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Politics & Government - 12 May 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

if they told you they were really a SOCIALIST?

You would think the dems would get tired of being associated with these losers?

Maybe we need truth in advertising, if your votes in congress are judged to be socialist you have to leave the democratic party and run as a socialist.

Do you think those people could win an election?

2007-05-12 15:53:05 · 11 answers · asked by rmagedon 6 in Politics

New contract: no pay raise : now we pay for insurance : now retirees have to pay for insurance : loose pay raises and cola rasies for the next 1.5 years: no job security: are they for American workers or against us.

2007-05-12 15:52:58 · 6 answers · asked by david b 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-05-12 15:50:26 · 9 answers · asked by bird 67 2 in Politics

would the remaining socialists ever be able to win an election.

I mean come on, the only way a socialist ever won a congressional election was by calling themselves a democrat.

You would think the democrats in the party would be a little tired of being labeled a socialist because of 10% of the party are.

Wow, what a democracy, 10% get to tell the rest what to do.


2007-05-12 15:46:12 · 11 answers · asked by rmagedon 6 in Politics

I thought they claimed everyone loved them since they got elected. Oh and BTW, when are they actually going to get something, anything done?

2007-05-12 15:45:37 · 14 answers · asked by netnazivictim 5 in Politics

Many conservatives have unfathomable levels of stupidity and want America to be the first country in which the government will not support its people whatsoever through programs of any kind.

2007-05-12 15:44:06 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I just read an article the other day about the Pope warning politicians that if they support pro-choice, they face excommunication. Personally I think this is a major violation of right because not everyone is going to believe what you believe, so what right do you have to prevent them from doing so. Also, if people believe that life begins at conception, then why isn't there a big controversy over the sale of morning after pills? Enough of my opinions though, what do you people think?

2007-05-12 15:42:45 · 11 answers · asked by ajfrederick9867 4 in Other - Politics & Government

What is the current state of al-Qaeda? Are they stronger or weaker than they were before the September 11, 2001 attack on the world trade center? What is their future?

2007-05-12 15:40:51 · 14 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Please explain and give resources. Thank you all in advance!

2007-05-12 15:39:36 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Civic Participation

When most of my constitutional rights were violated I went to the aclu as a last resort. They told me they only cared about creating new rights. When i persisted in showing that my existing rights were violated the president of the new york civil liberties union said, " why dont you just get over it and get on with your life" Would you expect this from a real civil rights organization?

2007-05-12 15:39:30 · 6 answers · asked by wisemancumth 5 in Law & Ethics

I mean come on, a socialist is so far removed from being a liberal it is almost diametrical, and a democrat, why if my granpa was still kicking he would be after the socialists with a shotgun

2007-05-12 15:35:10 · 10 answers · asked by rmagedon 6 in Other - Politics & Government

That's what a lot Middle East experts thought.

Saddam's regime was the most secular of any Muslim country and "his own people" whom he killed imprisoned and tortured etc (besides 5,000 Kurds) were actually Jihad Mujahadeen Iranian-backed Shiite extremists.
The evidence of course is great that this is the truth.
Certainly in his ten-year war with Iran, which caused 1 million Iraqi deaths, that's exactly who he was fighting.

If Saddam was a Jihadist holy warrior as Bush/GOP & Co claim(ed), he never would have fought the Iranian Jihad, and/or Bin laden would have been in Iraq and not Afghanistan.
What do you think?

2007-05-12 15:34:07 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military


I am pro gay rights and I have decided to write a persuasive essay on the matter. I need three solid reasons why gays should have the same rights as everyone else. I know it is pathetic but I can not think of anything besides we are all human.

2007-05-12 15:31:03 · 24 answers · asked by ♥Lilly♥ 2 in Law & Ethics

I lost my driver's license at the bar last weekend and can't decide whether to get a new one in the state where I am temporarily living and working and attending graduate school (I have a year left in this state), or to go back to my home state next door (my "permanent residence" and the state from which my parents claim me as a dependent on their taxes) to get it. Does it matter which state I get it in? Will I have to take another driver's test? I'm planning to move back to my home state and so don't really want to live there for the next eight years with an out-of-state license. Or could I get my license here now and also get another one when I move back?

