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Reptiles - April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pets Reptiles

2007-04-23 11:39:48 · 11 answers · asked by salbusmait 1

I hear there is a new snake law on snakes that exceed the lenghts of 12 feet-burms,retics,red tails u know.When does this law begin?
How much will the cost of the chip and all that be?
Where can i find info on this?
Please tell me any info u know about this?

2007-04-23 10:54:02 · 2 answers · asked by Jesse E 2

Please help me I'm scared of snakes but i can't have it in my dog pin.

2007-04-23 08:54:19 · 6 answers · asked by Buster 5

how does it taste? where did you eat it? what kind of turtle?

***disclaimer = in no way shape or form do i want to eat a turtle!
i am a big time animal lover and i am just asking this out of curiosity and animal research. thank you for your time!

2007-04-23 05:46:27 · 4 answers · asked by Moore55 4

my boyfriend bought an aligator...please save the smart remarkes and rude comments..i just need to know how often they eat and whats the best food that will give them the basic nutrition requirement to be healthy...

2007-04-23 03:16:43 · 3 answers · asked by K C 1

2007-04-22 18:13:03 · 3 answers · asked by danny p 2


wheir is a good web site to buy a snake cage

2007-04-22 15:29:57 · 5 answers · asked by austin p 1

We have an albino pine snake that is about 6 feet long. We have had him for 10 years now. Does anybody know how long he will live?

2007-04-22 05:35:33 · 6 answers · asked by sdell1213 1

i just saw a snake next to my garen, i think it might be a garter/garden snake but im not sure. my cat was sitting next to it meowing and panting heavily...do you think she was bitten? the sname is green with a yellow belly. its head its oval shaped. does anyone know if it could be a garter/garden snake? and if its venemous. it was pretty small too. i think my cat was panting because she was "playing" with it

2007-04-22 04:41:37 · 14 answers · asked by savannah s 1

Does anyone know what parts of Indiana red-eared sliders live around

2007-04-22 03:50:39 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I get board often, what can i do?

2007-04-22 01:40:33 · 10 answers · asked by georges5b 1


i have a tortoise she is eating well and is very alert but just lately she keep rubbing her self in a grinding motion as if she has a iitch any body have any idea's

2007-04-21 21:06:55 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

How much and How often do you feed your red ear slider(s)?

also, please name what you feed them, and how old they are, including the size!

thank you for your time!!!

2007-04-21 16:26:38 · 13 answers · asked by Moore55 4

There was a snake being caught in my apartment complex today which I didn't know. I'm pretty sure it's not native to Florida. I would describe it as white, with black bands. It was about 4' long.

I'm guessing it was a former pet and had escape or been released.

Can anyone tell me what this snake might be?

2007-04-21 12:00:23 · 9 answers · asked by TheGC1 4

Why Is it bad to catch turtles?

2007-04-21 10:01:03 · 12 answers · asked by Kelsey B 2

Last summer I let my tortoise out for a walk in the grass ( in an area that had no pestiside on it). He came across a mushroom and took intrest to it, really getting into smelling it. He then took a big bite out of it. Of course I wouldn't let him eat anymore of it in case it was poisiness to him. Was it? Would he know if it was bad for him?

Also, it seems that he does not eat enough. I feed him all the right things. So I dont need a list of what they eat. My question is, what is one green or food that they cannot resist.
His tortoise table is the right temerature and I have all the proper UV lighting, but he wont come out from under his covered area. I don't want to take out the covered area because I would assume that would cause much stress to him. Is there something I can do? I would assume if he would eat more he would have more energy.

2007-04-21 09:25:16 · 3 answers · asked by Alexa K 5

Do all flourescent lights produce UVB, or only the ones that you buy at the pet store?

2007-04-21 08:48:38 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

about what temp should i keep the water in the tank for my red ear slider and on their basking area

2007-04-21 07:59:23 · 3 answers · asked by marken27 2

i was thinking of getting a tortoise as a pet ... i really like tortoise.. do any of u guys have a pet tortoise ?? if so i would like to knw more about that they eat do and what kind of stuff do they need to be in good health....

2007-04-21 07:52:03 · 10 answers · asked by jenny jen jen 1

I got this container (from uncle milton the brand) and they gave me tadpoles(leapord frogs) but I need to know what it eats.

2007-04-21 07:41:50 · 5 answers · asked by Ginwoo Pak 2

whats up with my water dragon... he is about three months old and i never see him in the water. sure evrey morning he takes a drink . but i never see him take a nice long soak like most other dragons...whats up with him?

2007-04-21 07:29:54 · 4 answers · asked by sarabearr 2

i dont have an idea how to clean i tryed cleaning it it he hide his shell inside what is it ? how am i suppose to clean or treat it? please help!

2007-04-21 04:50:55 · 8 answers · asked by henry l 2

the snake
i heard up to 12 feet, is that true?
who's ever seen an anaconda besides my grandpa?

is the anaconda the deadliest snake in the world?

2007-04-21 04:50:46 · 6 answers · asked by Malina Gazel a.k.a hawaiian surf 1

Is it Blood? he's been pretty healthy (no infectionous ear, no dull eyes or any other sign)
Is it because he's growing? I've noticed he has grown since I bought him.
He's a russian tortoise and he's around 3 and a half years old.
He's the only tortoise in the tank and it is pretty clean. He does eat, but not as much as he did before he had the surgery.

I should take him to the vet, but I want other ppl's opinion before I waste $75 on the appointment. Thanks

2007-04-21 00:36:56 · 4 answers · asked by stardancegal 2

i knew the tokay gecko bites and bark, my gecko aint gone for me yet i stroke him and he licks me he wont let me hold him yet tho, but i aint heard him bark or make a growl yet, they also say gecko! gecko! but i aint heard nothing since i got him 5 days ago,, he is only 6months could this be why or do they bark from young? i put my hand ifront of him and tryed to frighten him but he just sat there watching me, no sound? why dont my tokay talk???

2007-04-20 23:12:08 · 4 answers · asked by tokay called skeezee 1

wat do your think??

2007-04-20 19:20:50 · 13 answers · asked by javiel1314 1

Hi,my Albino Green Burm eats alot. Hes about 28 inches long and eats 2-3 small mice a week or 1 small to medium rat a week.Do u think he could eat a small chick or finch?Im ways being told to feed him a variety of food.So i want to mix it up a bit. Do u think he could eat a small chick or finch?

2007-04-20 17:53:09 · 7 answers · asked by Jesse E 2

2007-04-20 12:15:11 · 7 answers · asked by Donna M 2

I found a brownish color snake on my patio - about 14" long. How can I tell if it is poisonous? I've read that poisonous snakes have a triangular shaped head. thanks for answer.

2007-04-20 09:14:23 · 18 answers · asked by free spirit 1

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