting about $10K.....can she interfer with my sis's (executor) to sell the house to me and buy out the other 2/3?

2007-05-12 15:58:18 · 7 answers · asked by slowmxer 2 in Law & Ethics

A police officer was fatally shot and run over by a man who had assaulted him four years earlier, authorities said Saturday. The shooter, a cousin of ski champion Bode Miller, was then killed by a passer-by who grabbed the officer's gun.

Attorney General Kelly Ayotte said Liko Kenney, 24, shot Cpl. Bruce McKay four times, then ran over him with his car after a traffic stop Friday evening.

Gregory Floyd, who was driving by with his son, grabbed McKay's gun, then shot Kenney when he refused to put his gun down, Ayotte said.


Sadly the cop died.

2007-05-12 15:56:52 · 10 answers · asked by netnazivictim 5 in Law Enforcement & Police

So many nasty posts are left for my questions. People make so many assumptions. I take NyQuil to sleep, I'm not an addict. I want to try codeine to see if I still have a reaction, not for recreational use. I want to use Adderall to help me focus in dental school so I can be the best student and subsequently dentist I can be. Why is everyone so judgemental? It's not like I'm some dope head. I'm responsible.

2007-05-12 15:53:24 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

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