2007-05-12 15:26:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

9/11 links are found in pakistan, London train bombers are linked with Pakistan, Attackers on Indian Parliament were from Pakistan, role of A K Khan in nuclear proliferation, what happened to Daniel Pearl, those terrorist simpaly cross to Pakistan from Afganistan after releasing by India in Kandhahar in Afganistan (Indian Airlines Hijack)

2007-05-12 15:25:39 · 16 answers · asked by bharat s 3 in Military

is this guy a born liar or is he just prone to exaggerations?

He claimed that 10,000 people died in the Kansas tornado and now he claims that the average car in Japan gets 45 MPG.

Born liar?

2007-05-12 15:24:32 · 11 answers · asked by gorgeous george III 3 in Politics

That seems a long way from improving security in Bagdad.
Talk about going backwards.
But like the Jihadists, of every persuasion, warned; they welcome more American targets.

2007-05-12 15:24:24 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

America today is not the America I grew up in. We'd all better get involved right now, or we might well live to see not only the end of the middle class but the end of America. Today, all the values our fore-fathers taught us to look up to and model ourselves after are now considered old and out of touch with the times. Today, lies, dishonesty, complete lack of integrity are qualities that are admired. Admired when instead, they should be looked at with disgust. Time is running short, very short. It might take three presidential elections to put a party in the White House that represents us instead of Corporate America and big money interests. But if we do not vote and vote heavily for a third party in this upcomming election, it's pretty much all over.

2007-05-12 15:24:05 · 16 answers · asked by david r 2 in Elections

If you are a democrat don't you just hate that the socialists have taken over your party?

2007-05-12 15:23:18 · 8 answers · asked by rmagedon 6 in Other - Politics & Government

can anyone guess why america cant do this???

2007-05-12 15:21:04 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-05-12 15:18:42 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

For the Air Force?

2007-05-12 15:17:05 · 8 answers · asked by Drock 3 in Military

it seemed to me that the democrats undermined this government every step of the way when the presidents polls were getting high. did this scare the democrats an have to come up with a way to bring him down? if so what will be the final cost for this action? come on demmys u can jump on this.

2007-05-12 15:16:38 · 11 answers · asked by tzimmer44 4 in Politics

I am in Toronto Ontario Canada

It is usually quite cold here in winter
New Years day I wore a tee shirt -
There was no ice on the lakes at all really

Yet Easter was 5 degrees colder that Christmas

Late April and early May - Quite hot - a good 10 degree's hotter than it should be

Now it is going back down -

Queen Victoria Day (May 21) usually warm looks like it's going to be unusually cold this year

Very wierd

Every year it seems to get wierder and wierder

How about you area

2007-05-12 15:15:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

All the political slandering of the Republicans and Democrats?

We are all Americans first and we are all showing our *** infront of the world with the political angling.

I hate war, too. But if D-Day, or Shiloh or many of the wars in the Revolutionary War ( we won that one in only 12 years) was shown on CNN or NBC would we be calling for our troops to come home?

Would we have allowed the press to bash Roosevelt? Or Lincoln? Or Washington?

Where is our collective togetherness?

Let's all look at Europe after WW2. or Japan?

Why CAN'T the Middle East have demoracy? Never has the world seen so much progress in so many governments since the USA came along and fostered the goals of Human Rights, Aid for the Poor, and protection for those who cannot protect themselves.

That's what is great about Americans, we can do it......and if you don't think so, why?

Are you too self-centered? Too political? Too filled with hatred for your fellow Americans? Too filled with rage and anger?

2007-05-12 15:09:25 · 10 answers · asked by USA 3 in Politics

I have heard him mock Cindy Sheehan, the grieving mother of the young solider who died on the field of battle in Iraq.
Pfc Casey Sheehan died to protect the freedom Rush Limbaugh lives in to make fun of his grieving mother.
Truly Rush Limbaugh can only be described as wicked and evil, but I have peace in knowing that God who is righteous and respects no man's person will bring Rush Limbaugh into judgment.
I am deeply offended by Rush Limbaugh's constant mockery and criticism of a mother whose son died in Iraq for HIS freedom.
The guy truly is a monster posing as a smart republican who knows what is best for the country.
What do you folks think?

2007-05-12 15:08:01 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

how to defeat insurgencies & not spend so much time on conventional warfare?

2007-05-12 14:45:31 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Why did they delay in doing so?

2007-05-12 14:42:29 · 7 answers · asked by queenz905teck 1 in Military

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