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Reptiles - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pets Reptiles

2007-06-30 19:43:13 · 12 answers · asked by lunicorn2000 1

Do you need to cut off the heads of superworms before you feed them to your bearded dragons? I have heard that if you don't then the head will not digest and will live in the stomach. True or False? please help me

2007-06-30 15:20:24 · 8 answers · asked by extremesoccerbabe 1

What would be a cool name for a fischer's chameleon??

2007-06-30 15:15:06 · 16 answers · asked by Ryan F. 2

ok i have a turtle pond in my back yard with three small turtles. the all got out last night.
we`ve only found one.
but she was in my neighbors yard and they were cutting down their tree.
when we found her she has only ONE leg and no tail.
she was bleeding and has a cracked shell pretty bad.
theres saw dust ALL in her shell and stuck to her neck with the blood.
all the vets are closed and the emergancy clinic only cares for dogs and cats.
she seemd to want to swim and tries her best.
she was in shock but i think shes finally coming out of it.
i think they were caught by a racoon or possum.
we havent found the others.
shes just over a year old.
is there hope?
please help

2007-06-30 14:55:07 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-30 14:42:53 · 2 answers · asked by aristocrat1.0@sbcglobal.net 1

I have a new fischer's chameleon and i have UVA lighting on him during the day but i am wondering if i need a night time bulb, you know one of the moonlight ones? Or if the normal lighting during the day is fine.

2007-06-30 14:42:00 · 4 answers · asked by Ryan F. 2

We are going camping. We have 4 lizards and 2 turtles. What can we do with them when we are gone? We cant take them with. We dont have A LOT of money to spend on a day care. No family or GOOD friends anywhere near by (we just moved to a new city) Whats the best option. Thanks in advance.
-serious answers only please-

2007-06-30 14:30:54 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm wondering if my baby veil is suited for its 20 gallon cage. Its cage is rectangle that is vertical it has bark flooring and little bits of moss over the the bark with an artificial grape vine a log with a water bowl. Also my Chameleon is 10 inches how many crickets should it eat?

2007-06-30 14:09:27 · 2 answers · asked by C. Justin V 1

I have four turtles in a ten gallon. I reeeaaalllyy want to make a huge aquarium for them (and add fish and cool things), but I dont know what kind of material I should get to suit my budget (which isnt too high). I really want to refrain from glass, cause you know. 'Stuff' happens, as Forrest Gump indirectly said. I want a sort of plexiglass-type material, but it cant be too expensive. Also, you know the support things on tanks? The frames, I guess? Where would I get those, or could I just make them myself for cheap? Maybe pets isnt the best section for this, but its for my turtles. So, please, if youve had experience building aquariums before (or not), and can list materials and the average amount per foot, that would be just dandy. Also, what should I do for a hood? I was thinking that if I really wanted to be cheap, I could stretch a bit of screen across the top and clip one of those desklamps to the side of it.

Thanks for at least reading

2007-06-30 13:45:09 · 5 answers · asked by ? 4

I have been reading up in preperation for getting my first snake. I really think I want a corn snake. I went today and looked at some very young snakes (a few months old) and they were all very pale. Almost white with an almost salmon colored pattern, which was very pretty but not like the snakes in the books I have been reading. Are they born with the coloration they will have? I am assuming that they change color as they grow but at what age?

Other tips for a first time corn snake owner would be appreciated. Thanks

2007-06-30 13:25:55 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

This isn't a stupid question because when i went to the pet store to ask if they had any turtles they said it's not turtle season and my parents promised to get me a turtle when they have them i can get them and i really want one please help me i love turtles please don't give me a stupid anwser i really need to know

2007-06-30 13:24:14 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a 20gal tank and i want to get a lizard that will get a nice size but not too big and that can feed both veggies and meat any suggesstion anyone

2007-06-30 12:40:33 · 8 answers · asked by Nova 1

I get sick of running to the pet store 3 or 4 times a week what should i do

2007-06-30 12:32:52 · 5 answers · asked by malone1423 4

and be on show moving around its tank?

2007-06-30 09:33:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hello, I came home from work and I was greeted by a snake that was black and about 2 to 4 feet long. As I attempted to walk into my house door it tried to attack me, I guess because it was scared. I'm sorry I don't have enough details of the snake because I ran into my house not knowing if this snake was dangerous or venomous.

Can someone please tell me what this snake was and should I call the animal control to have them remove it? I live in Bradenton, Florida if that would help on finding out what snake this was.

2007-06-30 09:26:19 · 8 answers · asked by breakthecycle0506 1

my baby corn snake is still abit jumpy after a few months of owning i handle every day will it always be like this will be ok when adult ?

2007-06-30 09:24:41 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

i was just wondering, as leopard tortoises are much bigger than some other tortoises are they more intelligent?
im getting one soon, and wanted to know if they get to know people as their owners?

2007-06-30 05:42:19 · 7 answers · asked by alice b 2

All he seems to do is sleep no matter were he is and it seems like the longer we've owned him the worse it gets, when we orginaly (a few weeks ago) he was a bit active and had not been dewormed.
now all he does is sleep could he be sick??

2007-06-30 01:15:11 · 7 answers · asked by ஐKatஐ 3

2007-06-29 20:35:00 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

if so, then when do they open them?

2007-06-29 15:26:32 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm home visiting for the summer and the only place I can get crickets from is Rite Aid. Well, they recently ran out of crickets so I've been catching grasshoppers to use for food instead. Will this harm my dragon?

2007-06-29 14:37:16 · 8 answers · asked by Zarango 3

My bearded dragon is shedding for the first time since I've had her and she's been at it for like a week now. How long does it typically take for a bearded dragon to shed completely (she's 4 years old if that makes a difference). Also, she has one toe that is refusing to shed. I've been soaking her but it doesn't seem to want to start shedding (all that happens is that she poops in the water). Is there a way to induce shedding or will it eventually go on its own?

2007-06-29 14:21:43 · 3 answers · asked by Zarango 3

2007-06-29 14:06:26 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm going to buy one but i have questions first. How large can they grow? How big should the tank be. Do they bite? Do they smell bad? And everything you know. Or give webside about them. Please I need help fast!!!

2007-06-29 13:13:39 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-29 12:30:03 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have 2 RED eared slides. 1 is great it dosent eat the dock, the other is a little fatty or bored or something. it is always trying to eat the dock and i dont know what to do. i feed it more sometimes when i see it eating the dock, but i realy dont want to overfeed them and it doesnt really stop it from going back at it 5 minutes later. I would make a dock made of rocks but my tank is not big enough and i dont want to take away space from them. and right now is not a good time for me to get a new tank (i may be moving cross country soon and cant aford to buy a huge tank then have to leave it behind just to buy another) anyway thats a lot to much info im sure. Help me what do i do?!

2007-06-29 11:17:20 · 4 answers · asked by onabusstop 1